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INDIAN EXHIBITION INDUSTRY- SIZE AND GROWTH. 650 trade shows 900 crores 900 crores from associated services like stall construction 900 crores from collateral business travel, hotel Growth rate: 15%. INDIAN EXHIBITION INDUSTRY- CHALLENGES. Inadequate Venues
INDIAN EXHIBITION INDUSTRY- SIZE AND GROWTH 650 trade shows 900 crores 900 crores from associated services like stall construction 900 crores from collateral business travel, hotel Growth rate: 15%
INDIAN EXHIBITION INDUSTRY- CHALLENGES Inadequate Venues 2,57,000 sqm area in 15 venues 65 % in Mumbai and Delhi 65,000 sqm in single venue Monopolistic policies of venues Increasing costs including venue rents Industry status Fragmentation due to fly by night organisers, foreign organisers air dropping events
INDIAN EXHIBITION INDUSTRY- CHALLENGES (continued) Multiplicity of approvals Lack of professionalism among organisers Lack of knowledge on part of exhibitors to effectively use trade shows Low confidence and low spend on trade shows
IEIA - Indian Exhibition Industry Association- what does it represent? The Association represents the entire country and all segments related to the exhibition industry. It brings together all the exhibition organizers, managers, designers & stand contractors, freight forwarders, services & facilities providers, venue owners etc. so that there is a common platform available to the entire industry to consider ways and means for the sound and scientific development of various facets of the industry.
So What is IEIA doing about the challenges and problems facing the industry? Tackling the problems systematically and simultaneously through WORKING GROUPS, which are- A. Industry Study Group - ISG Convener: Mr. Sanjay Kapoor B. Prime Movers Group – PMG Convener: Mr. Indra Mohan C. Taxation and Legal Group- TLG Convener: Mr. Vishal Gupta D. Venue Coordination Group - VCG Convener: Mr. M L Wadhwa E. Communication and Public Relations Group – CPR Convener: Mr. Anil Arora F. Membership Driving Group – MDG Convener: Brig Raj Manchanda G. Global Role Group- GRG Convener: Mr. Ravinder Sethi H. Standards and Codes Group- SCG Convener: Mr. Udo Schuertzmann
IEIA Membership Categories & Joining Fees Exhibition Organizers and Exhibition Managers Rs. 1,00,000/- Service Providers & Contractors Rs. 2,00,000/- Venue Owners Rs. 4,00,000/ Annual Subscription Fee Rs. 10,000/-
IEIA MEMBERS: Business Live Electronics Today Epico Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd. Exhibitions India Pvt. Ltd. Export Prom. Council for Handicrafts Hannover Milano Fairs India Pvt. Ltd. Hitex Ltd. Informa Exhibitions India Ink Business Media Inter Ads Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd. Koelnmesse Ya Tradefair Pvt. Ltd. Lalooji & Sons Lotus Exhibitions & Mktg. Services Manch Communications Media Exposition & Events Media Today Pvt. Ltd. Messe Düsseldorf India Pvt. Ltd. Orbitz Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd. P. S. Bedi & Co. Pvt. Ltd. PDA Trade Fairs Pixie Consulting Solutions Ltd. Print- Packaging Com. (P) Ltd. R. E. Rogers India Pvt. Ltd. Reed Exhibitions Services International Siddhartha Logistics Co. Pvt. Ltd. Tafcon Projects (India) Pvt. Ltd. UBM India Pvt. Ltd. Unitech Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd. Universal Expositions Ltd. Virtual Info Systems Pvt. Ltd Winmark Services Pvt. Ltd. Worldwide Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Service Providers under the category • Advertising Agencies • Security Agencies • Housekeeping Service Providers • Fire Fighting Equipment and Services • Registration Agency & Hardware Supplier • Signage & Branding • Travel Agents • Audio Visual Equipment • Catering Service • Walkie Talkie • Potted Plants & Flowers • Manpower Agencies • Ambulance Service • Corporate Gifts & Momentoes • Event Management Companies • Outdoor Advertising Agencies • Stall Fabricators • Architects • Hotels and Service Apartments • Others not covered in any category above
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Why you should join the IEIA IEIA directory listing of all registered Associate Members online and in paperback Discounted advertising on the website Invitation to all the General Meetings of IEIA Access to newsletters/industry updates Use of logo on their stationery Recommendation of IEIA to its members to prefer Associate Members and include their names in the event manuals wherever relevant
Eligibility Criteria for AM Must be a firm or company or any body registered under Indian laws. Must have been in or associated with the industry continuously for at least three years, or at least have a Proprietor who has worked continuously in the industiy for three years.
Annual Fees for AM Rs. 15,000/-
Interested? Please contact us at info@ieia.in Thank you for your attention