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Updates, Refresher and Reminders September 13, 2012

Updates, Refresher and Reminders September 13, 2012. Rules update / NJSIAA clarifications. May a goalkeeper wear non-prescription sunglasses? Ruling – YES, so long as they are not for adornment. Rules update / clarifications.

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Updates, Refresher and Reminders September 13, 2012

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  1. Updates, Refresher and RemindersSeptember 13, 2012

  2. Rules update / NJSIAA clarifications • May a goalkeeper wear non-prescription sunglasses? • Ruling – YES, so long as they are not for adornment.

  3. Rules update / clarifications • A girls JV player is too large to comfortably wear a uniform jersey from her team’s set. May she wear a slightly different one borrowed from the boys team? Ruling – YES.

  4. Rules update / clarifications • May a player have extra padding / tape on the outside of his shoe / sock? • Ruling – YES, provided it does not present a danger to the wearer or any opponent (i.e. nothing ‘hard’ inside)

  5. Rules refresher – restarts after an injury The BIG question - Why was the play stopped? • Ball had already crossed a boundary line (touchline, goal line). • Restart with throw-in, goal kick, corner kick, kick off, as appropriate. • Play was stopped for a foul • Restart with IFK or DFK, as per the foul • Play was stopped solely due to the injury • No clear possession – drop ball • Clear possession – IFK • WHERE THE BALL WAS, not at the spot of the injury

  6. Rules refresher - Offside • A player in an offside position is not penalized when receiving the ball directly from a throw-in or corner kick. • A deflection off of a defender does NOT create an infringement by the attacker • A deflection off of a teammate DOES create an infringement • A player in an offside position SHOULD BE penalized when they become involved in play and gain an advantage from being in the offside position.

  7. Rules refresher – Kicks from the mark • During the regular season, a match that is tied at the end of two 10 minute overtime periods remains a tie. No kicks. • However, if a tournament (Coaches Cup) has received permission from NJSIAA to use kicks to determine who will advance, then conduct the kicks!

  8. Reminder – Conflicts of Interest • If you are “not sure” if a conflict of interest exists, then you have one. • Situations to avoid: • Son or daughter on the team • Son or daughter playing different level for the school/school district • You work for the district • Working varsity matches within the Conference your son/daughter plays • You have an “axe to grind” with a coach • Others?

  9. Reminder – Respect is a Two-Way Street • How can you expect respect when you do not give it? • “Young lady” or “Young man” versus • Ma’am or Sir (preferred) • Remember, you are facilitating THEIR game, they are not playing in YOUR game

  10. Reminder – Know your limits • Are you physically able to run two tough matches in one day? • Are you physically able to run ONE tough match? • Are you ready for the “game of the week”? • Be honest with yourself and with our assignors. Taking games that are beyond your capability is a dis-service to your employer (the school), the players, and the sport. And, it’s not much fun!

  11. Team Work and Communication • There are three teams on the field – two opponents and the officiating crew. • Your partner is your ONLY friend for the match. • So, when a Coach complains about a call or is pleading for a foul call: • DO NOT “sell out” your partner • “That’s HIS call” or “that’s NOT my call” • These imply you are not a team, that your partner is incompetent, that they are not willing to make the difficult call. • Proper responses could be: • “Coach, we will keep an eye on it” • “Coach, I heard you, that’s enough”

  12. Penalty Kicks Revisited • “When all about you are losing their heads …” • Stop the clock, take a breath and SLOW DOWN. • Communication is key. • Lead – whistles the restart; observes GK infringement; ball crossing the end line • Trail – ensures players are 10 yds. from ball; observes for improper kick/stopping; observes encroachment • Make eye contact with your partner before every restart T L

  13. Is it Foul? Or is it Nothing?

  14. Question of the Day • What is the restart when a large bird lands on the pitch, opts to die and play has to be suspended? • Stoppage of play for an inadvertent whistle, interference by an outside agent … • … restart with IFK for team in possession at the time of the stoppage … • … restart with drop ball if neither team is in possession at the time of the stoppage … • … restart at the spot the ball was located at the time of the stoppage – unless the ball was in the goal area.

  15. Reminder – Future SJSOA Meetings • Monday October 1, 2012 • Tuesday October 23, 2012 • End of Season Banquet – Monday November 5, 2012

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