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RagnaRøkk. X. Røkk your way through Norse Mythology!!!. Y. Stop the fall of the Gods from happening too early with the power of RØKK!. What Is it?. Platforming/Music Making/Puzzle Solving game with the Guitar Hero Controller
X Røkk your way through Norse Mythology!!!
Y Stop the fall of the Gods from happening too early with the power of RØKK!
What Is it? • Platforming/Music Making/Puzzle Solving game with the Guitar Hero Controller • Skippable minigames between each world add to the story and increase the character’s power • Story has two settings: Authentic and Layman, which will determine how much Norse Terminology will appear
Different from Norse cosmology? • Heavy Metal too soon • Effects everything from demons, giants, and even the gods
Terminology Beings: Loki: God of Mischief Jormungand: Massive serpent that lives in the ocean and wraps around Midgard Utgard-Loki: King of Giants Brokk and Eitri: Dwarven brothers known for creating Thor’s hammer Balder: Dead God of Wisdom and Beauty that is in Hel until RagnaRok Surtr: King of Fire Giants Thyrm: King of Frost Giants Hraesvelg: A giant in the shape of an eagle that overlooks Hel. The beating of his wings creates the wind Hela: Ruler of Hel Fafnir: A great dragon Fenrir: A great wolf RagnaRok: The final battle Locations & Objects: Bifrost: Rainbow bridge that leads to the heavens Gjoll: River that surrounds Hel. A bridge spans it that is protected by a giantess Helgrindr: The Corpse Gate Midgard: Land of Men Jotunheim: Land of Giants Nidavellir: Land of Dwarves Skidbladnir: A magical boat that can propel itself Alfheim: Land of Elves Vanaheim: Land of the Fertility Gods Asgard: Land of the War Gods Muspellheim: Land of Fire Giants Niflheim: Land of Frost Giants Hel: Land of Dishonored Dead
Act I: Earth Possible Minigames • After leaving Midgard, Knut gets Skidbladnir. Knut must navigate treacherous rapids to reach Jotunheim. • After leaving Jotunheim, Knut must climb a mountain range to reach the entrance to Nidavellir. • After finding Loki, Knut must race after him as he tries to escape by turning into a salmon and trying to swim to freedom. Story Points • Knut gets axe and learns about current events (Ragnarok about to begin early, Bifrost is shattered and spread across the cosmos, and Loki has gone missing). • Knut saves Midgard, collects pieces of Bifrost, and fights Jormungand to get to Jotunheim. • Knut explores Jotunheim, collects more pieces of the broken bridge, battles Utgard-Loki, and finds out that Loki escaped his punishment and was last seen in Nidavellir. • Knut battles through Nidavellir, finds out the dwarves are enchanted, collects more pieces of the broken bridge, fights Brokk and Eitri, frees the dwarves, and finds Loki. • Knut faces Loki in an underground cave and recaptures him. In the process, Knut finds out that Loki has nothing to do with the coming war.
Act II: Underworld Possible Minigames • After leaving Muspellheim, Knut must travel across a lake of fire using platforms that float by. • After leaving Niflheim, Knut must convince a group of dishonored dead to carry him across the bridge that spans the river Gjoll. • After defeating Hraesvelg, Knut must unlock Helgrindr to get into Hela’s private sanctum. Story Points • After recapturing Loki, Knut determines to search for Balder to find out if he remains in the underworld • Knut travels through Muspellheim and fights fire giants, collects pieces of Bifrost, and combats Surtr. He finds out that a hooded stranger challenged Surtr into attacking early. • Knut carves his way through Niflheim fighting frost giants, collecting more pieces of Bifrost, and takes on Thrym. He finds out that the hooded stranger visited here as well and convinced them to be prepared for the coming war. • Knut explores Hel, looking for Balder, fighting dishonored dead and collecting pieces of Bifrost. Knut fights Hraesvelg and reaches Hela. • Knut questions Hela and will only get answers if he defeats her. Once that is accomplished, he finds out that Balder is missing and has been for some time. In addition, the hooded stranger was seen leading a contingent of dishonored dead to the gates of Asgard.
Act III: Heaven Possible Minigames • After leaving Alfheim, Knut • After leaving Vanaheim, Knut must rebuild Bifrost using the colors gathered over the course of the game. • After defeating Balder, Knut must defeat and bind an 8-legged steed that the hooded stranger sends to attack Knut. • A final performance is required to calm down everyone and send them back to where they belong. Story Points • Knut now decides to search the heavens for the missing dead god and the hooded stranger, the only leads gathered so far. He finds the trail of the dead army leading to Alfheim. • Knut reaches Alfheim and faces a collection of enemies from the other worlds. He collects more pieces of Bifrost and fights Fafnir. He finds out that the hooded stranger led the army from there to Vanaheim, and no one has seen Balder. • Knut faces an increasing army of enemies from previous worlds attacking Vanaheim, collects more pieces of Bifrost, and fights Fenrir. He just misses the hooded stranger on his way to Asgard. • Knut finally makes it to Asgard and fights the worst collection of enemies. He finds Balder and tries to find out what’s happening but is attacked. After Knut defeats Balder, he finds out that Balder was trying to stop RagnaRok and thought that Knut was behind it. The hooded stranger finally reveals himself. • The hooded stranger explains his motivation for trying to start the final battle and fights Knut to make sure it still happens. If Knut succeeds, RagnaRok is stopped but everything falls into chaos. If Knut fails, RagnaRok goes on and the final war begins.
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