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Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Social Development. DSD r esponse to the Strategic Objectives emanating from the SONA [2013]. 26 th February 2013. Presentation Outline. Highlights from the SONA 2013 Key Strategic Objectives DSD Response Concluding. Key Highlights.
Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Social Development DSD response to the Strategic Objectives emanating from the SONA [2013] 26th February 2013
Presentation Outline • Highlights from the SONA 2013 • Key Strategic Objectives • DSD Response • Concluding
Key Highlights The President of the Republic of SA, H.E. Mr JG Zuma, delivered his SONA on 14 February 2013 with the following key issues for Social Development: • He emphasised the importance of all South Africans rallying around the new vision set out in the National Development Plan [NDP] for purposes of addressing the triple challenge of poverty, inequality and unemployment. • The NDP primarily locates Social Development within the broader scope of social protection with a key focus on creating a system that ensures that no household lives below a pre-determined social floor and that all areas of vulnerability taking into consideration the needs, realities, conditions and livelihoods of those at risk are addressed.
Key Highlights The President of the Republic of SA, H.E. Mr JG Zuma, delivered his SONA on 14 February 2013 with the following key issues for Social Development: • The position taken by the NDP pays a careful attention on how social protection can be used to harmonise comprehensive social security, welfare services and community development in a manner that reduces vulnerability, prevent poverty and empowers individuals, families and communities. • The President also highlighted the key social and economic challenges still facing the country and called upon government, labour, business and the rest of civil society to work together towards finding common solutions.
Key Highlights The President of the Republic of SA, H.E. Mr JG Zuma, delivered his SONA on 14 February 2013 with the following key issues for Social Development: • Condemned in the strongest terms the recent violent attacks on vulnerable women, children and the elderly. • Emphasized the need to intensify the war against corruption. • Pointed out the challenges the country is facing due to the current economic downturn and instability in the labour market vis-à-vis the need to create more jobs and ensure sustainable growth
Strategic Objectives “The infrastructure development programme has been a valuable source of learning for government. In the year ahead, we will fast-track many of the projects that the PICC has announced….” [SO1] DSD Response: • The development of the social development infrastructure sector plan is underway. Some of the related projects under this initiative include: • audit of about 18 000 ECD facilities throughout the country • a condition assessment of all DSD facilities • improvement of the 20 worst offices in each province • rehabilitation of SASSA offices and pay points • blue print designs and space norms for all facilities • development of spatial infrastructure models [including access norms]
Strategic Objectives “The infrastructure development programme has been a valuable source of learning for government. In the year ahead, we will fast-track many of the projects that the PICC has announced….” [SO1] DSD Response: The full rollout of DSD infrastructure: • will contribute immensely to job creation especially for the unemployed youth. • will support the objective of strengthening the capacity of the State as set out in chapter 11 of the NDP 2030 vision.
Strategic Objectives “We will also use the Expanded Public Works Programme and the Community Work programme to absorb young people….” [SO2] DSD Response: • EPWP currently includes the Home and Community Based Care (HCBC) and Early Childhood Development (ECD). • However, more needs to be done to help the approximately 3,3 million youth between 15 and 24 years who were said to be not in education or in jobs during October and December 2012. • With the scaling up of ECD, Child &Youth Care work as from 2013/14 FY, there is a great potential for creation of job opportunities for many young people.
Strategic Objectives “We will also use the Expanded Public Works Programme and the Community Work programme to absorb young people….” [SO2] DSD Response: A systematic response to this objective: • will not only create work opportunities, but contribute a great deal towards social cohesion. • focus on creating safe public space especially for women and children [i.e. clearing of bushes and installation of lights in public spaces] as part of the drive by the IMC on gender based violence.
