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Bakersfield, California to New York City. Mr. Lewis Periods 1-3 and 5-6 December 02, 2002.
Bakersfield, California to New York City Mr. Lewis Periods 1-3 and 5-6 December 02, 2002 Image above: “Central Park provides New Yorkers with a much-needed escape from the concrete, noise and traffic that is part of everyday life. What is perhaps most interesting about this 843-acre haven is that none of it originally existed where it now stands”. Image URL and information: http://www.newyork.com/visit/hoods/central_park.html
New York City: A Brief Overview • “New York entered the Union on July 26, 1788, as the 11th of the original 13 states”. New York City was the first Capital of the United States of America.” Today, one can find skyscrapers, crowed streets, and major businesses in the city. On September 11, 2001, terrorist did away with two of New York City’s major business building, the Twin Towers. Image above: The Statue of Liberty can be viewed from New York City. Nonetheless, it is located in New Jersey. Image and information URL: http://www.newyork.com/cards/attractions/Attractions_5.jpg
Location of New York City • New York City is located in New York. It is approximately 2,800 miles from Beardsley Junior High School in Bakersfield, California. If somebody drove there, it would take over 46 hours behind the wheel to get there. Image: “New York is bordered by the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Québec on the north and by Lake Ontario and Lake Erie on the northwest and west. Pennsylvania lies west and south of New York, and New Jersey and the Atlantic Ocean lie to the south. On the east the state is bordered by Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont.” Information obtained from http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/refpages/RefArticle.aspx?refid=761552683&pn=1#s74 and imagecame from http://www.mapquest.com/maps/print.adp?mapdata . . .
Attractions in New York City – Empire State Building “A symbol of New York City all over the world, the Empire State Building stood as the tallest building in the world until 1977 when the World Trade Center took the title. None-the-less, the Empire State Building remains one of the most beloved and recognized buildings in the world. Designed in the Art Deco motif, the building was completed in 1931.” Information came from http://www.newyork.com/visit/attractions/empire_state_building.html and image came from http://www.newyork.com/images/attractions/empire1.gif.
Attractions in New York City – United Nations Building “Founded October 24, 1945, the United Nations originally had only 51 nation members. The membership has grown to 180 nations - nearly every nation in the world.” “John D. Rockefeller, Jr. donated the 8.5 million dollars needed to purchasethe 18-acre East River site. American architect, Wallace Harrison was enlisted (along with an international board of consultants) to design the buildings. “ Information came from http://www.newyork.com/visit/attractions/united_nations.html and the photo came from http://www.newyork.com/images/attractions/un.gif.
Okay, How Much Is This Going to Cost Me? • Auto expenditures from Bakersfield to Los Angeles (and back again) will be approximately $15.00 for gas, $140.00 for car rental (Avis economy), and $5.00 for tips. Making this section worth $160.00, just to get to and from Los Angeles to catch a flight (https://www.avis.com/AvisWeb/coreservices/Dispatcher) • Airfare on a Northwest Coach flight to and from New York will cost $337.00 if you leave on January 10, 2003 and return January 17, 2003. Layovers in Minneapolis and Detroit (http://res.nwa.com/App/ViewNoFlightsAvailable?cache=1038934413007&requestId=35&lastPage=interstitial). Image above came from Northwest Airlines at http://www.nwa.com/.
Okay, How Much Is This Going to Cost Me? • Hotel costs in New York will approximately cost me $1,050.00 if I stay at the ThirtyThirty in New York City located at 30 East 30th street (http://www.thirtythirty-nyc.com/). • I have allotted myself $40.00 a day for meals, totaling around $300.00 for the trip. The Caffe Bondi is a restaurant that I want to frequent. Meals range from $11.00 on up to $28.00 (http://restaurants.newyork.com/). Photo: The Caffe Bondi in New York City offers fine Sicilian cooking. Here is one of the dishes that one can expect to find there (see http://restaurants.newyork.com/).
