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TEXAS The Lone Star State. By: Yvette Walton LTEC 4100. The TEKS this lesson plan covers are as follows: Students will be able to focus on the study of their community as well as their state and nation. Identify and explain the significance of various capital buildings
TEXASThe Lone Star State By: Yvette Walton LTEC 4100
The TEKS this lesson plan covers are as follows: • Students will be able to focus on the study of their community as well as their state and nation. • Identify and explain the significance of various capital buildings • Identify and locate places on a map. • Compare information from different sources about places and regions • Create written and visual materials to express ideas. • Use various parts of a source, including the table of contents, glossary, and index, as well as keyword computer searches, to locate information
Grade Level: 2nd Grade Subject: Social Studies (Facts about Texas) Goal: For students to understand the significant facts about the state of Texas. Objectives: Students will be able to identify and comprehend significant facts about Texas. Students will be able to research facts about Texas and relay their understanding in a creative booklet.
Materials: • Manila paper (6 per student) • Colored Pencils/Markers • Books about Texas/Social Studies Books • Computers • Activity: • The Introduction: The lesson will start with the teacher getting the students attention by displaying a map of the United States at the front of the classroom and asking the students if they know the state in which we live. Students will also be asked what they already know about Texas and a short class discussion will follow. • Assessment: An assessment tool to evaluate the students’ learning will be asking questions as students present their booklets to make sure the class as a whole understands the meaning and significance of each fact. • Adaptation: You can change this activity to meet the needs of exceptional learners by requiring these particular students to do fewer facts, possibly just 2 or 3 facts, depending on what the student understands.
The Learning: Next, the book “The Legend of the Bluebonnet” will be read aloud to the class. The teacher will pause during the book to ask questions to make sure that the students understand, and also to clarify. After reading the book, the students will be asked to use their textbooks, books about Texas, and also the computers in the classroom to search for facts about Texas. Based on what the students already know and learn, they will be asked to create a booklet using Manila paper and colored pencils and markers. The students will pick 6 facts that they found interesting and write them on a piece of the Manila paper (one fact to each page). They will also be encouraged to draw pictures and representations of the facts that they found. Conclusion: In order to wrap up the lesson after the activity is completed, the students will be asked to share their booklets with their classmates. This will enable the students to see the facts each student found, and also to restate the important facts about Texas.
Texas Flag • The Lone Star Flag - 1845 • Red for Bravery • Blue for Loyalty • White for Purity What are the meanings of each of these words?
HOW DID TEXAS GET ITS NAME? • Texas is based on a word used by Caddo Indians, “Tejas,” meaning “friends.” WHAT STATES BORDER TEXAS? • Arkansas • Louisiana • New Mexico • Oklahoma
TEXAS State Nickname: The Lone Star State State Motto: Friendship State Song: “Texas, Our Texas” What does “friendship” mean? Why do you think Texas is called the Lone Star State?
State Capital: Austin • Austin became the capital of Texas in 1846. • Austin is the fourth largest city in the state. • What do you think the largest city in Texas is?
References: • TEKS • http://www.tea.state.tx.us/teks/ • Enchanted Learning • http://www.enchantedlearning.com/usa/states/texas/ • Austin Texas Facts • http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/citymgr/basicfac.htm