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i) Insect Isopoda. Reason for the name: The name Isopoda comes from the greek ; iso – same & poda – foot The name Insecta comes from latin ; insecta – divided / notched body Isopods existing: Current number of species are 10,000. Other names for Isopods: Pillbugs Sowbugs
Reason for the name: • The name Isopoda comes from the greek; iso – same & poda – foot • ThenameInsecta comes fromlatin; insecta – divided/notchedbody Isopods existing: • Current number of species are 10,000. Other names for Isopods: • Pillbugs • Sowbugs • Woodlice • RollyPollies • Bicho Bola (in Spanish)
Types of Isopods Microcerberidae Phreatoicidea Asellota Sphaeromatidae Oniscidea
Characteristics 1. The insects/isopoda body is divided in three regions 2. Abdomen consists of 5 free segments 3. Each pleonite bears a pair of BiramousPleopods 4. Isopods have compound eyes, two pairs of antennae, and four sets of jaws 5. Sessile eyes (meaning they have eyes that don’t move) 6. The carapace is reduced to a cephalic shield 7. They have two types of antennaes 8. Has a heart thoraco-abdominal 9. Principal gas exchange structures are pleopods
1st appeared on earth “Fossil Record”: • The first fossil record was found around 300 million years ago. • In the Antarctic Marion island.
Life Cycle Reproduction: • Isopods reproduce sexually. • After mating the female carries her eggs in a special adapted pouch. • The eggs mature in approximately three weeks. • Egg, larvae, pupae, metamorphosis, adult
DigestiveSystem • Its a closed system (meaning inside) • Alimentary canal (tube) running lengthwise through its body. • The food enters through there mouth and goes out through there anus. • They tend to eat plant and animal tissues.
Circulatory System • Insects don't have veins or arteries (but they do have a circulatory system) • Insect blood, are called hemolymph.
RespiratorySystem • Allinsectshavethesametype of respiratorysystem. • Air entersthroughbodybycavities. • The air isregulatedbysmallmuscles. • Itenters a trachealtrunk. • And later diffusing throughout a complex, branching network of tracheal tubes. • Their sensory system is really simple, since their only sensory part are the antennae's. • Sessile eyes (meaning they have eyes that don’t move) SensorySystem
Life Expectancy • The life expectancy of an Isopoda is really short. • Normally it will usually live for some months (depending also in its habitat)
Bibliography Information: • http://tolweb.org/Isopoda • http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isopoda • http://www.ehow.com/about_5317360_isopod-life-cycle.html • http://insects.about.com/od/morphology/ss/internalanatomy_4.htm • http://insects.about.com/od/morphology/ss/internalanatomy_3.htm Pictures: • http://soilbugs.massey.ac.nz/isopoda.php • http://www.google.es/search?q=isopoda&hl=es&rlz=1C1GGGE_esES454ES454&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=eYFCT7j1H8iIhQe8guXUCA&ved=0CGoQsAQ&biw=1092&bih=533