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Perceptual Organization

Perceptual Organization. And Optical Illusions. The Constructist View. Brain constructs a perception out of a great many individual sensations Perception = sum of sensations. The Gestalt Veiw. Brain immediately receive sensation as a whole

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Perceptual Organization

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Perceptual Organization And Optical Illusions

  2. The Constructist View • Brain constructs a perception out of a great many individual sensations • Perception = sum of sensations

  3. The Gestalt Veiw • Brain immediately receive sensation as a whole • Focus is on the interaction of the parts – observing how the brain makes sense of things • Laws of Perception

  4. Gestalt Rule #1-Proximity Grouping nearby figures together. Columns or Rows? Columns or Rows?

  5. Gestalt Rule #2-Similarity Figures similar to each other are grouped together. Columns of circles & squares Rows or Columns or Both

  6. Gestalt Rule #3-Continuity Preference for smooth contours/patterns rather than abrupt discontinuous ones. Do you see line ab and line cd OR do you see line ac and line db?

  7. Gestalt Rule #4-Closure Fill in gaps to create whole objects and preferences for closed rather than open objects. 2 brackets 2 brackets 2 brackets OR rectangle rectangle rectangle

  8. Gestalt Rule #4-Closure PAC MEN OR A TRIANGLE?

  9. Gestalt Rule #5-Connectedness Perceived linked objects as a single item. Three separate items, not 6 circles and 3 lines.





  14. Depth Perception

  15. Depth Perception: ability to see the relation of objects in space

  16. Visual Cliff Experiment Fear of crawling over cliff indicates the ability to see depth.

  17. The Impossible Trident

  18. MONOCULAR CUES VS. BINOCULAR CUES 1 2 Fusion: the brain bring two images together.

  19. BINOCULAR CUES • Retinal Disparity:difference between the images provided by the two retinas- when brought together gives sense of depth • Convergence: way your eyes rotate inward and outward with changes in distance

  20. Monocular Cue #1-Relative Size:objects that are known to be the same size will convey depth if one is smaller than the other Size of retinal image is larger for objects closer. Size of retinal image is smaller for far objects.

  21. Monocular Cue #2-Interposition Blue circle is closer because it overlaps the red circle.

  22. Monocular Cue #3-Linear Perspective Parallel lines converge with distance.

  23. Monocular Cue #4-Aerial Perspective (relative clarity):distant objects tend to look less sharp due to atmosphere Distant objects appear blue due to scattering of blue light in atmosphere.

  24. Monocular Cue #5-Relative Brightness / Texture: vivid details become less evident and less apparent Brighter areas seem closer, dimmer areas seem distant.

  25. Monocular Cue #6-Relative Height:objects higher are perceived as being more distant Above the horizon, objects lower seem distant and objects higher seem closer. Objects higher in the visual field seem farther away. Objects lower in the visual field seem closer.

  26. Monocular Cue #7 Relative Motion: objects closer move faster than objects in the distance

  27. Optical Illusions - After Effects Spinning Wheel

  28. Optical Illusions - Dancing Lights

  29. Motion Induced Blindness

  30. Lilac Chaser

  31. Motion Aftereffect

  32. http://www.davidpbrown.co.uk/optical-illusions/after-image.htmlhttp://www.davidpbrown.co.uk/optical-illusions/after-image.html

  33. Visual Illusions Gallery : Index : Masking

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