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Five Philosophies of Education

Five Philosophies of Education. By: Jaia Rush. Progressivism. Chorus Class- Practicing music and performing for other to show the impact on them and the teacher. Role of Teacher- Guide and integrate so students find meaning. Role of Student- Intelligent problem solvers

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Five Philosophies of Education

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  1. Five Philosophies of Education By: Jaia Rush

  2. Progressivism • Chorus Class- Practicing music and performing for other to show the impact on them and the teacher. • Role of Teacher- Guide and integrate so students find meaning. • Role of Student- Intelligent problem solvers • Famous person- John Dewey

  3. Social Reconstructionism • Classroom Activities- Children planting • Role of Teacher- Provide authentic learning activities. • Role of Student- To enjoy learning • Famous Person- George S. Counts, John Brameld, Jane Roland Martin

  4. Existentialism • Classroom Activity- Art Work or let them have show and tell. • Role of Teacher- To relate to each student honestly. • Role of Student- Accept personal responsibility. • Famous Person- A.S Neill and Maxine Greene

  5. Essentialism • Classroom activities- Listening to a teacher lecture or talking about something to the class. • Role of Teacher- Development of particular skills, focus on essential information. • Role of Student-Model of academic and moral virtue; center of classroom • Famous Person- William Bagley, E.D Hirsch, Jr., William Bennett

  6. Perennialism • Classroom activities- Indoor experiment (science). • Role of Teacher- Scholarly role model, helps students seek the truth for themselves. • Role of Student- increase their intellectual powers and to appreciate learning for its own sake. • Famous person- Robert Hutchins, Mortimer Adler.

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