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Welcome to Hartstown Community School's 6th Year Information Evening! Discover subjects with 100% exams like English, Maths, Accounting, and more. Parents, encourage active study habits, discuss post-school options, and ensure good attendance. Learn about graduates' paths to college and alternative routes like apprenticeships. Explore the new grading and CAO points system, application processes, PLC/QQI courses, apprenticeships, HEAR and DARE schemes, and financial support opportunities for higher education. Prepare your child for a successful future with valuable insights and guidance at this informative event.
Welcome to Hartstown Community School 6th Year Information Evening
Subjects with 100% Exams • English • Maths • Accounting • Business Studies • Biology • Physics • Chemistry • Applied Maths
What can I do as a parent to help my child? • Encourage them to engage in active study after their homework each night. Study is exam preparation, and should be done along with their homework. • Engage in open discussions with students regarding their intentions, and options for when they finish school. • Ensure they have good attendance
HCS Graduates • 65-70% progress to College/University. • Of these; • 25%-30% go to Maynooth University. • 30%-40% go to I.T. Blanchardstown. • 5%-10% go to Trinity College, D.C.U., St. Patrick’s Drumcondra and U.C.D. • 10%-20% progress to a Post Leaving Cert. College (P.L.C), for example Dunboyne College of further education to pursue courses such as Pre-University Arts/Science/Business.
Higher Education Institutions Some students go directly from their Leaving Certificate into Higher Education Institutions, based on the number of points achieved. PLC/QQI Courses Further education courses are designed to act as a stepping stone to 3rd level colleges and, to prepare students for work by giving them specific skills and training. Leaving Certificate Applied Students may choose this route to progress to ITs or Universities
PLC/QQI Level 5 • Students apply directly to PLC/QQI Colleges. • The application date for some PLC courses is the end of November or early December. • Interviews are held normally in January/February. • The entry requirements is generally five O6’s in the Leaving Certificate or a merit/distinction in Leaving Cert Applied. • We strongly recommend students to consider all Third Level Options. • Many of our students have progressed to college through this ladder system.
Apprenticeships • Alternative to going to a traditional college • Opportunity to earn money while training. • New apprenticeships A great alternative to going to a traditional college, especially if you like working with your hands.
The Points System • Students’ best 6 subjects are counted in the leaving certificate • The points for each course are based on supply and demand and the number of places available on the course • Students who achieve a minimum of a H6 in higher level maths will receive an additional 25 points in their leaving certificate.
CAO (Central Applications Office) • All students are encouraged to apply to the CAO before January 20th 2019 for the online reduced price of €30 • Students complete a trial application in school • Students have 10 level 8 choices and 10 level 6&7 choices. • Applications to PLC Colleges are NOT made through the CAO
CAO (Central Applications Office) • The closing date for CAO applications is 1st February at 5.15pm • The CAO will accept late applications up to 1st May at 5.15pm but will charge a late fee • Once an application has been made, the CAO will allow for applicants to change their mind. Change of mind applications are accepted up to 1st July at 5.15pm
CAO (Central Applications Office) • When filling in the CAO form it is important that applicants place their courses in Order Of Preference (Their first choice of college is placed in the number one position and so on) • Apply for as many courses as possible. It is better to be faced with choices rather than try to pick up the vacant places, when the results come out
HEAR (Higher Education Access Route) • This is an admission scheme into college where students are offered places on reduced points and receive extra supports. • A number of financial, social and cultural criteria must be met to be eligible for the HEAR scheme. • Students must indicate if they wish to apply for the HEAR Scheme on their CAO form. • The HEAR application guide and all relevant information is available on www.accesscollege.ie • Hear is NOT the maintenance grant.
DARE(Disability Access Route to Education) • This is a supplementary admissions scheme which offers college places on reduced points. Students must complete a (SIF) form. • Students may avail of a variety of academic, personal and social supports while studying in Third Level.
DARE(Disability Access Route to Education) Consultant/Educational Assessments will be required for • Autistic Spectrum Disorder (including Aspergers Syndrome) • ADD/ADHD, • Blind/Vision Impaired • Deaf/Hard of hearing • DCD-Dyspraxia/ Dysgraphia, • Mental Health Condition, • Neurological Conditions (incl. Brain Injury, Epilepsy, Speech and Language Disabilities) • Specific Learning Difficulty (incl. Dyslexia and Dyscalculia) • Significant On-going Illness. • Physical Disability
Financial Support • The grant is there to help with the various costs of participating in further or higher education. • It is means tested on income and number of dependent children • Look at financial year 1st January 2018–31st December 2018 • Apply online at the end of April 2019 to www.susi.ie • All information is available on www.studentfinance.ie
Financial Support Department of Education Student Support Unit: Telephone 0506-24381 www.studentfinance.ie www.susi.ie (Telephone: 0761 08 7874) www.grantsonline.ie
Guidance in Hartstown Community School • One class a week • Face to face meeting with their guidance counsellor • Access to IT • Higher Options Conference • ITB Open Day • Talks from DIT, NUI Maynooth, DCU and Dunboyne College of Further Education
CAREER CHOICES: USEFUL WEBSITES www.cao.ie For information on applying to college through the points system www.qualifax.ie For a list of and links to most courses available in Ireland, and information on the subjects you need to do these courses www.careersportal.ie For information and videos on different types of jobs available in Ireland www.fas.ie www.solas.ie www.apprentices.ie www.fit.ie For information on apprenticeships/trades www.military.ie For information on joining the army, navy, air corps
CAREER CHOICES: USEFUL WEBSITES www.steps.ie For information on engineering as a career www.nursingcareers.ie For information on becoming a nurse www.racingacademy.ie For information on getting a job working with horses www.ucas.co.uk For information and applying to college in England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland www.garda.ie For information on joining the Gardaí www.publicjobs.ie For information on getting a job working for the government/civil service
CAREER CHOICES: USEFUL WEBSITES www.picktourism.ie For information on careers in tourism www.studentfinance.ie For information on financial support for students www.accesscollege.ie For information on the Access scheme (HEAR/DARE) www.bim.ie For information on careers in the fishing industry www.chooseit.ie For information on courses and careers in the IT and computer industry www.careersnews.ie For up-to-date news on careers and college places. Sign up for daily Email notices