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Learn how to use a telephone voicemail system efficiently in organizations. Discover why answering machines are essential for managing calls out of hours, during busy periods, or when employees are away. Get tips on checking, leaving, and recording messages for effective communication.
Use a telephone voicemail system Handout 5: Using a voicemail system
Why do organisations use answering machines? To take calls • out of hours • during busy periods • when there are not enough people to take all of the calls • when employees are away • from their desks.
Checking for messages • Check the machine regularly for messages. • Write or type out each message separately. • Note the date and time of the message. • Pass on messages promptly. • Follow guidelines for deleting messages.
Leaving a message State clearly: • who the message is for • your name, organisation and telephone number • the message or what you want the recipient to do.
Example message to leave Hello, this is a message for Juliet Brown. My name is Peter Baker of Lakely Limited. Please would you call me back on 0203 493 111 regarding your order for copier paper. Thank you.
Recording an outgoing message • Draft the message in writing • Information to include: • name of organisation, department or employee’s name • apology • invitation to leave a message • thanks for the call.
Example outgoing message Hello, you have reached Susan White’s phone at Barrowby and Sons. I’m sorry I’m not available to take your call, but please leave your name and number and a brief message so that I can call you back. Thank you.
Keep the system up to date • Ensure the equipment’s date and time are accurately set. • Check that the information in outgoing recordings is up to date, eg • telephone numbers • reasons for absence • other information.