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Sweepstakes 2006: PVRC’s Plan to Take Back the Gavel By Jim Nitzberg, WX3B Using K3MM’s Strategy & Tip Papers. Sweepstakes Scores Historical Perspective. 2004: PVRC Was #3, by WIDE Margin 2005: PVRC Edges out SMC for #2 position, NCCC score way down
Sweepstakes 2006:PVRC’s Plan to Take Back the GavelBy Jim Nitzberg, WX3BUsing K3MM’s Strategy & Tip Papers
Sweepstakes ScoresHistorical Perspective • 2004: PVRC Was #3, by WIDE Margin • 2005: PVRC Edges out SMC for #2 position, NCCC score way down • 2006: Opportunity to take advantage of Trends: PVRC up, SMC Down, NCCC down…but they could get motivated!
The Tactical Plan • PVRC Club Strategy Outlined • Individual Operating Strategies • Station Strategies
PVRC: Club Strategy • Encourage Individuals to set High Goals for themselves • Promote Single-Op High Power Operations • Discourage Multi/Single operations unless there is no other way for folks to operate. • Individual operators contribute far more to the score than multi-ops, per operator. • Highly Motivated Operators (HMOs) are the exception • Find new members or local clubs to join into the SS fun with PVRC • If you run (U)nlimited or Multi – SPOT EVERYONE, especially other PVRC members. • Make SURE you turn your log in by the deadline.
What’s an HMO? • Highly Motivivated Operator, out to improve PVRC’s club score by operating from two locations, with two call signs, during the contest. • Advantage: You have good runs both days! Drawback: You sacrifice your own individual score, since you use two call signs. • PVRC Club Advantage: You generate a larger score for PVRC. • Interested? Contact Jim Nitzberg, WX3B for details. Only one call sign can be used for a “transmitter” in SS. • Example: WX3B operates as KF3P Saturday from N3HBX and makes 1,000 QSOs x 75 sections. Sunday, WX3B goes back to his own house, makes another 1,000 QSOs by 75 sections. More fun, more activity, and more PVRC Points – all by CQing and running stations. No hunting for stations Sunday!
Individual Operating Strategies • Get Started at the BEGINNING of the contest – Saturday afternoon • Listen to the bands for 30 – 60 minutes BEFORE the contest starts to get an idea of the way propagation is running on each band. • Plan to operate until 2:00 – 3:00am Sunday morning on the first day – don’t give up too early! • Save your off time(s) for Sunday afternoon • Limited time? Low Power? Show UP on Sunday for a good time running stations.
Individual Operating Strategies • Make SURE all your equipment works BEFORE the contest • Double-check voice keyer, antennas, computers • SS is all about RATE! Keep your rate up and keep your eye on that rate-meter. • DO NOT CHASE MULTIPLIERS. They will come to you. • Always call CQ on At Least 1 radio while S&Ping on your second (SO2R operators) • Be Accurate – do NOT bust the exchange. Don’t be afraid to ask for repeats to get everything correct.
Individual Operating Strategies • Do NOT answer weak stations when rates are good. • Get to the next HOT (lower) band FAST, mark your spot for 75m SSB! • Play to your Station's Strengths. You only get to contact each station once. If you have a good 75m antenna – spend lots of time on 75 meters! • Operate the contest on your terms, do NOT get psyched out by others with high numbers. They will be seeking YOU out by the end of the contest • Work the shortest skip band that supports high rate. This is normally the lowest band, and it keeps the QSO potential on the East Coast. • Use packet if you wish, but don’t get “stuck” chasing multipliers. If you can’t get a spot on the first call, do NOT waste time in the pileup. Try back again in 10 minutes.
Station Strategies • Use Low, Efficient antennas. Dipoles and Inverted Vees at 35 – 50 feet make EXCELLENT SS antennas. • Use a EWE, Beverage or other RX antenna for 75/80 meters • Be comfortable. Have snacks, drinks at easy reach. Keep aspirin handy.
Station Strategies • Consider operating SO2R for more fun on Sunday! • Figure out a way to get on 75/80 meters. A majority of your SS QSOs could come from this band. An inverted Vee at 50 feet with 500 watts will generate hundreds of QSOs!