Strategic Objectives “We are pleased with the growth of our early childhood education programmes, including Grade R…. We declared education as an apex priority in 2009. We want to see everyone in the country realising that education is an essential service for our nation” [SO3] DSD Response: • DSD will focus on the implementation of the National Plan of Action following the Buffalo City Conference and Diagnostic Report issued by DPME. Implement the following 10 points: • Develop a new ECD policy that will provide the legal basis for the state to fully support a defined set of critical ECD services and universal access to ECD.
Strategic Objectives “We are pleased with the growth of our early childhood education programmes, including Grade R…. We declared education as an apex priority in 2009. We want to see everyone in the country realising that education is an essential service for our nation” [SO3] DSD Response: Implement the following 10 points: • Develop comprehensive service packages for various age groups [i.e. Early stimulation and learning, Child care/parental and family support] • Establish an effective service delivery model-that is based on state support for strong cadre of community workers from health, social development and the NGO community. • Phase in a service delivery model that adopt a range of mechanisms for reaching young children, including but not limited to home based, community based and centre based mechanism
Strategic Objectives “We are pleased with the growth of our early childhood education programmes, including Grade R…. We declared education as an apex priority in 2009. We want to see everyone in the country realising that education is an essential service for our nation” [SO3] DSD Response: Implement the following 10 points: • Establishment of a central agency/mechanism to provide leadership and to ensure adequate regulation, capacity development, funding and coordination. • Establish funding norms and standards for differentiated services and models. • Develop and implement an integrated infrastructure policy and strategy
Strategic Objectives “We are pleased with the growth of our early childhood education programmes, including Grade R…. We declared education as an apex priority in 2009. We want to see everyone in the country realising that education is an essential service for our nation” [SO3] DSD Response: Implement the following 10 points: • Develop and implement an Advocacy, communications and Social Mobilisationstrategy. • Develop and implement a human resource development strategy which addresses gaps in career progression • Urgently design and implement an integrated programme for the first 1000 days of life, focusing on investment 270 days of pregnancy, 365 days [in year 1] & 365 days [in year 2].
Strategic Objectives “We are pleased with the growth of our early childhood education programmes, including Grade R…. We declared education as an apex priority in 2009. We want to see everyone in the country realising that education is an essential service for our nation” [SO3] DSD Response: A strategic response to ECD will indeed • draw us closer to successful societies which have one thing in common – massive invested in education [SONA 2013]. • help us achieve the basic social protection guarantees envisaged in the NDP 2030 vision statement. “By 2030, everyone must enjoy an adequate standard of living. There must be basic social protection guarantees aimed at preventing or alleviating poverty and protecting against vulnerability. These must be easily accessible and available to those who need them the most”
Strategic Objectives “The brutality and cruelty meted out to defenceless women is unacceptable and has no place in our country” [SO4] Government Wide response: • Through the IMC for Anti-violence against women and children, in partnership with non-governmental organisations that are actively involved in the fight against gender-based violence and women abuse, government is expected to devise an effective strategy that will address most of the gaps and weaknesses in the current system. • The new strategy should ensure effectiveness of the entire criminal justice system and target men and boys with a view to re-orientate their psyche and mind-set towards their female counterparts.
Strategic Objectives “The brutality and cruelty meted out to defenceless women is unacceptable and has no place in our country” [SO4] DSD Response: • We will provide stronger focus than ever before on prevention and early intervention to support women and children against the scourge. • Whilst the research focus is around men and what causes them to behave violently – there is a need to educate the girl child of her responsibilities to protect herself.
