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dsanzh ; fo|ky ;] uyxksaMk

dsanzh ; fo|ky ;] uyxksaMk. nku dk fglkc. } kjk %& johUnz dqekj oekZ. ,d jktk Fkk ] og cgqr datwl FkkA og fdlh dks nku ugha nsrk Fkk vkSj mUgsa Hkxk nsrk FkkA. ,d ckj mlds jkT ; esa vdky iM + x;kA. yksx vkSj tkuoj Hkw [k ls ejus yxsA.

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dsanzh ; fo|ky ;] uyxksaMk

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Presentation Transcript

  1. dsanzh; fo|ky;] uyxksaMk nkudkfglkc }kjk%& johUnzdqekjoekZ

  2. ,d jktkFkk] ogcgqrdatwlFkkAogfdlhdksnkuughansrkFkkvkSjmUgsaHkxknsrkFkkA

  3. ,d ckjmldsjkT; esavdkyiM+ x;kA

  4. yksxvkSjtkuojHkw[k lsejusyxsA

  5. nq%[khturkjktk ds iklennek¡xus ds fy, xbZAysfdumlusenndjuslseukdjfn;kvkSjmudksHkxkfn;kA

  6. mldsjkT; esa ,d lU;klhjgrkFkkAmlusjktklsnkuek¡xkvkSj ;g “krZ j[khfdigysfnu ,d :i, ls “kq: djdsnkunsavkSjvxysfnufiNysfnudknqxqukdjdschlfnuksardnkunsaA

  7. lU;klh “krZ ds vuqlkjjkst+ vkrkvkSjnkuysdjpyktkrkA

  8. ,d fnuea=h us fglkcyxk;kvkSjfglkc ns[kdjog ?kcjkx;kvkSjjktk ds iklx;kAjktkHkhfglkc ns[kdjpdjkx;kA

  9. jktk us vxysfnulU;klhlsek¡Qhek¡xhvkSjdgkfdd`i;kgesablca/kulseqDrdjnsaA ;fnge ;g nkunsaxsrks [ktkuk [kkyhgkstk,xkA

  10. lU;klh us ;g “krZ j[khfdogvdkyxzLrturkdksdsoyipklgtkj :i, dh enndjnsa] rkseSaviuh “krZokilysyw¡xkAjktk us “krZekuyhA

  11. blizdkjlU;klh us jktkdkslcdfl[kk;k A

  12. lekIr }kjk%& JhjohUnzdqekjoekZ dsUnzh; fo|ky; uyxksaMk

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