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Web 2.0 Tools. Presented by: Yalitza Negron, Nefisah Sallim, Julie Comley and Carly James. What is Web 2.0?.
Web 2.0 Tools Presented by: Yalitza Negron, Nefisah Sallim, Julie Comley and Carly James
What is Web 2.0? • “Web 2.0 refers to what is perceived as a second generation of web development and web design. It is characterized as facilitating communication, information sharing,…User-centered design and collaboration on the World Wide Web. It has led to the development and evolution of web-based communities, hosted services, and web applications.” – Wikipedia.org
Web 2.0 Tools • Social Networking • Photo & Video Sharing • Calendars, Events & Scheduling • Blogging • Resource Sharing
Facebook • What is Facebook? • Facebook is a social networking site that can be utilized by individuals, businesses, nonprofits, groups, clubs, etc. • http://www.facebook.com • AmeriCorps Alums and AmeriCorps VISTA • http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=82387719992&ref=ts • Siena VISTA Group
Facebook • How can I use Facebook in my work and service? • Create a Facebook Group • Create a Facebook Page • Updates on your programs or projects • List events and invite people to attend • Can also use for photo sharing
LinkedIn • What is LinkedIn? • Social networking site for professionals • http://www.linkedin.com
LinkedIn • How can I use LinkedIn in my work and service? • Post resume, work experience • People can post references and recommendations • Keep in touch with colleagues and other contacts • Find others working in your field • VISTAs are on LinkedIn!
Ning • What is Ning? • Create your own social network (like Facebook) and set the parameters • http://www.ning.com • http://scvistamembers.ning.com/
Ning • How can I use Ning in my work and service? • Create your own network for your site/project • Siena VISTA Network • Create subgroups within network • Staff • Volunteers • Customize settings • Can also be used for Photo & Video Sharing, Chat, and Blogging
iZoca • What is iZoca? • Capital Region social networking site setup with the help of two Siena College business interns • Personal profile with your calendar • Join groups and their calendar events are put on your calendar • http://www.izoca.com • http://www.izoca.com/public/groups/4cr
iZoca • How can I use iZoca in my work and service? • Calendar, Events for your project/site • Create Discussions • More local demographic to target • Downside: still starting up
Google Groups • What are Google Groups? • Sites and e-mail listservs for groups to discuss topics, events, etc. • http://groups.google.com/ • http://groups.google.com/group/4cr-asl?hl=en
Google Groups • How can I use Google Groups in my work and service? • Hold group discussions via website or e-mail • Inform those interested in your program/project of updates on projects, networks, etc. • Weekly, Bi-Weekly Updates • Newsletters • Flyers • Outlook Contact Groups can do this as well but people will not be able to sign-up like with a Listserv
Shutterfly • What is Shutterfly? • Business: purchase photos, calendars, etc. • Able to create free photo sharing sites • http://www.shutterfly.com • http://scvista.shutterfly.com/
Shutterfly • How can I use Shutterfly in my work and service? • Create photo albums to share with co-workers, etc. • Share videos, as well • Can control who views photos • Set privacy settings
Picnik • What is Picnik? • Photo sharing and editing website • http://www.picnik.com
Picnik • How can I use Picnik in my work and service? • Edit photos • JAZZ ‘EM UP!!! WOO HOO!! • Special effects from artsy to fun! • Crop, resize, frame • Add captions on/in picture (not just below) • Embed them in Facebook, etc.
Flickr • What is Flickr? • Photo sharing site • http://www.flickr.com/ • http://www.flickr.com/groups/visfor/
Flickr • How can I use Flickr in my work and service? • Same as Shutterfly • AmeriCorps VISTA uses it for its “V is for” photo project
Skype • What is Skype? • Free internet web calls and video chatting
Skype • How can I use Skype in my work and service? • Virtual meetings • Webcasts • Conference calls • Interviewing • Can be used for local, national, and international calls • Computer to computer is free!
YouTube • What is YouTube? • Video sharing • http://www.youtube.com • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1wLxwQ8_8I • Must watch!
YouTube • How can I use YouTube in my work and service? • Upload trainings • Webcasts • Program descriptions • Embed videos on your wikis, etc.
Google Calendar • What is Google Calendar? • A free time management tool offered by Google • http://www.google.com/calendar/
Google Calendar • How can I use Google Calendar in my work and service? • Sync with your Outlook calendar • Embed on your wiki • http://4crsl.pbworks.com/Meetings-and-Events • Keep track of deadlines, due dates, events, meetings, etc. • Make multiple calendars and access them all under one • 4CR, personal, Dr. Johnson’s, VISTA, etc.
Doodle • What is Doodle? • Free scheduling tool • http://www.doodle.com
Doodle • How can I use Doodle in my work and service? • Schedule meetings, events, etc. • Create a poll (dates and times for event). • Forward the link to the poll to the participants. • Follow online what the participants vote for.
BrownPaperTickets • What is BrownPaperTickets? • Fair trade ticket sales website • Event registration and ticket sales • http://www.brownpapertickets.com • http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/68155
BrownPaperTickets • How can I use BrownPaperTickets in my work and service? • Set up an event on the site • Create prices for tickets (free is an option) • Can choose physical tickets, will-call, etc. • Gives you a list of those who are registered for the event • Keeps a headcount
Twitter • What is Twitter? • “Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?” –Twitter.com • http://www.twitter.com • http://twitter.com/SCVISTA
Twitter • How can I use Twitter in my work and service? • Shorter blogging purposes • Updates on events, projects, etc. • What is your site doing? • Brief, informational messages
Wiki • What is a wiki? • Interactive web-page (many can edit) • http://www.pbworks.com • http://4crsl.pbworks.com • http://scvista.pbworks.com
Wiki • How can I use a wiki in my work and service? • Agency Information • Mission/Vision, Program Descriptions • Map/Location • Volunteer Positions • Videos (Profiles, Training, More) • Matching Partners • Google Calendar
Del.icio.us • What is Del.icio.us? • Social bookmarking website • http://www.delicious.com
Del.icio.us • How can I use Del.icio.us in my work and service? • Save all your bookmarks online • Share them with other people • See what other people are bookmarking • Bookmark websites that apply to your program, site, or interested topics • Look into creating a VISTA del.icio.us • Volunteering sites • Program wikis • National sites (AmeriCorps, VISTA, CNCS, Seven Corners, Campus Compact, etc.)
Slideshare • What is Slideshare? • PowerPoint and document sharing website • http://www.slideshare.net
Slideshare • How can I use Slideshare in my work and service? • Upload and share your PowerPoint presentations and Word documents • Share publicly or privately • Add audio to make a webinar • Ex: Bonner Foundation loves to use this! Great if people miss meetings or presentations
Google Docs • What are Google Docs? • Free, web-based word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, and form application offered by Google • http://docs.google.com
Google Docs • How can I use Google Docs in my work and service? • Create and edit documents online while collaborating in real-time with other users • Updating databases that you share with colleagues • Planning events with co-workers • Ex: VISTA Carnival
Wordle • What is Wordle? • “Wordle is a toy for generating ‘word clouds’ from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes.” – Wordle.net • http://www.wordle.net
Wordle • How can I use Wordle in my work and service? • Create word collages for newsletters, wikis, etc. • Capture image by using “PrntScrn” button on computer and paste into Paint; crop to fit around the image • Make sure you credit the Wordle site for the image
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