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Lepton-Hadron collider: Physics, Experiments and Detectors

Lepton-Hadron collider: Physics, Experiments and Detectors. Monica D’Onofrio University of Liverpool (on behalf of many …). Future Circular Colliders Study Kick-off meeting Geneva, February 13 th 2014. e-p at HERA .. and beyond.

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Lepton-Hadron collider: Physics, Experiments and Detectors

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  1. Lepton-Hadron collider: Physics, Experimentsand Detectors Monica D’Onofrio University of Liverpool (on behalf of many…) Future Circular Colliders Study Kick-off meeting Geneva, February 13th 2014

  2. e-p at HERA .. and beyond The idea of an e-p collider at CERN, the LHeC, proposed in 2005, hasbeendeveloped in the last years: http://cern.ch/LHeC Tevatron/HERA/LEP  HL-LHC/LHeC/(ILC?) (fermiscale) (Terascale) (or, the complimenatarity pattern) Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • At HERA, extensivetests of QCD, measurements of aS and base for PDF fits in x rangerelevant for hadroncolliders • Butalso: • New limits for leptoquarks, excitedelectrons and neutrinos, quark substructure and compositness, RPV SUSY etc.

  3. LHeC: Conceptual Design Report (July 2012) and more Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • 630 pagessummarising 5 yearsof studiescommissioned by CERN, ECFA and NuPECC • About 200 participants, 69 institutes • Furtherupdates • ‘A Large Hadron Electron Collider at CERN’ arXiV:1211.4831 • ‘On the relation of the LHeC and the LHC’ arXZiV:1211.5102 • ‘The Large Hadron Electron Collider’arXiV:1305.2090 • ‘DigDeeper’ Nature Physics 9 (2013) 448 • Regular workshops and presentations in Conferences

  4. The LHeC LHeC: Ee=60 GeV, √s = 1.3 TeV Designed to exploit intense hadronbeamsin high luminosityphase of LHC running from mid 2020s:  Use 7 TeVprotons  Addan electron beamto the LHC Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva Uniqueopportunity to take lepton-hadronphysics to the TeV centre-of-mass scale at high luminosity

  5. LHeCas electron-Ion Collider • Studyinteractions of denselypackedbutweaklydecoupledpartons • Precision QCD study of partondynamics in nuclei • Maylead to genuine surprises: • no saturation of xg(x,Q2), • brokenisospininvariance • … Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • Fourorders of magnitudeincreasein kinematicrange over previous DIS experiments  willchangeQCD view of the structure of nuclearmatter

  6. The LHeC ‘facility’ e±beamoptions: Ring-Ring and Linac-Ring RR LHeC: new ring in LHC tunnel, with bypasses around experiments LR LHeC: recirculating linac with energy recovery baseline configuration Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  7. Energy RecoveryLinac • Test Facilityunder design • Development of SuperConducting RF technologyat CERN (ApprovedNovember 2013) • Operation and experience with S.C. energyrecoverylinac • Quenchtests of magnets • Possible e/gexperiments More in O. Brunig and F. Zimmermantalkson Friday Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva Powerconsumption < 100 MW, E(ele)=60 GeV(design constraints) Two 10 GeVLinacs; 3 returns, 20 MV/m Energy recovery in samestructures 60 GeV e-’s collide w. LHC protons/ions

  8. The LHeC baseline parameters e-p and e+p collisions (possibly with similar luminosity)  60 GeV (ele), 7 TeVproton e-/e+ polarization • Operations simultaneous with HL-LHC pp physics Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • ep Lumi: 1033 (1034)** cm-2 s-1(**: according to recentstudies) • 10-100 fb-1 per year • 100 fb-1 – 1 ab-1total • eD and eAcollisionsintegral part of the programme • E-nucleon Lumi estimates 1031 (1032) cm-2 s-1 for eD (ePb)

  9. LHeCPhysics Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • Richphysicsprogram for e-q physicsatTeVenergies: • Precision QCD,EWK physics • Higgsmeasurements and searches for BSM • Complimentarities to LHC physicsprogram and boostingitsprecision(egPDF at high x)

