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Digital Investigation | Digital Forensics | Cyber Crime - 2023

In today's digital landscape, digital inquiry is critical. It aids in the fight against cybercrime, the preservation of digital evidence, the discovery of hidden information, the protection of intellectual property, the enhancement of cybersecurity, incident response, and business continuity, and the maintenance of privacy and compliance. Digital investigators play an important role in protecting the integrity of digital systems, securing sensitive information, and creating a secure digital environment by utilizing specialized techniques and technologies.

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Digital Investigation | Digital Forensics | Cyber Crime - 2023

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  1. LumiverseSolutions PvtLtd www.lumiversesolutions.com

  2. Aboutthe Company Lumiverse Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a leading cyber security company, dedicated to safeguarding businesses from evolving cyber threats. We offer industry-standard security services, including vulnerability assessments, to protect your websites and data. With over 5 years of experience serving clients around the globe across multiple industries like banking and financial healthcare, government. we provide information security, digital forensic investigation, security assessment, consulting, IT solutions,andcorporatetechnicaltraining.Trustustosecureyour digitalassets.

  3. Whatis Digital Investigation Digital investigation, also known as digital forensics, refers to the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting electronic evidence to uncover and investigate digital crimes or incidents. Itinvolvestheapplicationofspecializedtechniquesandtoolsto extract and examine data from digital devices, networks, and online sources. The objective of the digital investigation is to identify, preserve, and analyze digital evidence in a legally admissiblemanner,aimingtouncoverthetruth,establishfacts, and support legal proceedings related to cybercrimes, data breaches,fraud,andotherdigitaloffenses.

  4. Importanceofdigitalinvestigation

  5. TypesofDigitalCrimes 1 Cyberattacks:Unauthorizedaccesstodisruptormanipulatedata. 2 Data Breaches:Unauthorizedaccesstosensitiveinformation. 3 OnlineFraud:Variousfraudulentactivitiesareconductedonline. 4 IntellectualPropertyTheft:Unauthorizeduseofcopyrightedmaterialsortradesecrets. 5 OnlineHarassment: Harassmentandthreatsusingdigitalplatforms. 6 IdentityTheft:Theftofpersonalinformationforfraud. 7 FinancialCybercrimes:Unauthorizedaccessandfraudinfinancialsystems.

  6. DigitalInvestigationProcess Analysis Interpretingthefindingstouncoverinsightsand patterns Documentation Recording the digital investigationprocess andfindings Reporting Presentingthefindingsandconclusionsina clearmanner Presentation/Testimony Communicatingresultstostakeholdersor providingtestimonyifneeded. Identification Recognizingtheneedforaninvestigationand determiningitsscope. Collection Gatheringrelevantdigitalevidencefromvarious sources. Preservation Ensuringtheintegrityandsecurityofcollected evidence Examination Analyzingtheevidenceusingforensic techniquesandtools

  7. TYPES OF DIGITAL INVESTIGATION CriminalInvestigations Investigating digital evidence related to cybercrimes,suchashacking,fraud,oridentity theft, to gather evidence for criminal prosecution NetworkInvestigation Investigatingnetworktrafficandlogstoidentify unauthorized activities, network breaches, or suspiciousbehaviorwithincomputernetworks IncidentResponseInvestigations Responding to and investigating security incidents, such as data breaches or system intrusions,toidentifythecause,theextentof damage,andnecessaryremediationsteps MobileDeviceInvestigations Extracting and analyzing data from mobile devices,suchassmartphonesortablets,to gather evidence in cases involving criminal activitiesordigitalmisconduct

  8. Email sale@lumiversesolutions.co.in Website www.lumiversesolutions.com Callus +919371099207

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