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Out of School Literacy. Learning in Informal Environments. Extending Literacy Learning. Successful Reading Specialists… Foster experiences beyond the school Develop students’ and parents’ larger literacy community Encourage informal opportunities for the Big Five for Early Literacy :
Out of School Literacy Learning in Informal Environments
Extending Literacy Learning Successful Reading Specialists… • Foster experiences beyond the school • Develop students’ and parents’ larger literacy community • Encourage informal opportunities for the Big Five for Early Literacy: Read-Alouds, Talking, Listening, Music and Story-Telling
Read-Alouds and Story-Telling • Public Libraries – e.g.,BCPL Preschool Storytimes - 20-minute story times, Ages 2 – 5; www.bcplonline.org. • CARR Story Pals -Storytime featuring interactive stories, songs, fingerplays, and activities. www.library.carr.org.
Encourage all Family Members • Father and Child Story Time: “Boston Tea Party” BCPL, Cockeysville, SUN-2 p.m., Ages 2-5, 410-887-7750 • African-American Stories with Grandparents: BCPL, White Marsh, THURS.-2 p.m., Ages 2-6, 410-887-5097.
Bookstore Read-Alouds • Daedalus Books & MusicMonday Drop-in Story Time! Old and new favorites; Belvedere Square, Balto; MON.-10:30 a.m., Ages 6-younger. www.salebooks.com. • Borders Children’s Storytime -170 W. Ridgely Rd, Timonium, WED.-11 a.m., 410-453-0727.
Read-Alouds and More! • K is for Kids: A family-friendly intro to a museum’s antiques collection exploring early methods of reading education: Winterthur Museum & Country Estate, Till July, 2008, www.winterthur.org.
Unusual Venues for Story-Telling! • Wee Workers Toddler Program: Stories, songs, crafts, and gallery tours, BALTIMORE MUSEUM OF INDUSTRY, 1415 Key Hwy., Ages 2-5. www.thebmi.org. • Story of the Borrowers Workshop Create a miniature world using the junk of life, THE FLAG HOUSE & STAR-SPANGLED BANNER MUSEUM, 844 E. Pratt St., Ages 4+ www.flaghouse.org.
HEARTS (Help Encourage All Readers to Succeed) Children who are learning to read are invited to practice reading aloud to trained therapy dogs, www.karmadogs.org Reading with Karma Dogs!
Language & Learning through DRAMA! Local Theatre Companies – held at churches, high schools, etc.; for example… • Ash Girl – (Cinderella). OnStage Production, St. John’s Church, Catonsville. 443-844-6481. • 101 Dalmatians-Pumpkin Theatre, St. Timothy’s School for Girls www.pumpkintheatre.com
On with the Show! Teddy Bear’s Picnic –Rainbow Theatre – Slayton House, Columbia. www.columbiavillages.org/wildelake Disorder in the Court! -A wacky day in Insect Court – Young Artists Theatre: www.yatheatre.com
Multicultural Opportunities • Minwa: Japanese Folktales New Moon Theater productions, Port Discovery, Baltimore, www.portdiscovery.org • Drama Kids International: www.dramakids.com
Language & Learning through MUSIC! • MSU MARCHING BAND SHOW - The Magnificent Marching Machine steps, struts, and dazzles. Morgan State University 443-885-4440 • Holiday Brass - performed by The Usual Suspects Quintet, BCPL, Catonsville, Family, 410-887-0951.
Developing Literacy through Art • ArtKids Preschool Program -- The Walters Art Museum, www.thewalters.org • Free Family Sundays: Art Workshop Sketching Special activities including art workshops, sketching classes, and tours, Check out the Art Cart in the lobby, The Baltimore Museum of Art, www.artbma.org.
Language and Kinesthetic Learning • LEAP: LEGO Robotics Demonstrations by TechBrick LEGO Robotics Club from Abingdon, 410-612-1600. • Annual Doll Show Take your favorite doll for a spin around the ice, "Mimi" DiPietro Family Skating Center, 200 S. Linwood Ave., Baltimore, 410-396-9392,
Language and Kinesthetic Learning • Baltimore Folk Music Society Family Dance American folk dancing for the entire family, St. Mark's on the Hill Parish Hall, www.bfms.org
Talking, Listening and Learning! • National Museum of Dentistry - Celebrate the holidays with Norbert the narwhal (and his 5-ft. long tooth!) and his Arctic animal friends. www.dentalmuseum.org.
Let it Come Naturally! • Tiny Wonders – What do preschoolers wonder about? Cultivate the young child’s natural curiosity through stories, music, crafts, movement, and dramatic play.Eden Mill Nature Center www.edenmill.org
Listening and Learning in Natural Settings • Star Party: 16-in. telescope CCBC Dundalk: www.ccbcmd.edu/link. • Owl Prowl Look and listen for these nighttime predators, Willow Grove Farm, www.cromwellvalleypark.org • Friendly Bug Club Carrie Murray Nature Center, Baltimore, 410-396-0808. • Geocaching Scavenger Hunt- Marshy Point Nature Center, www.marshypoint.org.
Learning through Crafts • Make & Take Craft:Lakeshore Learning Store, Towson, Ages 3-up, www.lakeshorelearning.com • Sewing & Creative Fabrics Studio (sewing for children) www.mtmdesignstudio.com
Game clubs (chess etc.) Martial arts Science camps Dance Exercise Promote literacy learning for life
Several Good Out-of-School Literacy Resources Baltimore’s Child magazine The Maryland Field Trip and Teachers' Guide