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Assoc. Prof. PhD Krassimir Manev Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University, BULGARIA manev@fmi.uni-sofia.bg. IS THERE A PLACE FOR INFORMATICS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM? The Bulgarian Experience. Content. 1. Introduction 2. Informatics and IT 3. Teaching I & IT in Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. PhD KrassimirManev Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University, BULGARIA manev@fmi.uni-sofia.bg IS THERE A PLACE FOR INFORMATICS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM?The Bulgarian Experience
Content 1. Introduction 2. Informatics and IT 3. Teaching I&IT in Bulgaria 4. My conception 5. Conception of Bulgarian authorities 6. Conclusion
1. Introduction – personal info • My first program – National Math School, 1966, the machine language of MINSK-2 • Graduated from Sofia University in 1974, diploma work written in Assembly language of MINSK-32 • Teaching assistant in Programming since 1976 – FORTRAN, PL/I, Assembly language of IBM-360 • Since late 70’s – PDP-11(UNIX, C)
1. Introduction– personal info • Since 1980 – national competitions in programming • Since 1985 – national Olympiad in Informatics • Since 1989 – IOI, BOI, JBOI, many times Team leader, 10 years member of International Committee of IOI • Since 2000 – coach of Sofia University, 4 World Finals of ICPC of ACM • Now I’m teaching Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms in Sofia University
1. Introduction – some history Early (IBM 360) stage • Starts in the middle of 70’s of past century • Some of the Mathematical schools – ES Series (IBM 360 compatible) • Fortran (PL/I) • Call of standard subprograms • linear programming • simplex method, etc. • sorting (external, magnetic tapes)
1. Introduction – some history Apple stage • Starts in 1982-83, all secondary schools • Apple II compatible Pravetz 82 • BASIC, UCSD Pascal • Education in programming – no curriculum, no textbooks • Backtracking, exhaustive search • Teaching of some algorithms
1. Introduction – some history PC stage • Starts in the beginning of 90’s • Expensive PC compatible Pravetz 16 available in some math schools • Borland IDE’s for C/C++ and Pascal • Real education in programming moved out of class and even out of schools
1. Introduction – some history • Changes of 90’s had a destructive effect for education and especially for “new” discipline Informatics • Boom of private software companies • Many teachers left the school • Quality of teaching gone down • Number of PCs in institutions and companies increased dramatically • The term Information technologies become popular and replaced term Informatics!!!
2. Informatics and it • Informatics - the set of scientific disciplines, that investigate the processes of automated (i.e. computer aided ) collecting, storage and processing (incl. transmission) of information (rather data) • Computer architectures • Operating systems • Programming languages & environments • Data Base Management Systems • Computer Networks etc. • and the mathematical base of all this disciplines – Discrete mathematics
2. Informatics and it Information technologies (more correct computer aided technologies)- the technological instruments provided by Informatics for solving the tasks of the day: • Text processing • Data visualization • Image processing • Data storage and retrieval • Network technology • Public communications, etc. Software technology not to confuse with IT
2. Informatics and it • The world population is divided into 3 categories : • Computer programmers • Computer users (mobile devices, TV sets, etc. considered computers also) • People that still not joined to one of the two mentioned above categories • Near the end of 20th century we recognized 2 universaldisciplines – mother languageandmathematics (philosophy?!?) • Nowadays we have to append a new universal discipline – linked with our abilities to program/use computers in our life
2. Informatics and it • WHICH IS THE DISCIPLINE? • Are Informatics and Information technologiesdifferent disciplines? (see, for example, Language and literature) My answer: Not! • How much I&IT to teach in school? (see, for example, Language and literature) My answer: Universal disciplines have to be learned from the first to the last year! • What to include in the school curriculum and in which proportion? (is, for example, Discrete mathematics part of I&IT) My answer: We have to discuss it!, etc.
3. Teaching I&IT in Bulgaria • Many disciplines – I(M) and IT(M) with different curricula in regular and special schools • Student passed IT(E) in 1th-4th are far beyond those starting IT(M) in 5th • Most of the students change the school after 7th but IT(M) continue in 8th but no too much new material for IT(M) 8th • Curriculum of IT(M) in 9th-10th repeats 70-80% of material of IT(M) in 5th-8th • No enough teachers for I(M) 9th • No teaching of DB&IS in IT(M) 10th • And so on, and so on, and so on ….
4. Our Conception • Single disciplinein mandatory education – first IT and thenInformatics and & IT - changed after 7th
4. Our Conception • Profiled education in 11th-12th of special Math schools only to prepare the student that will apply in the University – CS, IF, SE or CS
4. Our Conception • Facultative profiled education in 8th-10th of the special not mathematical schools for student that have interest
4. Our Conception • Detailed analysis of the 12 years experience • Total revision of the existing curricula for: • Deleting doubled topics • Including missing topics • Defining of mechanism for regular updating of the curricula • Elective education in IT for 5th-7th is acceptable only if extend the mandatory, not to go forward of it – for example, 10-finger typing
4. Our Conception • State exam in I&IT – the successful first attempt was neglected by the Ministry (“only 1 excellent mark out of 60 student”) • Profiled education to be precisely regulated as content – mandatory and elective modules • Profiled education to be precisely regulated as expected result – beside the state exam an professionalexam and regulating of a profession programmer with secondary education • Creation of text books for profiled education have to be sponsored by the state – for the small countries it is crucial
4. Our Conception • Part of our conception is the role of teachers in I&IT and their treatment from the community: • No another discipline with such dynamics! The teacher in I&IT has to work much more then the other teachers … • No other such domain where the teachers to have an alternative on the job market like the teachers of informatics – the software industry • Salaries of teachers in I&IT – a hard problem for the state and the industry
6. Conclusion • The answer of the question of the title: no place for Informatics in the curriculum of the Bulgarian school • The alternative – out of class preparation • Programming contest • Beaver • International Olympiads in Informatics • Regional Olympiads in Informatics – Balkan OI, Central-European OI, Baltic OI, South-Pacific OI, OI of America Latina,…
5. Conclusion • Other Contests • Development of IT Projects • Russian contest “КИО“ presented here • Scratch Contest • Special announcement: Junior Olympiads in Informatics • JBOI’2007 Belgrade, Serbia • JBOI’2008 Shumen, Bulgaria • JBOI’2011 Bistrica, Roumania • Fall Tournament, Shumen, November!!!
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