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Mississippi Department of Education. FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET REQUEST Legislative Budget Committee Hearing. Dr. Hank M. Bounds State Superintendent of Education. September 24, 2008. TABLE OF CONTENTS.
Mississippi Department of Education FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET REQUEST Legislative Budget Committee Hearing Dr. Hank M. BoundsState Superintendent of Education September 24, 2008 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
TABLE OF CONTENTS The State of K-12 Education in Mississippi 3-14 K-12’s 2010 Budget Request… 15 K-12’s % of the State General, EEF, BCF & Health Care Expendable 16 Comparison of K-12, CC & IHL (% and $ ) of Total Education 17 FY10 Board of Education Priorities/Requested Increases 18-23 Capital Improvement Requests 24 Budget Back-up Information…25 MS Adequate Education Program 26-32 National Board Certification 33-34 Educable Child Program 35-36 State Schools 37-39 Chickasaw School Fund 40 Summary of All Sources Funds/Diverted Fund History 41-42 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
The State of K-12 EducationIn Mississippi K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
WE HAVE THREE BOLD GOALS: K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
FIVE STRATEGIES • Increase the rigor of the curriculum and assessment system. • Increase the quantity and quality of teachers. • Increase the quantity and quality of school leaders. • Create a culture in Mississippi that understands the value of education. • Redesign education for the 21st Century workforce in Mississippi. K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
UPCOMING CHALLENGES • Leadership Improvement • Teacher Shortage • Special Education-Mattie T • NCLB Requirements • Large Number of Failing Schools K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
2007-2008 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
2007-2008 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
2007-2008 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
2007-2008 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
2007-2008 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
2007-2008 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
2010 BUDGET REQUESTMAEP • General Education • Vocational Education • MS Schools for the Blind & Deaf • Chickasaw School Fund K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
K-12’s PERCENTAGE OF STATE FUNDS General, Enhancement, Health Care Expendable & Contingency GF, EEF, HCE &BCF GF K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
COMPARISON OF K-12, IHL & CC PERCENTAGES OF TOTAL EDUCATION APPROPRIATION Includes: (General, Enhancement, Budget Contingency & Health Care Expendable Funds) Total K-12 IHL CC K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION2010 Funding Priorities • Full Funding of MAEP (ESTIMATE) $ 60,819,721 • Restoration of Diverted Funds $ 38,083,434 • a. Teacher Supply Funds $18,083,434 • b. Public School Building Funds $20,000,000 • Continued Funding forRedesign for the 21st Century Workforce $ 12,000,000 • Teacher Recruitment Initiative $ 3,337,806 • Teacher Pay Increase-3%-ESTIMATE(MAEP-$40.6M; Voc. Ed.-$1.4M) $ 42,027,634 • Schools at Risk $ 2,500,000 • MSIS Upgrade $ 3,000,000 • Early Childhood Education Collaborative Grant $ 3,000,000 • TOTAL COST OF FUNDING BOARD PRIORITIES $ 164,768,595 • Remaining 2010 Request not included above(included in detail to follow) $ 18,952,691 • TOTAL REQUESTED INCREASE OVER FY 09 LEVEL $ 183,721,286 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
