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Molecular M echanisms in C orticosteroid R esistance ; H istone A cetylation and D eacetylation. Hasan Bayram, MD, PhD . Department of Chest Diseases , School of Medicine , University of Gaziantep E-mail: bayram@ gantep .edu.tr.
Molecular Mechanisms in CorticosteroidResistance; HistoneAcetylation and Deacetylation Hasan Bayram, MD, PhD. Department of ChestDiseases, School of Medicine, University of Gaziantep E-mail: bayram@gantep.edu.tr TTS 15th AnnualCongress, Antalya 11-15 April 2012
I have no conflict of interest to declare with regards to my presentation.
Contents • How do steroids work? • How does steroid resistance occur? • Histoneacetylation and deacetylation • HDAC abnormality in diseases • The effect of increased HDAC activity in treatment • Summary
GlucocorticoidActivation of Anti-inflammatory GeneExpression Barnes PJ, J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2010
GlucocorticoidSuppression of ActivatedInflammatoryGenes Barnes PJ, J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2010
Possible MolecularMechanisms of SteroidResistance Barnes PJ, J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2010
Mechanism of GlucocorticoidResistance in COPD, SevereAsthma and SmokingAsthma Barnes PJ, J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2010
MolecularMechanisms of SteroidResistance • Defectivehistoneacetylation • Reducedacetylation of lysine 5 on histone 4 • Reducedhistonedeacetylase 2 • Increasedoxidativestress • Increasedphosphoinositide-3-kinase-δ activation • Increased P-glycoprotein • Increasedefflux of steroids Barnes PJ, Adcock IA, Lancet 2009
(4m DNA nükleusta paketlenir 50,000x kısaltılarak))
H2A R R * * * * H2B * H2B * * * * * H4 * * * H4 * * * M * * DNA * * * M M * * * * H3 H2A H3 P P * * * * M M * =Acetylation sites: Lysine residues NucleosomalStructure: DNA is wrapped around the histoneoctamer Wolffe AP, Haynes J: Nucl Acids Res 1999 (Courtesy of I Adcock)
Histone acetylation/deacetylation controls gene expression HistoneDeacetylation (Gene silencing) Histone Deacetylase (transcriptional activation) Histone Acetylation Histone Acetyltransferase P300/CBP, PCAF, TAFs, SRC-1, ACTR, TIP60 4 classes: HDAC 1 - 11sirtuins 1-7 (Courtesy of I Adcock)
DiseaseswithAbnormal HDAC Expression • Asthma (smokers) • COPD • Others; rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease • AdenocarcinomapatientswithCushing’ syndrome has lowlevel of HDAC1 1Bilodeau S, et al, Genes Dev. 2006; Barnes PJ, Adcock IA, Lancet 2009
protein) ** # # HDAC activity (dpm/mg 125 r2 = 0.7803 100 As +ICS As +ICS p< 0.0001 1 75 FEV 50 0 100 200 300 HDAC activity (dpm) HAT and HDAC activity in asthmatic biopsies HAT activity HDAC activity 7500 150 ** 5000 ** 100 HAT activity (dpm) 2500 50 0 0 As -ICS N As -ICS N (Courtesy of I. Adcock) Ito K, et al, AJRCCM. 2002
HDAC and HAT Expression in PBMCs of Normal andAsthmaticIndividuals HDAC HAT Hew M, et al., AJRCCM 2006
Relationship BetweenEndogenous HDAC and HAT Activitiesand BHR in Asthmatic Children Su RC, et al,. JACI 2009
HAT andHDAC Activitiesin Peripheral Lung Tissue from Patientswith COPD HAT HDAC KOAH evre KOAH evre PN: Pnumonia CF: Cytsticfibrosis Ito K, et al, NEJM. 2005
TheCorrelationBetween HDAC Activityand FEV1/FVC Ito K, et al, NEJM. 2005
HDAC Expression in PeripheralLungTissue. GOLD Stage HDAC 1-8 gene expression, real time PCR (* VS non-smokerand s0.) Ito K, et al, NEJM. 2005
6 weeks TSA Kontrol
Can We Enhance HDAC Activity and Restore ‘Normal’ Cell Function?
Effect of Prednisoloneon Activity and Expression ofHDAC in PBMCs (30 mg/daily 3-weektreatment) Cosio BG, et al, Am J RespirCrit Care 2004
Activity and Expression of HDACs and HATs in BAL Macrophages HAT HDAC Cosio BG, et al, Am J RespirCrit Care 2004
Effect of Dexamethasone on Release of IL-8 and GM-CSF fromBronchialEpithelialCells of COPD Patients
Reversal of CorticosteroidInsensitivity by Theophylline in SmokingMice To Y, et al. Am J RespirCrit Care Med. 2010
Effect of Theophylline on HDAC Activity and DexamethasoneSensitivity in AlveolarMacrophages (U937 Hücreleri) Cosio BG, et al J ExpMed. 2004
Change in PeakExpiratoryFlow (PEF)Following 28 days of Treatment Spears M, et al. EurRespir J. 2009
Effect of FP+LowDoseTheophylline on HDAC Activity in PBMCs (Courtesy of I Adcock) Ford PA, et al. Chest 2010
FP/Theo ImprovesSputumNeutrophilia andLungFunction (Courtesy of I Adcock) Ford PA, et al. Chest 2010
Summary • Steroid resistance is an important problem • Histone acetylation and deacetylation is important • The interventions to induce HDAC activity (i.e. Theophylline) may contribute to the treatment