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Email Management for Efficient Communication

Learn how to send and receive emails effectively, including protocols like SMTP, POP, and IMAP. Manage your inbox and customize notifications for a seamless experience. Presented in an educational format for better understanding.

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Email Management for Efficient Communication

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  1. Department of Management Science Sub-Campus Osmanabad Presentation on :- Network Application Presented By :- Mr. Pravin B. Mote M.C.A :- II Sem :- III

  2. Email : - Sending Email :- Electonic mail some time colled E-mail os the computr based method of sending the message one computer user to anather Message usually consist of individual pices of text . Which you can send t.heanather computer user If the othe use not logged in at time you send your message . The message read can at alater time . The process is analogous to sending & receiving a leter. Origenally, E-mail message were restericted to simple text ,but now many system can handle more comlicates formats . Eg- graphics & word processed documents.

  3. When E-mail can received on computer system . Store in mailbox for recipient read leter . Send E-mail to different computer network which are connected major network . The UK Acadmic &’ Reseurchintitutes are linked by a network colled JANET , send E-mail to national & inter national level. E-Mail are send to an E-mail server that stored message in recipient mailbox. Email are used protocals : - 1 . SMTP : - { Simple Mail Transport Protocal . } SMTP use for sending E-mail. 2 . POP { Post Office Protocal. } 3 . IMAP { Internet MmailAcsessProtocal. } POP & IMAP use for retraving E-mail.

  4. IMAP is used for large network . STARTING A NEW E-MAIL MESSAGE :- Choose file - > New - > message . Press Ctrl+N - > New Window Open E-mail. Choose action - > New Mail Message . Choose action - > New Mail Message Using & than select option from list . 5. If you want to start new message with folder than inbox & outbox . - > Click the trangle new button to open the drop-down list - > Choose new E-mail message . 6 . To send E-mail message to simple click send .

  5. RECIEVINGE-MAIL : - When you recieving new E-mail , outlook will alert you with a sound . Outlook Windows user we also see a picture of an envelop in the system of the task bar . You can tell outlok to display a notification message you have new E-mail , turnoff The sound etc. check out TOOLS - > option . Under the performance tab click E-mail Option & check out these option . Then click & check out those option as well as. TOW TYPES OF OPTION FOR RECIEVING E-MAIL : - • 1 . BYDEFOULT : - • All new message are deposited in the inbox folder. • UNREAD message are display in BOLD type & READ message in • NORMALtype .

  6. SELECT EDIT : - Make as read . OR EDIT • - > Mark as unread to change the status of selected message . • - > Message are listed in receiving order. • Click once on a column sort message by that column ( From, Select, Order) . • Click a second time on the same column to sort message by that column in receive order ( A-Z & a-z ) .

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