FY 10 REQUESTED INCREASES ESTIMATE • MAEP • MAEP Increase over FY 09* $ 60,819,721 • Redirected Teacher Supply Funds $ 18,083,434 • Redirected Public School Building Fund $ 20,000,000 $ 98,903,155 • Teacher Pay Increase-3% (MAEP’s portion)$ 40,598,694 • TOTAL MAEP NEEDS $139,501,849 • Replacement of Diverted Funds $ (38,083,434) • NET MAEP NEEDS OVER FY09 $101,418,415 • *As required by HB513 as passed during the 2008 Regular Session of the Mississippi Legislature, all FY 2010 MAEP calculations, including the calculation of the Preliminary Estimate of the MAEP cost, were preformed by an independent Certified Public Accountant. The above preliminary estimate of the MAEP increase was prepared by Horne LLP independently from the MS Department of Education. Detail of Horne LLP’s calculation is presented later in this presentation. (General, Enhancement, Special State & Contingency Funds) (37-61-33) (37-47-7 & 27-65-75) K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
FY 10 REQUESTED INCREASES • VOCATIONAL EDUCATION • Teacher Pay Raise—3% $ 1,428,940 • Phase II of 25-35 years Incremental Pay $ 322,688 • Vocational Incremental Increase-secondary $ 382,887 • Operations (Training) 30,000 $ 2,164,515 • OTHER ITEMS • Expected increase in Chickasaw Fund $ 915,835 • Match requirement for Child Nutrition $ 1,500,000 • State Schools Operations $ 1,457,943 • MSMS $881,551 • MSA $326,215 • MSBD $250,177 • -Continued- (General, Enhancement, Special State & Contingency Funds) K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
FY 10 REQUESTED INCREASES • Restore of Diverted Teacher Supply Funds $ 18,083,434 • Headcount • Total Teachers(Classroom, Librarian/Media Specialist, Guidance)35,122 Amount Estimate per Teacher • FY09 EEF Instructional Supply Allocation $ 7,000,000 $199 • FY09 EEF Instructional Supply diverted to MAEP $18,083,434 $515 • Restore Public School Building Funds $ 20,000,000 • Statewide Testing $ 4,956,632 • School Attendance Office $ 68,180 • Other General Education $ 16,265,703 • Teacher Recruitment Initiative $3,337,806 Schools at Risk Programs $3,247,636 • MSIS Upgrade/MIS Equipment 3,210,000 Virtual School Program 917,125 • Professional Development 838,627 National Board Certification 1,000,000 • Reading Initiative 400,000 MDE Operations 3,158,869 • Dropout/Counseling/Alt. Ed. Program 155,640 (General, Enhancement, Special State & Contingency Funds) K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
FY 10 REQUESTED INCREASES • DISCRETIONARY REQUEST • Early Childhood Collaborative Grants $ 3,000,000 • Increase for vocational upgrades/teachers $ 1,890,629 • Redesign for the 21st Century Workforce $ 12,000,000 • TOTAL REQUESTED INCREASE(Over FY09 Level)$183,721,286 (General, Enhancement, Special State & Contingency Funds) K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
Additional Vocational Detail Equipment for New/Expanding Programs $ 1,463,001 Teachers for New/Expanding Programs $ 427,628 Secondary Programs—10 slots Construction Trades 5 Allied Health 5 Post-secondary Programs—10 slots Health 3 Trade & Technical 5 Computer Networking 2 Redesign for the 21st Century Workforce $12,000,000 Total Additional Vocational Detail $ 13,890,629 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REQUESTMS Schools for the Blind and the Deaf PriorityProject TitleAmount Immediate Needs 1 Renovation of MSD Dorm B $ 2,295,975 2 Renovation of MSD Dorm C $ 2,755,170 3 Renovation of MSD Elementary Building $ 3,068,981 Total Immediate Needs (1-3) $ 8,120,126 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
BUDGET BACK-UP INFORMATION Includes Historical Data K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
MISSISSIPPI ADEQUATE EDUCATION PROGRAM Total Estimated FY 10 Cost: $2,268,053,083 SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF BASE STUDENT COST FOR FY 2010 FY 2009 Actual Base Student Cost $4,675 Adjustment for Inflation Per Statute* $ 63 Adjustment for FY 10 Pay Raise** $ 15 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE BASE STUDENT COST FY 2010 $4,753 *Per statute the Base Student Cost will not be recalculated until FY 11. Until then, the Base Student Cost must be increased annually by an inflationary adjustment equal to 40% of the Base Student Cost for the previous fiscal year times the latest annual inflation rate as determined by the State Economist. The inflation rate for the current adjustment to the Base Student Cost is 3.39%. **An additional adjustment to the Base Student Cost was made to include Phase II of the increase in teacher pay resulting from the extension of the teacher salary schedule from 25 to 35 years as passed during the 2008 Regular Session. MAEP cost calculated by Horne CPA Group as required by language in HB 513. NOTE: This is an ESTIMATE only. Cost will change with adjustments for actual ADA and any change in the consumer price index in January, 2009. K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
