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Understanding Robustness in Dependable Embedded Systems

Explore the concept of robustness in embedded systems, discussing metrics, system hierarchy, error handling, and more to ensure system reliability and fault tolerance. Discover how robustness is essential in manufacturing and quality control.

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Understanding Robustness in Dependable Embedded Systems

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  1. Robustness 849 Dependable Embedded System -- Ying Shi

  2. Outline • Basic concepts • Metric -- RB , major of this talk • other Robustness aspects + topic connections • Conclusion • Reference List QoS Exception Handling Robustness Manufacturing/ Quality Control Theory Robustness - Dependable Embedded System

  3. What’s Robustness • One of those system attributes such as performance • IEEE Standard Glossary • “The degree to which a system or component can function correctly in the presence of invalid inputs or stressful environmental conditions.” error tolerance, fault tolerance • specifically might be interpreted as the degree of the system ability of • handling exceptions • tolerating faults ... • One of the concerns -- establish Metric for this attribute Robustness - Dependable Embedded System

  4. Robustness Benchmark (RB) • An identification of system error detection mechanism(EDM) • A RB should measure how a system reacts to possible erroneous inputs or environmental factors that could affect the system and result in failures. Robustness - Dependable Embedded System

  5. System component Hierarchy • Robustness measure of a combined components system would provide an indication of how erroneous or unexpected inputs are handles by all levels of abstraction Robustness - Dependable Embedded System

  6. Cover both HW & SW • Both HW errors and SW errors to be covered • Many HW EDMs are embedded in the design (CPU, mem, and I/O subsystems). Errors detected at this level, reflected to the SW level primarily through traps, almost always gracefully accommodated by the error handler (except crashes) • SW level, ideally, EDMs should be embedded within each of these levels to detect, isolate, and accommodate(via error handler)errors from coding or possibly design. Robustness - Dependable Embedded System

  7. Reality Restricts • Ideally, to exercise all possible levels of error detection, trapped by both HW and SW, w/ the end result being a measurement w/ respect to an absolutely robust system • In reality, • exhaustive testing is not possible • natural errors occur infrequently enough that simply observing system operation is too time consuming. • Thus RB would serve as a relative measure of robustness or fault tolerance between two systems/machines. Robustness - Dependable Embedded System

  8. Living with the Restriction • Try to cover more and make reasonable combining • Measure different system components:: • input error checking capability of system software • file system management • utilities • library routines ... • quantitatively, how much of each metric weighs towards the final overall system robustness figure Robustness - Dependable Embedded System

  9. More of Robustness • Techniques towards Robustness • classical HW FTC techniques • graceful degradation • fail-safe • idiot-proof (UI) • functional diversity • etc... Robustness - Dependable Embedded System

  10. Connections • Exception Handling • one of the means towards robustness • Control Theory • nah...leave with leo’s later talk • Quality of Service • robust system have the ability to guarantee QoS • they are two individual system attributes • Manufacturing/quality • robustness is the drive during manufacturing • robustness - one of system qualities Robustness - Dependable Embedded System

  11. Conclusion • Robustness refers to one of the system attributes, also a goal in design • Complexity makes it impossible to have an ideal RB, thus as a relative metric b/w systems • RB as a guide for design • Robustness is quite a broad topic, I assume, there is too much to dig in the future to say any specific aspects of it are the main future trend Robustness - Dependable Embedded System

  12. Reference List • Required paper :: Development of a Benchmark to Measure System Robustness, Siewiorek, Hudak, Suh, Segall, 23rd FTCS • insight into developing a system level RB • several primitive benchmarks, and combined into RB suites • a methodology to combine the primitive RBs to form an overall robustness figure • Journal • FTCS; R&M proceeding Robustness - Dependable Embedded System

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