Strategic Objectives “The brutality and cruelty meted out to defenceless women is unacceptable and has no place in our country” .. [SO4] DSD Response: • Specific interventions include the following: • Counselling services for victims of Abuse • Shelters for abused women • Everyday Heroes • Victim’s Charter • Strategy to Engage Boys and Men in the Prevention of Gender Based Violence • Framework on Positive Values
Strategic Objectives “The brutality and cruelty meted out to defenceless women is unacceptable and has no place in our country” .. “Improving the status of women remains a critical priority for this government.….” [SO4] DSD Response: • Specific interventions include the following: • Programme on Fatherhood • Gender and HIV&AIDS link • Gender Sensitisation Workshops, Gender and Masculinity Workshops, Gender Dialogues
Strategic Objectives “Improving the status of women remains a critical priority for this government.….” [SO5] DSD Response: • In addressing inequality and ensuring an inclusive society we will focus on programmes that aim to empower women through (e.g.): • targeted procurement policies (setting up specific quotas and procuring from women companies, SMMEs) • exposing rural women to DSD services • convening business building seminars for women involved in co-operatives and small business enterprises • establish 9 school uniform co-operatives for women in targeted schools and municipal districts in rural areasstarting with the following provinces - Kwazulu-Natal (3); Free State (3); and Western Cape (3).
Strategic Objectives “Diseases of lifestyle are on an alarming increase. We have to combat and lower the levels of smoking, harmful effects of alcohol, poor diets and obesity….” [SO6] DSD Response: • The department continues to implement the Anti-alcohol and Substance Abuse Summit Resolutions expressed in a National Plan of Action • We have concluded a review of the National Drug Master Plan which will be presented to Cabinet soon. • We are moving towards a classification of creative drugs such as Nyaupe, etc as illegal. • Working closely with the DTI to finalise norms and standards which will regulate trading hours, liquor licencing and location of taverns.
Strategic Objectives “Government continues to wage a war against corruption….” [SO7] DSD Response: • SASSA continues to circumvent fraudulent grant recipients and is currently busy with the third phase of the re-registration of grant recipients across the country. • The culture of clean administration and audits will be entrenched at DSD by strengthening internal control mechanisms including risk management.
Strategic Objectives “Last May I asked constituencies at NEDLAC to discuss youth employment incentives …. The incentives will add to what Government is already doing to empower the youth” [SO8] DSD Response: • Empirical evidence has shown that, amongst others, social assistance contributes positively towards labour market activation. • DSD has developed draft proposal on the Job Seeker’s Grant and there’s a lot of research already done in this area. • Discussions on this matter are currently underway at a political level.
Strategic Objectives “State owned companies provide apprenticeships and learnerships and we urge that these be increased….” [SO9] DSD Response: • DSD continues to provide internship programmes to recently qualified graduates and in many instances exceeds the targets set up by government. • The social work scholarship programme remains being one of the key programme for skills development and job creation for young people within the sector.
Strategic Objectives “South Africa will continue supporting Africa's peace efforts including through mediation, troop contribution for peace keeping, and by providing material and financial assistance….”[SO10] DSD Response: • DSD will continue to participate meaningfully in the international arena through bi-lateral and multi-lateral engagements. • We continue to play an important role both in the AU as well as the UN initiatives. • The Minister of Social Development is planning to host a side event of the Ministers responsible for social protection in the BRICS countries during the run up period to the BRICS Summit.
Strategic Objectives “A key project for the Presidency currently is to get government departments to pay SMMEs within 30 days.” SO11] DSD Response: • DSD introduced a reporting template to monitor payments to SMMEs on a weekly basis. • Advised service providers to submit all invoices to SCM through the issuing of a letter together with the placing of an Order • Service level agreements with service providers will now have a standard clause indicating that all invoices must be submitted to SCM for payment • Conduct weekly follow-ups on outstanding invoices with service providers • A circular was issued in the Department instructing officials to immediately certify invoices for payment upon receipt thereof
Concluding Remarks • Global evidence indicates that investment in the early years of a child’s life are critical to human capacity development. • The spin offs of ECD includes better educational outcomes and participation and greater earnings as adults. • Reports from the OECD indicates that social protection programmes, including cash transfer programmes constitute an affordable investment in poverty reduction and an effective stimulus to pro-poor growth. • Transfers to poorer households increases overall investment productivity leading to aggregate economic growth. • Transfers that ensure a minimum level of nutrition will increase the proportion of the economically active in the population leading to aggregate economic growth.