MISSISSIPPI ADEQUATE EDUCATION PROGRAM Summary of Preliminary Estimate of FY 2010 Cost ALL CALCULATIONS PERFORMED BY A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT (HORNE LLP) AS REQUIRED BY HB 513 SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF MAEP COST FOR FY 2010 Estimated Formula Cost $ 1,820,888,793 Estimated Cost for “Add On’s”* $ 436,128,226 Estimated Cost for Misc. MAEP Programs** $ 11,036,064 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF MAEP COST FOR FY 2010 $2,268,053,083 *Add on programs include Special Education ($248,825,955-5,134 units); Vocational Education ($48,953,846-1,015 units); Gifted Education ($47,055,377-928 units); Transportation ($60,466,866); and Alternative Schools ($30,826,182). **Includes Extended School Year, Orthopedic and Aphasic, Non-Public Textbooks, Bus Driver Training, and Transportation for University-based Programs. K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
MISSISSIPPI ADEQUATE EDUCATION PROGRAM Summary of Preliminary Estimate of FY 2010 Cost ALL CALCULATIONS PERFORMED BY A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT (HORNE LLP) AS REQUIRED BY HB 513 *As required by HB513, as passed during the 2008 Regular Session of the Mississippi Legislature, all FY 2010 MAEP calculations, including the calculation of the Preliminary Estimate of the MAEP Cost, are to be performed by an independent Certified Public Accountant. The above Preliminary Estimate of the MAEP Cost calculation was performed by Horne LLP independently from the Department of Education. **Includes estimated ADA growth in Desoto, Madison County and Rankin County. K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
MISSISSIPPI ADEQUATE EDUCATION PROGRAM History of Appropriated Base Student Cost *Estimate K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
MISSISSIPPI ADEQUATE EDUCATION PROGRAMTeacher Salary Comparison US SE MS Source: Research Division, National Education Association-Rankings of the States 2005 and Estimates of School Statistics 2006, NEA Research, November 2006. All Mississippi data reflect actual figures, not estimates or revised values as reported in the NEA report. Note: A number of entities provide average teacher salary data by state. NEA and NCS are the primary providers of this information. In Mississippi, for the 06-07 school year, the average teacher salary is $40,182, a drop from the previous year due to the number of teachers with 25 or more years experience leaving the public schools. For FY06 avg. years of experience = 13.01; the avg. years of experience for FY07 was 12.82, a .19 drop in years of experience. K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
MISSISSIPPI ADEQUATE EDUCATION PROGRAMSpecial Programs Teacher Units Funded (Actual units through FY08—estimated for FY09 & FY10) K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
MISSISSIPPI ADEQUATE EDUCATION PROGRAMEnrollment/Average Daily Attendance FY Enrollment ADA % K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION Requested Increase over FY09 $1,000,000 MS ranks 6th in the nation for total National Board Certified teachers and 3rd in the nation per capita Teachers Speech Pathologists Counselors School Nurses K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request *Estimates
NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION Certified Teachers, Counselors, Speech Pathologists & School Nurses Total Program Cost No. Receiving Supplement 1997 $ 6,954 2 1998 $ 94,862 6 1999 $ 446,068 44 2000 $ 5,080,288 649 2001 $ 9,162,862 1,228 2002 $10,858,183 1,617 2003 $13,662,139 2,047 2004 $15,529,692 2,287 2005 $17,672,934 2,607 2006 $19,030,378 2,807 2007 $19,546,184 2,872 2008 $20,525,497 2,964 2009 Est. $20,546,184 3,120 2010 Est. $21,546,184 3,274 Year K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
