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Magnetic stray fields issues with CLIC main beam . B. Jeanneret , BE-ABP CTC #59 5 th June 2012. Simulation by Jochem Snuverink Acceptable variable B along the BDS to keep with good luminosity. Main Linac length. Main Linac length. From Jochem Snuverink , Royal Holloway.
Magnetic stray fields issues with CLIC main beam B. Jeanneret , BE-ABP CTC #59 5th June 2012
Simulation by JochemSnuverink • Acceptable variable B along the BDS to keep with good luminosity Main Linac length Main Linac length
From JochemSnuverink, Royal Holloway
10-100 times above spec
Future work • Analyse data taken by Marco & Co in the LHC tunnel (‘Hump hunting’) • (Found to be a 250/350 KHz source, which disappeared at restart 2011) • This will a good indicator of the B intensities and frequencies, but not of the correlation length • More measurements • In parallel of LHC-hump data analysis? • After summing-up with existing data ? • Further investigate sources and possible cures
Bibliography • Simulations : • Impact of dynamic magnetic fields on the CLIC Main beam, J. Snuverink et al., Proc. IPAC10, WEPE023, p3398. • J. Snuverink, Magnetic stray fields, CLIC Collaboration Meeting , May 2012, http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=178209 • Search for sources : • C. Jach, CLIC09 Workshop, http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=45580 , WG3, thursday 15 Oct