  10. Coordinationgroup for future DIS at CERN The IAC was invited in 12/13 by the DG with the following Guido Altarelli (Rome) Sergio Bertolucci (CERN) Frederick Bordry (CERN) Stan Brodsky (SLAC) Hesheng Chen (IHEP Beijing) Andrew Hutton (Jefferson Lab) Young-Kee Kim (Chicago) Victor A Matveev (JINR Dubna) Shin-IchiKurokawa (Tsukuba) Leandro Nisati (Rome) Leonid Rivkin (Lausanne) HerwigSchopper (CERN) – Chair JurgenSchukraft (CERN) AchilleStocchi (LAL Orsay) *) Mandate 2014-2017 Advice to the LHeC Coordination Group and the CERN directorate by following the development of options of an ep/eA collider at the LHC and at FCC, especially with: Provision of scientific and technical direction for the physics potential of the ep/eAcollider, both at LHC and at FCC, as a function of the machine parameters and of a realistic detector design, as well as for the design and possible approval of an ERL test facility at CERN. Assistance in building the international case for the accelerator and detector developments as well as guidance to the resource, infrastructure and science policy aspects of the ep/eA collider. See also Panel discussion at the recent LHeC workshop (Chavannes, 20-21 Jan 2014) H. Schopperslides: https://indico.cern.ch/event/278903/contribution/55 *) IAC Composition End of January 2014 + Oliver Brüning Max Klein ex officio Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva Toward a concrete planning: International Advisory Committee

  11. From the LHeC to the FCC-he (akaFHeC) Tevatron/HERA/LEP  HL-LHC/LHeC/(ILC?)  FLHC/FHeC/FLC (fermiscale) (Terascale) (Multi-Terascale) Lepton-Proton ScatteringFacilities Realisticopportunity for energy frontier DIS  3 order of magnitude higher lumiwrt HERA; huge step in energy (Q2,1/x) Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  12. FCC-he preliminaryparameters e-energy = 60, 120 GeVup to 175 GeV (e+ option open) p energy = 50 TeV CM energy [TeV] = 3.5 (60 GeV e), 4.9 (120 GeV e) IP spot size determined by p Energy recoveryis 60 GeV Ring-Ring might go up to 175 GeV Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  13. Towards the FCC-he https://indico.cern.ch/event/282344/session/15/?slotId=0#20140214 Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • Variousaspectsconsideredatthis stage • In this talk: • Highlights of physicsprogramme • Ideas for detector design • Parameters and FCC complexview More detailedtalks in the parallel session tomorrowat 2 pm

  14. Physicshighlights • PDF fits, measurements of aSand impact on higgs/BSM • Higgsmeasurements(Hbbbaror ccbar, HHH couplings) • New Physics (CI, LQ, RPV SUSY) • EWK measurements (sin2θW) • e-Ionhighlights Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  15. DIS: from HERA to FHeC Low x: Q2min ~ Ee2 keep 60 GeVelectrons Large x: needveryfwdtracking (@ 1 degree) FHeC E(p) = 50000 GeV E(e) = 60 GeV FHeC HFS scatteredforward Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva Scattered electron: needbroad angle acceptance for accessinglowQ2 and high y region

  16. PDF fits The LHC will provide further constraints, but a new level of precision in determination of PDFs can only be achieved with the e-p gg qqbar qq x ≈ 0.5 Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • Current status  Need to know the PDFs much better than now at low and high x • E.g.: for QCD development, q-g dynamics, Higgs measurements and searches

  17. PDF fits Examplegluon PDF at the LHeC (blue band): < 5% at x=10-6 and x=0.5 Low x high x Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • Current status  Need to know the PDFs much better than now at low and high x • E.g.: for QCD development, q-g dynamics, Higgs measurements and searches

  18. Impact of high-x PDF on HL-LHC/FCC-hh Similarconclusions for other non-resonant BSM signalsinvolving high x partons (e.g. contactinteractionssignal in DrellYan) Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • Searches near HL-LHC / FCC-hh kinematic boundary may ultimately be limited by knowledge of PDFs (especially gluon at x  1) • Example: gluinoproduction at HL LHC  Dependencyon discoverypotentialand exclusionlimitsat 300 and 3000 /fb for 14 TeVc.o.m.

  19. PDF uncertainties and Higgs in pp Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • With LHeC: hugeimprovements in PDFs and precision in aS full exploitation of LHC data for Higgsphysics • PDF uncertaintiesaslimitingfactor for severalchannelsat the HL-LHC • Similarconclusion and relations expected for FHeCFHC

  20. PDF uncertainties and Higgs in pp aS= underlying parameter relevant for unc. (0.005  10%) @ LHeC: measure to permilleaccuracy (0.0002)  precisionfrom LHeC can add a verysignificantconstraint on the Higgsmass butalso: Studyunification of couplings Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • With LHeC: hugeimprovements in PDFs and precision in aS full exploitation of LHC data for Higgsphysics • PDF uncertaintiesaslimitingfactor for severalchannelsat the HL-LHC • Similarconclusion and relations expected for FHeCFHC

