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Synchrotron and neutron experiments. Angus P. Wilkinson School of Chemistry and Biochemistry Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0400 Thanks are due to Alan Hewat and Ian Swainson for many of the slides. Outline. Comparison of X-ray and neutron scattering
Synchrotron and neutron experiments Angus P. Wilkinson School of Chemistry and Biochemistry Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0400 Thanks are due to Alan Hewat and Ian Swainson for many of the slides
Outline • Comparison of X-ray and neutron scattering • Applications of neutron diffraction • “Light” elements • Magnetism • High Q data • Penetration • What is a synchrotron and why use one? • Resonant scattering and the determination of complex cation distributions • Where X-rays meet neutrons – in the high energy regimen • Summary
Locating “light elements” • Structure of the 90K high Tc superconductor • Left -by X-rays(Bell labs & others) • Right -by Neutrons(many neutron labs) • The neutron picture gave a very different idea of the structure -important in the search for similar materials. YBa2Cu3O7 drawing from Capponi et al. Europhys Lett 3 1301 (1987)
Hydrogen in metals • Hydrogen storage in metals • Location of H among heavy atoms • No single crystals • Laves phases eg LnMg2H7 (La,Ce) • Binary alloys with large/small atoms • Various arrangements of tetrahedral sites can be occupied by H-atoms • Up to 7 Hydrogens per unit Gingl, Yvon et al. (1997) J. Alloys Compounds 253, 313. Kohlmann, Gingl, Hansen, Yvon (1999) Angew. Chemie38,2029.etc..
Hydrogen – a blessing and a curse • Neutrons see hydrogen well – perhaps too well. • Neutron incoherent scattering is an isotropic “random” scattering of neutrons. This is the basis of some techniques (quasi-elastic neutron scattering) but is a killer for neutron, at least powder, diffraction. • Deuterate to avoid problems. This can be difficult and may change what you want to examine. For example, cement hydration in H2O is different from that in D2O % bc biscsisssa H 99.985 -3.741 25.27 1.758 80.27 82.03 0.3326 D 0.015 6.671 4.04 5.592 2.051 7.643 0.000519 Unit of b is fm. Unit of cross-section s is 4pb2 in barns (100 fm2). ss = si + sc
Form factor fall off • X-ray scattering amplitude is strongly dependent on sinq/l making it very difficult to get good quality x-ray data at high sinq/l • This can give problems with determining “thermal parameters” • Neutrons give good signal at high sinq/l
High Q data • Time-of-flight neutron diffraction facilitates the collection of data to very high Q (small d-spacing) • No form factor fall off • Highest flux at short wavelength • Similar experiments can also be done with very high energy synchrotron radiation Cu Ka Mo Ka Ni metal, synchrotron radiation, GE detector From Peter Chupas
The magnetic structure of MnO • MnO, NiO and FeO order antiferromagnetically • After taking into account the arrangement of unpaired spins the unit cell is twice as big as the atomic arrangement would suggest • So you get extra peaks in the neutron diffraction pattern
Powder neutron diffraction data for MnO • Extra peaks are only present in the neutron diffraction pattern at temperatures where the unpaired spins are ordered (below Neel temperature).
Neutrons are penetrating • Neutrons can pass through a reasonable thickness of metal. This makes it easier to build sample environments • No Be windows or other special approaches needed • V and some alloys such as TiZr have essentially zero coherent scattering cross section and do not give any Bragg peaks
Radiant Furnace • Al vacuum body • Water-cooled base • W or Ta radiant elements • Mo-foil heat shields • 6 kW of power • Turbo vac. 10-7 Torr base pressure, 5e-6 at 2000K • Gas inserts, static or purge Courtesy of I. Swainson
Cryomagnet • 1.5K to RT • 200mK-1.5K He3 • Up to 9T vertical field Courtesy of I. Swainson
Pressure with neutrons • Pressure has always been the most problematic for neutrons, due to low flux • Usually need large volume • And P = F/A acts against you Gas pressure cell made from aluminum. Max P ~ 0.5 GPa • But improvements in neutron optics; e.g., neutron K-B mirrors help compress beams, new sources (SNS), and advances in synthetic diamonds (LARGE single crystals) may mean neutrons make a significant step forwards shortly Courtesy of I. Swainson
Absorption – an isotopic problem Neutron are not without absorption problems! • Other (non-REE) absorbers include Cd and B • 11B, 7Li however are relatively cheap to buy. Courtesy of I. Swainson
Synchrotron radiation • High intensity • Plane polarized • Intrinsically collimated • Wide energy range • Has well defined time structure
