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IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for Applications. May 9-12, 2006. TWS XA. TWS and Extended Agents – Topology Example. JSC. TDWC. TWS MDM. TWS DM. TWS DM. TWS FTA. TWS FTA. TWS FTA. TWS SA. JSC. TDWC. Oracle System1. Oracle System2. FTA. Application Extensions CPUs.
IBM Tivoli Workload Schedulerfor Applications May 9-12, 2006
JSC TDWC Oracle System1 Oracle System2 FTA Application Extensions CPUs MCMAGENT TWS for Applications: Architecture • An Application Extensions’ workstation (CPU) is only a logical entity related to an access method hosted by a physical workstation where the Fault Tolerant Agent (FTA) runs • More than one Application Extension workstations can be hosted by the same FTA and rely on the same access method TDWC
Application Specific Extensions • SAP R/3 and Business Warehouse • PeopleSoft • Oracle e-Business Suite • MVS (CA7/JES/OPC)
Business Application Integration Summary IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for Applications Extends the End to End capabilities
Workload Scheduler Application Extensions master domain manager fault tolerant agent java console domain manager fault tolerant agent Access Method Application API extended agent extended agent application server unix/windows server
Application Extension Execution fault tolerant agent application server Access method Application API extended agent method.opts unix/windows server • Fault Tolerant Agent executes the access method; • it checks options file for configuration • Method attaches to 3rd party application, finds job and launches it “now” • Job is then monitored through completion, writing progress and status to Workload Scheduler’s job log
What is an Extended Agent? • An extended agent (x-agent) is a system or application that is dependent on its Fault Tolerant Agent host to receive scheduling instructions • IBM TWS accepts information from the x-agent • The Interface between IBM TWS and an x-agent is called the access method • Extended Agents and Access Methods are fully documented in the “X-Agent Programmer’s Reference”
Deployment – XA workstation definition cpuname ORACLE description “Oracle E-Business Suite" os OTHER node null tcpaddr 39999 domain MASTERDM TIMEZONE GMT for maestro type X-AGENT host l3orasun access MCMAGENT autolink on fullstatus off resolvedep off end Scheduling Language
Application Extensions – Configuration Files Whenever an access method is launched, it reads some configuration files which customize its execution. Usually this files are: • options file (method.opts and XACPU_method.opts) • trace properties file (method.properties) • return code mapping configuration files (method-type.rcm and XACPU_method-type.rcm) Some methods could read additional files. Note: Any change to those files will affect any further access method process: a running access method will not be aware of any change made after its execution.
Configuration files customization – Option Editor Field Description Options Files Tree File View This tree shows the list of all the existing options files, gathered by method type Three possible views: 1 Simple View 2 Table View 3 Text View
Oracle Applications Agent • Simple Agent Creation • Co-existence • Concurrent Jobs Supported • Multiple Instances • Command Line & GUI
Xagent for Oracle e-Business Suite components TWS ENGINE XA INTERFACE MCMAGENT MCMAGENT Launch Track Terminate SQL queries & Oracle APIs Applications DB Oracle e-BusinessSuite Oracle Concurrent Managers
TWS TWS Application Extensions – Oracle XA • TWS submits an Oracle Applications job. • The method inserts the request in the Oracle request queue. • The Oracle Applications Engine takes into account the submitted request. • The method monitors the job untill it’s completion. • The method tells TWS how the job is going. 1 5 Method 4 2 3 Oracle Applications Engine
Software Interface Oracle environment TWS environment Front-end Back-end
Users (es: SYSADMIN) Application (es: GL) Concurrent Program Concurrent Program Responsibility Concurrent Program Concurrent Program Responsibility Concurrent Program Concurrent Program Responsibility Concurrent Program Responsibility Concurrent Program Concurrent Managers Oracle e-Business suite JOB entities • The identity that interacts with the system, that may have different responsibilities assigned. When running under a specific responsibility a user may access to a defined subset of an application • The aggregation of definitions, data and programs that addresses one or more business topic. • Programs that manage actions related to various applications, implementing business flows. Servers waiting for events representing business requests.
XA – Standard XA Job Definition In the General Tab you should put general information such as the target extended agent cpu, login name and recovery options. In the Task Tab you need to put the extended agent command, as required by each specific access method. You could either insert a Return Code Mapping expression.
Oracle Job Specification TWS Oracle job Script file specification parameters: -user Apps Login (An Oracle Apps user) -job Job specs(Job attributes) • Name of Applications module used to sign on. • Valid responsibility for Applications module. • Name of Application that registered job. • Job Name. -prn Printer Options • Printer Name • Number of copies -vnParameter values • n is the parameter number Ex. -user GLOBAL -job FND ‘Application Developer’ PO POXACR -prn ps4 2 -v1 ‘abc’
Oracle TWS – FrontEnd & BackEnd FTA XA CPUs \tws_home\methods\MCMAGENT \oracle_home\oa\SID_APPL\mcm\integration\lib
TWS – FrontEnd & BackEnd MCMAGENT - Oracle Applications x-agent access method. MCMLJ - submits a job to Oracle Concurrent Manager (OCM). MCMSTAT - monitors the status of the job submitted. MCMTJ - terminates the job submitted, on receiving a kill signal from TWS.