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Recent techniques in Precision Agriculture in Asia

Recent techniques in Precision Agriculture in Asia. Byungkyun Chung. Introduction. In a broad sense agriculture includes cultivation of the soil, growing and harvesting crops, breeding and raising of livestock, dairying, and forestry

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Recent techniques in Precision Agriculture in Asia

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  1. Recent techniques in Precision Agriculture in Asia • Byungkyun Chung

  2. Introduction • In a broad sense agriculture includes cultivation of the soil, growing and harvesting crops, breeding and raising of livestock, dairying, and forestry • Modern agriculture depends heavily on engineering and technology and on the biological and physical sciences for successful farming.

  3. Introduction • Began farming 4000 yr ago in Asia • At present, SE Asia produces 150 M tons of paddy per year (25% of world production), of which 95% is consumed within the region. • While per capita demand is expected to decrease in the future, total demand for rice in SE Asia is increased

  4. Introduction • SE Asia

  5. Techniques in Agriculture in Asia • By hand • By using animal • Using terrace • Using small machinery • Using zero-burn

  6. By hand

  7. By using animal

  8. By using terrace

  9. Using small tractor

  10. By zero-burning • To convert biomass into plant available nutrients • For poor farmer on acid upland soils • Low cost

  11. Why they keep these techniques • Small farm land of local farmer in Asia • Poor money • Lack of knowledge • Developing country

  12. Closed Field System(Hydroponic system) • The average farm size in East Asia is not large and cost efficiency for open field agriculture • Closed field systems (Hydroponic system) is for energy savings with zero emission • Greenhouses

  13. Greenhouses • Advantages • Is to protect crops (vegetables) from unfavorable growing conditions (bad weather, insects and birds) • Use natural and renewable energy (solar, wind, biomass) • Higher yield and lower costs

  14. Greenhouses • Disadvantages • Generated Chloride gas from PVC if it is burn (180 ˚C) • Plastic wastes-burn, recycling • Accumulation of undesirable salts in system (Dumping entire solution which plants need)

  15. Greenhouses • Mulching → row covers → small tunnels → plastic houses

  16. Greenhouses • More than half of the world area of plastic greenhouses is in Asia and again China has the largest area • Framed and Floating- Tunnels and Floating Mulching (Okinawa, Japan)

  17. Greenhouses • Use material as PVC, EVA, PE, PET (long wave radiation), Rigid polyester rigid and so on • Glass greenhouse is best ($126/m2 cost)

  18. Adapting Techniques in Precision agriculture in Asia • Integrating the elements necessary for fertilization recommendation system. • Pest management system • Developing machinery for yield monitoring and mapping system • Field-based remote sensing system • Variable-rate pesticide spraying system • Variable-rate fertilizing system

  19. Conclusion • Precision agricultural techniques have lots of benefits. • Rice and Wheat price are lower in California, USA than in Korea.

  20. Conclusion In USA, precision agriculture techniques have researched for 10years and recommend the techniques However, in Asia researchers begin to find suitable techniques for small farming area.

  21. Reference • www.adbio.com/science/agri-history.htm • www.photovault.com • Ernst Mutert and T.H. Fairhurst. 2002. “Developments in Rice Production in Southeast Asia”. Better Crops International. Vol 15. Special Supplement. pp 12-17. • www.abc.net.au/science/slab/rice/story.htm • http://www.agnet.org/library/article/eb478.htm • http://ecaaser3.ecaa.ntu.edu.tw/weifang/Bio-ctrl/cuc-chap1.pdf

  22. Reference • http://cigr-ejournal.tamu.edu/Submissions%5CInvited%20Overview%20Fu-ming%20Lu%202Feb2004.pdf • http://europa.eu.int/comm/europeaid/projects/asia-itc/html/areas/agri_further_info.htm • http://www.gisdevelopment.net/technology/gps/pdf/ma03194.pdf • http://cigr-ejournal.tamu.edu/%5CSubmissions%5CTakakura%2018Oct2002.pdf

  23. Thank you ~!

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