EDUCABLE CHILD PROGRAMRequested Increase over FY09 $0 Child Placement Data Number of Students Placed by… Year School Parent Increase District DHHS Medicaid Parent Total Over Last Yr. 2003 214 292 125 152 783 49 2004 247 338 114 159 858 75 2005 240 342 194 163 939 81 2006 291 374 251 168 1,084 145 2007 358 421 265 158 1,202 118 2008 413 537 229 132 1,311 109 2009 Est. 454 591 252 145 1,442 131 2010 Est. 499 650 277 160 1,586 144 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
EDUCABLE CHILD PROGRAM Continued Educable Child Budget Year# of StudentsState FederalTotal 2003 783 $ 3,753,273 $8,540,283 $12,293,556 2004 858 $ 5,368,502 $3,995,200 $ 9,363,702 2005 939 $ 5,319,231 $2,867,528 $ 8,186,759 2006 1,084 $11,494,936 $3,200,000 $14,694,936 2007 1,202 $ 9,853,229 $ 0 $ 9,853,229 2008 1,311 $11,475,053 $ 0 $11,475,053 2009 Est. 1,442 $13,200,000 $3,200,000 $16,400,000 2010 Est. 1,586 $13,200,000 $3,200,000 $16,400,000 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
STATE SCHOOLS MS School for Math & Science FY 10 Request $5,857,061 (GF-$4,857,061; Ed. Trust-$1,000,000) Increase over FY 09 Level: $881,551 FY04 Final Student Enrollment 244 FY05 Final Student Enrollment 221 FY06 Final Student Enrollment 252 FY07 Final Student Enrollment 255 FY08 Final Student Enrollment 222 FY09 Current Student Enrollment 223 FY10 Estimated Student Enrollment 270 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
STATE SCHOOLS MS School of the Arts FY 10 Request $3,348,176 Increase over FY 09 Level: $326,215 FY04 Final Student Enrollment 52 FY05 Final Student Enrollment 109 FY06 Final Student Enrollment 115 FY07 Final Student Enrollment 119 FY08 Final Student Enrollment 129 FY09 Current Student Enrollment 146 FY10 Estimated Student Enrollment 170 (Anticipate 2-3 students commuting each year) K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
STATE SCHOOLS MS Schools for the Blind & the Deaf FY 10 Request $12,316,383Increase over FY 09 Level: $250,177 FY04 Final Student Enrollment FY05 Final Student Enrollment FY06 Final Student Enrollment FY07 Final Student Enrollment FY08 Final Student Enrollment FY09 Current Student Enrollment FY10 Estimated Student Enrollment *Includes residential and day campus-based students. K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
CHICKASAW SCHOOL FUNDRequest: $13,004,818 Net increasein request of $915,835 FY09FY10 Net Change (06 Collections) (07 Collections) (from Previous Yr.) Timber Sales $ 9,460,997 $ 9,144,850 $ (316,147) Interest on Investments 6,713,876 10,130,103 3,416,227 Forestry Escrow 1,731,672 1,794,346 62,674 Surface Leases 14,924,517 15,808,822 884,305 Other Revenue Sources 6,130,632 4,764,651 (1,365,981) Net Increase in Revenue $ 2,681,078 K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
FY10 BUDGET REQUESTAll Sources of Funds FY09 FY10 Requested Appropriated Request Inc./(Dec.) Total General Funds (GF) $ 2,210,667,088 $ 2,422,388,374 $ 211,721,286 Total GF Re-appropriated$ 28,000,000 $ 0 $ (28,000,000) Total Enhancement Funds $ 246,613,410 $ 246,613,410 $ 0 Total Public School Bldg. $ 0 $ 20,000,000 $ 20,000,000 Total Diverted PSBF $ 20,000,000 $ 0 $ (20,000,000) Total Other State Sp. Funds $ 1,126,472 $ 1,126,472 $ 0 Subtotal $ 2,506,406,970 $ 2,690,128,256 $ 183,721,286 MAEP Sp. Fund Authority $ 50,000,000 $ 50,000,000 $ 0 Total State Request $ 2,556,406,970 $ 2,740,128,256 $ 183,721,286 Total Fed./Special Funds** $ 833,688,178 $ 871,793,681 $ 38,105,503 Total K-12 Funds $ 3,390,095,148 $ 3,611,921,937 $ 221,826,789 **Includes increase in Special Education-$16.6M; Title Programs-$18.5M; Child Nutrition-$6.9M; Driver Penalty-$.1M; and Healthy Schools-(4.0M). K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
HISTORY OF DIVERTED FUNDSUsed to Fund MAEP(from FY01—FY09) *FY02-Districts were allowed to used additional EEF funds in operations to absorb the shortfall. K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request
Mississippi Department of Education FY 2010 Budget Request K-12 FY 2010 Budget Request