Okay, How Much Is This Going to Cost Me? • I can rent a Chevrolet Geo Metro or similar car from Avis for about $250.00 for the entire time that I stay in New York (see https://www.avis.com/AvisWeb/coreservices/Dispatcher). I also assume that I will be driving about 30 to 50 miles per day, so I have allotted myself $30.00 for gas expenditures. Avis image came from https://www.avis.com/AvisWeb/images/global/en/logos/avistm.gif.
Okay, How Much Is This Going to Cost Me? • I do plan on taking a few new items for the trip. I visited K-Mart online (Bluelight.com) and selected the following: • 1 Wind Jammer warmup jacket - $39.95 (http://www.kmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=660916) • Hygiene Kit - $14.99 (http://www.kmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=944530) Photo right: Hygeien kit from K-mart located at http://blt.imageg.net/@v=0277@/graphics/product_images/p600566reg.jpg
Okay, How Much Is This Going to Cost Me? • I also plan to take a public tour of New York City. One such tour is the Joyce Gold History Tours of New York. This tour costs $12.00 for a 2 ½ hour drive throughout the town (http://www.newyork.com/cgi/main.cgi?target=www.nyctours.com). • Radio City is a spot that I will not want to miss. It is not uncommon to pay about $80.00 and up for a show (see http://www.newyork.com/city/theater/). Image came from http://www.applause-tickets.com/newyork/nyimages/radiocity.gif. Christmas Spectacular played at Radio City November 23 through December 30, 2002.
Okay, How Much Is This Going to Cost Me? • All is all, my trip thus far is going to cost me $2,273.95 Nonetheless, I plan to take an extra $300.00 for expenditures and souvenirs. That means that the minimum amount of money that I need to save for the vacation if $2,573.95. Image came from http://www.newyork.com/index.html.
What’s the Weather Conditions in New York City in January? • In January, one can expect to find temperature ranges from 32 degrees in the morning to 52 degrees in the afternoon. I plan to pack a coat and warm clothing for evening and morning hours. Nonetheless, I plan to dress comfortably during the day (see http://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/KLGA/2002/1/10/DailyHistory.html). Image right came from the Wx USA Weather Hubat http://www.wxusa.com/NY/New_York_City/.
New York City Facts • New York (city) is the largest city in the United States and is the home of the United Nations. It is the center of global finance, communications, and business. • New York is composed of five separate counties called boroughs. “Originally the city included only the borough of Manhattan, located on an island between the Hudson and East rivers. In 1898 a number of surrounding communities were incorporated into the city as the boroughs of Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx and Staten Island. The Bronx is the only borough on the mainland of the United States. Manhattan and Staten Island are surrounded by water, while Queens and Brooklyn are part of Long Island.” Photo right came from http://encarta.msn.com/xrefmedia/sharemed/targets/images/pho/000ab/000ab162.jpg. The information on this slide came from Microsoft Encarta Online (http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/refpages/RefArticle.aspx?refid=761576416&pn=1#s1).
Surprise Slide – Something Special in New York • I plan to visit the New York Public Library. The facility wasbuilt in 1895 and is the largest publiclibrary in the United States. Photo of the New York Public Library came from http://encarta.msn.com/xrefmedia/sharemed/targets/images/pho/t304/T304810A.jpg.
New York City – A Summation • All in all, my visit New York City, for about a week, is going to cost about $2,600.00. If I want to go, I had better start saving my pennies today. Nonetheless, the area is rich is culture and has plenty of sights to see. It will be worth the cost. Image came from http://encarta.msn.com/xrefmedia/sharemed/targets/images/pho/t630/T630701A.jpg. It shows people inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
New York City’s New Slogan New York, New York - A Town to Remember Image left – Times Square, Summer of 2002, photographer – me. Image right came from http://www.sairegion15.org/gwb-lights2sm.gif.
Photo left from http://www.worldyacht.com/images/p-home-01.jpg. Photo right from http://www.hoteldiscount.com/hotels/NYC_WALD-exter-1.jpgshows the Waldorf Astoria, a famous hotel in New York City. Image right – Brooklyn Bridge – came from http://www.newyork.com/images/attractions/brooklyn2.gif. New York Yankee emblem came fromhttp://aboutnewyorkhotels.com/holiday-events/.