  21. Direct Higgsmeasurements  In ep, direction of quark (FS) is well defined mH = 125 GeV LHeC: Ee=60 GeV, √s = 1.3 TeV High production cross sections Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva In e-p: Higgsradiated from W or Z  unique production mode, with lowtheoreticaluncertainties: clean and welldistinctsignatures

  22. H bb @ LHeC LHeC: E(e) = 60 GeV 10 fb-1 More details in U.Klein’s talk tomorrow Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • Clear signalobtainedalready with justcutbasedanalysis • Linac with high e polarization of about 90%  around10KHiggs! • AllowHbbcouplingmeasurements with 1% statisticalprecision (1 ab-1) • Hccbarchannelalso under study • Lowbutstill ‘taggable’ charm-jets • Cleanenvironmentwrtpp

  23. Dependence on electron energy and rates Total event rate for 10 fb-1 = 1 month of high luminosityrunningusing 60 GeV LINAC 1100 events H  bb 140 events H tt 60 events H  cc CC and NC Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  24. Higgs production rate: LHeC FHeC E(e)=60 GeV E(e)=120 GeV Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva Chargedcurrentep: cross sectionlargerthane+e-

  25. Higgs production rate: LHeC FHeC (II) Can alsoexplore H  HH Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  26. Double higgsproduction @ 50 TeV Cross-sections for CC HH->4b (branching ratios included) for unpolarized electron beam Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva Electron-proton collisions offer the advantage of reduced QCD backgrounds and negligible pile-up with the possibility of using the 4b final state (s×BR(HH4b)=0.08 fb).

  27. First feasibilitystudies Results assume 70% b-tagging efficiency, 0.1 (0.01) fake rates for c (light) jets Plots for Ee=60 GeV (very similar for 120,150 GeV) Scattered quark is more forward in signal  good discriminant! Despite large beam energy imbalance, b-jets are relatively central Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva Cross-sections for CC backgrounds in fbfor Ee=60, 120,150 GeV

  28. NP in inclusive DIS at high Q2 Observedasmodification of the Q2 dependence all information in ds/dQ2 Alsoparametrizedasformfactors : Compositenessscale Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • At these small scales new phenomena not directly detectable may become observable as deviations from the SM predictions. • A convenient tool: effective four-fermion contact interaction • Radiusfor composite fermions: • Proportional to scale • reachwellbelow10-19(10-20) m (LHeC/FHeC) • Complimentary to LHC/FHC (notdirectlyprobing EWK Radius)

  29. Contactinteractions (eeqq) Similarto LHC ATLAS and CMS constraints on eeqq CI (expected up to 30-40 TeVatc.o.m. 14 TeV LHC) Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva New currents or heavybosonsmay produce indirecteffect via new particleexchangeinterfering with g/Z fields. Reach for L (CI eeqq): 40-65 TeV with 100 fb-1 of data depending on the model

  30. Reach for CI (eeqq) atFHeC - 300 TeV 150 FCC-he FCC-he VV LL 200 100  LHeC  LHeC HERA HERA 2x1 ab-1 2x1 ab-1 Verypreliminaryscaling Reach about O(100) TeV, expected to be competitive with FHC Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  31. Lepto-Quark s ≈ l AverageLHC 2013 exclusion Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • High Q2 e-p collider competitive with p-p collider for NP modelswhereinitial state leptonis an advantage • By providingboth B and L in the initial state, idealto study the properties of new particleswith couplings to an e-q pair • Probe single particleprod. First gen. LQ • Can probe up to 4 TeV LQ atFHeC • IfLQ are observedin p-p  in e-p can measurefermionnumber(red) and flavorstructure(blue)

  32. R-parity violating SUSY Squarks in RPV modelscould be an example of ‘Leptoquarks’ • R-parity = (-1)3(B-L)+2s(R = 1 for SM particles, -1 for MSSM partners) If not conserved (RPV) different terms, couplings constraint by proton decay DL =1, 9 l couplings, 27 l’ couplings Plethora of new couplings, only partially constraints (m/100 GeV) Various strong constraints from LHC on Lambda and Lambda’’ (from multilepton and multijetsearches) Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  33. SUSY and RPV scenarios Relevant for e-p: squark production (e.g. stop):  l131’ couplings relevant in e-p production, several can be explored for decays Examplefor LHeC: 1107.4461.pdf Assume decay via m+b Sensitivity for high stop mass with 50-100 fb-1 (e-) dbar Many more decaymodes (RPV or RPC) hard at LHC/FHC can be explored(sbottominvestigatedaswell) Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • Still, several final states to explore: • LSP no longer stable • > 700 possibilities + bilinear couplings! Examples:

  34. Electroweak Physics in ep [sin2θW] EWK precisionmeasurementsrelevant for NP Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  35. Electroweak Physics in ep (II) In Deep Inelastic Scattering: Polarisation Asymmetry A-(Q) NC-to-CC Ratio R- for P=±0.8 Measure weak mixing angle redundantly with very high precision of about 0.0001 as a function of the scale. 1% δMtop is about δ = 0.0001 PDF uncertainty comes in at second order and ep provides very precise PDFs LHeC Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  36. Scale dependence of sin2θW • LHeC/FHeC • Energy range 10-2000 GeV • Sensitivity from: • ALRat high Q2 • sNC/sCCatlower Q2 Preliminary sketch Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  37. e-Ionphysics Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • Richprogram, e.g. for NuclearPartondensitydetermination • More in B.Coletalk on tomorrow

  38. Detectors design and FHeCkeyparameters Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  39. Detector acceptancerequirement: LHeC • Similarly, need 1° acceptance in outgoingprotondirection to containhadronsat high x Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva Access to Q2 = 1 GeV2 in e-p mode for all x above 5 x 10-7requiresscattered electron acceptance to 179°

  40. LHeC detector layout Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva • LHeCrequirements: • High acceptancesilicontrackingsystem • Liquid Argon ElectromagneticCalorimeter • Iron-ScintillatorHadronicCalorimeter • Forward-Backwardasymmetry in energydepositedhence in calorimetersgeometry and technology: Si/W, Si/Cu • Detectors design: • 14m x 9m (e.g.: CMS 21m x 15m; ATLAS 45m x 25m) • e/gtaggers ZDC, protonspectrometerintegral to design from outsetsystemprovidingtagging • At -62 m(e), 100m(g,LR), -22.4m(g,RR),+100m(n),+420m(p) • Magnets: • Solenoid (3.5 T) + dualdipole 0.3 T • Might be embeddedinto EMC LarCryogenic System • Performance and impact of dead material in EMC-HAC sections under studies

  41. LHeC detector layout e± p/A Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  42. FHeC detector layout More details in P.Kostka’s talk tomorrow Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva Longer in p direction (x 2 for calorimeters to containshowers) Same or slightlylonger in electron direction (about 1.3 for 120 GeV)

  43. Keyparameters of the FHeC Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  44. Possibleview of FCC complex TLEP (80-100 km, e+e-, up to ~350 GeV c.m.) PSB PS (0.6 km) LHC (26.7 km) SPS (6.9 km) VHE-LHC/FHC (pp, up to 100 TeVc.m.) HL-LHC LHeC FHeC as TLEP-FHC Collider LHeC as TLEP injector or LHeC-FHC collider LHeC/FHeC: e±(60-250 GeV) – p (7and/or 50 TeV) collisions ≥50 years e+e-, pp, e±p/Aphysics at highest energies! F. Zimmerman (Chavannes, Jan.2014) Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  45. Summary • LHeC design matured over past 6 years; CDR published in 2012 and more publications followed up • Great physicspotential, complementary to HL-LHC “ The LHC is the primary machine to search for physics beyond the SM at the TeV scale. The role of the LHeC is to complement and possibly resolve the observation of new phenomena…” (LHeC CDR) • LHeC compatible with long-term strategy (FCC) • FCC-he : 60...175 GeVE_e x 50 TeV • Richphysicsprogram under development (in parallel with consolidationstudies for LHeC) • E.g. On higgsdirectproduction (in bb, cc), double higgsproduction • Detector requirements and first layout presented  The FCC-he is a great opportunity for precision DIS, BMS and Higgs and novel heavy ion physics genuinely complementary also to FCC-hh and FCC-ee Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  46. Back-up

  47. Details on parallel session (Fri 14/2 @ 2pm) Merged in 1 talk to be presented in the pheno session Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  48. LHeC Higgs factory (LHeC-HF) parameters Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  49. ion gaps & circumference gap turn 1 gap turn 2 gap turn 3 FHC IP#2 gap turn 1 gap turn 2 gap turn 3 IP#1 DC=kCLHeC LHC CLHeC=CLHC/n m, n (=3), k: integer future: CLHeC+=CFHC/m F. Zimmerman (20 Jan 2014) Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

  50. Electron possibilities • ring-ring • ee>>ep, be*<<bp* ring-linac ee≈ep,be*≈bp* much smaller e-emittance smaller beta function and beam sizes possible; head-on collision required; significant disruption minimume- beta function and beam sizes limited by hourglass effect; small crossing angle acceptable; little disruption hourglass reduction factor ; Monica D'Onofrio, FCC Study Kickoff, Geneva

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