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NEXT GENERATION ATS. B.PRADHAN,IAS CVO,AAI. Structure of Presentation. Background Why need Next Gen ATS What is Next Gen ATS Benefits of Next Gen Systems Conclusion. BACKGROUND. The Airports Authority of India manages and maintains 124 airports and civil enclaves.
Structure of Presentation • Background • Why need Next Gen ATS • What is Next Gen ATS • Benefits of Next Gen Systems • Conclusion
BACKGROUND • The Airports Authority of India manages and maintains 124 airports and civil enclaves. • AAI provides Air Traffic Services (ATS) consisting of CNS Services and Air Traffic Management Services with safety over the designated air spaces. • Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) provides backbone for safe and efficient travel in Aviation sector.
Air Navigation Service Responsibilities Total airspace : 2.8 million Sq.NM (9.5 M Sq.Km) Oceanic : 1.74 million Sq.Nm (Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea & Indian Ocean) Continental : 1.04 million Sq.NM 4 FIRs Kolkata, Delhi , Mumbai, Chennai 12 neighboring States Nepal Pakistan Delhi Mumbai 3200Km Kolkata 1400Km Arabian Sea Chennai Bay of Bengal 1600Km Colombo Indian Ocean Male
Seamless sky • Aviation and avionics data has to be shared worldwide. • The Indian airspace has to be an integral part of the modern airspace scenario. • The world of modern airspace has to be seamless for civil aviation; such are the exacting requirements, regardless of the political boundaries that lie thousands of feet below, irrespective of the large oceanic space that separate continents.
Safety and Efficiency • Safety and efficiency continue to occupy the highest priorities in ICAO as they are Strategic Objectives A and D of the Organization. • Communication, Navigation and Surveillance are three pillars on which safe Air Traffic Services are provided over Indian airspace and airports. • The development of air navigation infrastructure is important as it is critical for “safety of aircraft operations and capacity enhancements” so that the booming aviation industry can be sustained without compromising on safety.
Satellite based Navigation • Technologies are changing at a faster pace. Gone are the days when an isolated Radar or a few ILSs would suffice. • New technologies practices and procedures are coming up to address the challenges being thrown in air travel world over and especially in India. • The facilities have to be the latest and India will have to keep pace with the latest requirements matching with the modern day airborne equipage.
Satellite based Navigation.. • All this translates into increased use of Satellite based Navigation and Surveillance technologies. • We in India are progressing towards achieving the “Global Plan Initiatives”, the bed rock of ICAO dream towards “seamless sky”, in tune with the rest of the world. • It is only then that traffic volumes of high densities can be handled efficiently, smoothly to stringent safety requirements.
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) • ICAO Member States have also endorsed Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) as the future navigation system for civil aviation. • The face of technology and equipments what we are using today for air navigation are likely to be replaced with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) with suitable augmentation systems.
Why next Generation ATS • The future ATM systems will use Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B), other data link applications, Satellite Communications, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and weather data to integrate ground-based automation and airborne flight management systems. • The future ATM system will make maximum use of automation to reduce or eliminate constraints imposed on ATS operations by current systems. • ATM automation will make it possible to formulate real-time flow management strategies and allow for negotiation between ATS and aircraft. • It will significantly benefit the rapidly growing air traffic operations like flexible flight routes, less carbon emission, while accommodating increased capacity.
WORLD WIDE TREND IN GNSS IMPLEMENTATION • Traditional navigation systems are ground based which have site limitations and range problems • ICAO Member States endorsed Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) as the Future Air Navigation (FAN) System for seamless navigation in 1993. • Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS-USA) is the first certified SBAS system operational from July 2003. • Multi-Satellite Augmentation System –(MSAS-Japan) is certified for aviation use from September 2007. • European Geo-stationary Navigational Overlay Service –EGNOS (Europe) has received certification for aviation use with effect from July 12, 2010. • GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation – GAGAN (India) Prestigious project for India is expected to be certified by June 2013.
SBAS IN VOGUE CWAAS MSAS WAAS EGNOS GAGAN Sep 2007 July 2003 12 July 2010 June 2013
Next Generation Systems-SESAR • Single European Sky ATM Research is the name given to the project which will overhaul the European airspace • KEY FEATURES: • the network operation plan, a dynamic rolling plan for continuous operations that ensures a common view of the network situation; • full integration of airport operationsas part of ATM and the planning process; • trajectory management, reducing the constraints of airspace organisation to a minimum; • new aircraft separation modes, allowing increased safety, capacity and efficiency; • system-wide information management (SWIM), securely connecting all the ATM stakeholders which will share the same data; • controllers and pilots to be assisted by new automated functions to ease their workload.
Next Generation Systems… • Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) is the name given to new National Airspace System due for implementation across the United States in stages between 2012 and 2025. • This transformation has the objective of reducing gridlock, both in the sky and at the airports. • Pilots in the aircrafts and air traffic managers on the ground will have the same precise information, transmitted via data link communications.
NEXT GENERATION SYSTEMS..-GAGAN • GAGAN (GPS Aided Geo-stationary Augmented Navigation) • ISRO and the AAI are implementing the GAGAN project as a Satellite Based Augmentation System for the Indian Airspace. • GAGAN is a prerequisite for implementation of NextGen Systems for India. • It will revolutionize navigation in India, be it over land or sea. • Its implementation will allow more direct routings, multiple approaches, fuel savings and provide for capacity enhancement of airports and airspace.
BENEFITS OF NEXT GEN ATM SYSTEMS • enhanced safety, reduced delays and increased airport & airspace capacity; • more flexible flight paths; • enhanced surveillance capability; • reduced congestion; • more efficient use of airspace, including more flexibility and reduced separations; • enhanced meteorological information; and • reduced pilot & controller workload.
NEXT STEPS • As there will be many manufacturers/suppliers for the Next Gen Systems/Tools in near future, CNS Directorate may revisit its procurement processes to get the quality product at competitive prices. • CNS Directorate should have its Procurement Manual as a reference guide for its Capital and Maintenance procurements at CHQ and Field Stations. • E-tendering to be put in place for all procurements for better transparency, fair practices and optimization of prices.
CONCLUSION India as a member State of ICAO is taking various measures to bring in latest technology with a view to improve the safety of aircraft operations across the Indian airspace and be an integral part of “seamless sky”.