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Vedic Wisdom

Vedic Wisdom. Guru Tattva – Part-2. Guru carana kamala bhaja mann Guru carana kamala bhaja mann. There are 18 Main Tattvas. Guru Tattva Jiva Tattva Abhideya Tattva Sakti Tattva Nama Tattva Bhagavan Tattva Bhakti Tattva Bhakta Tattva Prema Tattva … and so on…. Vyasa Puja.

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Vedic Wisdom

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vedic Wisdom Guru Tattva – Part-2 Guru carana kamala bhaja mann Guru carana kamala bhaja mann Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  2. There are 18 Main Tattvas Guru Tattva Jiva Tattva Abhideya Tattva Sakti Tattva Nama Tattva Bhagavan Tattva Bhakti Tattva Bhakta Tattva Prema Tattva … and so on… Vyasa Puja

  3. The Guru Tattva Mata+Pitha - Love&Support 2. Guru - Guide 3. God - Destiny God (Spiritual World) Guru Mata, Pita (Material World)

  4. Definition of Guru Gu = Darkness Ru = Light Guru = Who brings one from darkness to light Guru: “He who is heavy, weighty” • Spiritual Master • One who realized God before starting teaching • Works only for God, not for him

  5. Removing Something versus.. Removing Darkness… • How will you remove water from a • flooded room? • How do you remove darkness? • What is darkness?

  6. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  7. Kinds of Gurus • Caitya Guru • – The paramatma inside every soul guiding • Sravana Guru • – Instructs on Bhagavan, Jiva, Bhakti • Siksha Guru • – Friendly, Easily Accessible, Shows the way • Diksha Guru • – Gives Initiations, Takes Responsibility Jagat Guru – “Vande Krsnam Jagad-Gurum”

  8. Do I need a guru? • Learn Tennis? Need a good teacher! • Learn Music? Need a famous teacher! • Health Issue, Need the best doctor!!.. • (Also need to consult more doctors for • second opinions…!) • Spiritual guidance?… • Why do I need help from anyone? • I can do it myself ! • After all, God is with everyone – right?

  9. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  10. Divine Personalities • Yogi • One who has Controlled body & mind by practice • Mastered yogic powers GokulBhajan & Vedic Studies

  11. Divine Personalities • Saint • Holy person • Teaches others by way of living GokulBhajan & Vedic Studies

  12. Divine Personalities • Guru • Has great knowledge & wisdom • Has authority to guide others • Comes via parampara system There are many more …. GokulBhajan & Vedic Studies

  13. Yogies & Siddhas Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  14. Disclaimer: Above data is from Spiritual Research Institute Its data may not be supported by authentic scriptures

  15. Why does one refuse to get shelter from a guru? Answer: EGO No Sukriti (Punya) Think they can approach God directly Guru knows How to destroy One’s EGO!

  16. Guru does not need or depend on us! • Guru comes only to “help us” • It is Lord’s arrangement • Even when Lord comes, He follows this rule • Lord Krishna • - Garga Muni • - Santeepani Muni • Lord Rama • - Vasistha Muni • - Visvamitra Muni • Sripad Sankaracharya (Lord Siva) • - Govinda Bhagavad Pada • Spiritual Knowledge not possible by our effort !

  17. Relation of Guru and God Prathaman Tu Gurum Pūjyām Tatas caiva mamārcanam Kurvan siddhim avāp-noti hy Anyathā nişphalam bhavet” - Hari Bhakti Vilasa 4.344 Sri Krishna says, “One must always worship one’s Guru first and only then worship Me. This is the right way to attain perfection. It is fruitless if one tries to worship Me directly.”

  18. Do we really need a Guru? Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  19. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  20. Do we really need a Guru? Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  21. Story of Narada without an initiated Guru Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  22. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  23. Story of Narada without an initiated Guru Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  24. Story of Narada without an initiated Guru Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  25. Compare Guru & God • Guru can save even when God decided to destroy one • But God cannot stop, if Guru decided to destroy one Guru: “He who is heavy, weighty”

  26. Story of Aaruni Rishi: Dhaumya Disciples: Upamanyu, Aaruni, Ved

  27. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  28. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  29. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  30. Bogus Disciples • Ali • - Goes from Guru to Guru • - But does not stick with one 2. Baana - Like arrow, does not come back to guru 3. Pratihastaka - Pass the work to others. “I am a senior devotee. So you do it” Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  31. Bogus Disciples… (contd) • 4. Timikati • “Me to do it? • I do not have a car! • What if the shop is closed?..” 5. Baka - On one leg like yogi.. - But cunning & meditating on money, power, etc. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  32. Mercy Of Goddess Maha Lakshmi

  33. Maha Vishnu breathing universes

  34. Garbhodakasayi Vishu GarbhodakasayiVishu & Goddess Lakshmi

  35. Qualifications of Disciple 1. Praņipãt – Surrender to Divine Knowledge 2. Paripraśna – Honestly surrender to a Guru “I am done with material world. There is no charm. I am offering myself exclusively to you” 3. Sevaya – Offer us fully to serve Him

  36. What does a real Guru give? • Does he make you rich? • Does he arrange you a better job? • Does he bless for a comfortable living? Then.. What does he do? • He takes ‘away’ your comforts • He will chastise you! • He blows away your EGO into pieces!! • He takes all your karma and burn it ! • He teaches you for spiritual progress • And, He takes you back to Godhead!

  37. Spiritual Realization Steps Once ignorance is removed, you will see the light….

  38. Normal Eye Eye covered with cataract Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  39. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  40. Om ajñāna timirāndhasya Jñānāñjana śalākayā Cakśur unmîlitam yena Tasmai śri gurave namah O gurudeva! I offer my humble pranams from my inner heart. With the torch light of divine knowledge you open my eyes blinded by darkness of ignorance.

  41. Meaning of Sloka Ajnana – ignorance Timira – darkness Andhasya – blinded Jnana – Spiritual knowledge Anjana – ointment Salakaya – instrument to remove cataract Caksuh – eyes Unmilitam – were opened Yena – by whom Tasmai – unto him Sri Gurave – unto my Spiritual Master Namah - obeisances

  42. What to ask from Guru Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  43. What to ask from Guru

  44. What to ask from Guru Gurudeva! Krpā bindu diyā koro ei dāse Trnāpekhā ati hîna Sakala sahane bala diya koro Nija māne sprha-hîna Gurudeva! Make this servant more humble than a blade of grass. Let me NOT hanger for my own honor and fame… GokulBhajan & Vedic Studies

  45. Sakale sammāna, karite sakati Deha nātha! yathāyatha Tabe ta’ gāiba, harināma sukhe Aparātha ha’be hata and … Give me power to honor all living beings. Then only I will be able to chant holy names blissfully, and all my offenses will be vanquished! GokulBhajan & Vedic Studies

  46. Gurudev! Krpā bindu diyā koro ei dāse Trnāpekhā ati hîna Sakala sahane bala diya koro Nija māne sprha-hîna Sakale sammāna, karite sakati Deha nātha! yathāyatha Tabe ta’ gāiba, harināma sukhe Aparātha ha’be hata GokulBhajan & Vedic Studies

  47. End of Episode O mind, Worship the lotus feet of Guru! Guru carana kamala bhaja mann Guru carana kamala bhaja mann Guru carana kamala bhaja mann Guru carana kamala bhaja mann Guru carana kamala bhaja mann Guru carana kamala bhaja mann Guru carana kamala bhaja mann Guru carana kamala bhaja mann We cannot repay Gurudev even by millions of our birth! GokulBhajan & Vedic Studies

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