Advantages of using a synchrotron • The high level of intrinsic collimation and high intensity of the source facilitates the construction of powder diffractometers with unrivaled resolution • More information in the powder pattern • Can do experiments with good time resolution, although not combined with ultrahigh resolution • Can do experiments at short wavelengths • Facilitates collection of high Q (small d-spacing) data, and reduces or eliminates problems due to absorption • Can do resonant scattering • Chose a wavelength close to an absorption edge and tune the scattering power of the elements in you samples
Diffractometer Geometry • Crystal analyzer gives very good resolution, low count rate and is insensitive to sample displacement, useable with flat plate or capillary • Soller slits give modest resolution, good count rate and insensitivity to sample displacement • Simple receiving slits give good count rate, easily adjustable resolution, can be used with flat plate or capillary
11BM high resolution diffractometer 12 channel analyzer system
Complex materials • Many real materials do not have just one species on a given crystallographic site • YBa2Cu3O7-x • Can have both oxygen and oxygen vacancies on a given site • Zeolites, Mx[Si1-xAlxO2] • Extraframework cations M occupy sites that may also have vacancies and water present • Al may not be randomly distributed over all available sites • NiFe2O4 • What is the distribution of nickel and ion over the tetrahedral and octahedral sites in the spinel? • It can be difficult to pin down the distribution of species over the available sites
Information from diffraction data • Bragg scattering provides a measure of the scattering density at a particular crystallographic site • With one diffraction data set it can be very difficult /impossible to estimate, xi ni and Ui for multiple species on nominally the same site • typically we assume that the xi and Ui are the same for all species at nominally the same site • This may be a gross approximation! • to estimate individual ni the species must differ in scattering power, even then more than two species can not be handled • Determining Mn/Fe distribution in MnFe2O4 using neutrons is easy
Scattering contrast • In some cases lab x-ray data does not generate enough contrast to solve a problem • Ni/Fe distribution and other “neighboring element problems” • Neutrons may generate the needed contrast • But not for Ni/Fe! • More than one data set with different scattering contrast levels may be needed • Differing scattering contrast data set per species on the site? • constraints on composition and site occupancy reduce this requirement • Can get these additional data sets by isotopic substitution and neutron scattering or by resonant x-ray scattering
Resonant x-ray scattering and isotopic substitution • Isotopic substitution is very expensive • Different isotopically substituted samples may not be the same! • Resonant x-ray scattering makes use of the same sample for all measurements • Reliable resonant scattering factors can be awkward to get • Absorption and restricted d-spacing range can be a problem with resonant scattering measurements
The X-ray scattering factor • The elastic scattering is given by, • For a spherical atom,
Absorption and anomalous scattering • f” “mirrors” the absorption coefficient • f’ is intimately related to the absorption coefficient
Examples – Cs8Cd4Sn42 • Cd location in the type I clathrate Cs8Cd4Sn42 • Is the Cd randomly distributed over all the available framework sites? • Distribution of Cd effects Seebeck coefficient and thermoelectric performance • Cd absorbs neutrons • Cd and Sn have similar atomic number • essentially indistinguishable by X-ray scattering unless X-rays have energy close to absorption edge • collect data at 80 keV, Cd K-edge and Sn K-edge • more good data improves reliability of the results • Scattering factors estimated from absorption measurements Chem. Mater. 14, 1300-1305 (2002).
Sn scattering factors in Cs8Cd4Sn42 • Anomalous scattering terms calculated from Kramers-Kronig transformation of absorption data
Resonant scattering and Cs8Cd4Sn42 • Selecting an X-ray energy close to an absorption edge distinguishes Cd from Sn Diffraction data recorded at up sinq/l ~0.7Å-1
Location of Cd in Cs8Cd4Sn42 • Cd is located only on 6c sites • From analysis of data collected at 80 keV and both the Cd and Sn K-edges Type I framework. 6c site (red), 16i site (grey) and 24k site (green)
Powder XRD at high energy • High energy X-rays offer many of the advantages associated with neutrons – along with a lot more flux! • Can use massive sample environment due to penetrating nature of X-rays • Can map out phase and stress distributions inside parts due to penetrating power • Systematic errors due to absorption and extinction are eliminated • Can make measurements to very high Q • provides a lot of structural detail
Summary • Synchrotron based instruments offer very high resolution, excellent peak to background ratio, high data rates, low absorption and the ability to tune an elements scattering power • Synchrotron instruments are expensive and the data is often harder to analyze than that obtained using neutrons • Neutrons excellent for low Z element problems • Neutrons usually the tools of choice for magnetism