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Their cities were built on hilltops and surrounded by thick walls . They loved music and dancing like sounds from a double flute or a string lyre, most of their dancing came from religion .

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  1. Their cities were built on hilltops and surrounded by thick walls They loved music and dancing like sounds from a double flute or a string lyre, most of their dancing came from religion The Etruscans wrote in a language borrowed from the Greeks but spoke a language unlike any other in the ancient world, Latin. Outside of every city was a necropolis or cemetery They liked to watch or participate in sports like wrestling, running, boxing, and horse racing Etruscan They filled their tombs with treasures like gold, silver, and bronze The dead were buried in underground tombs called catacombs They lived in one story houses with a clay tile pitched roof with drains to the street and courtyard they often gambled with ivory dice or played games similar to chess or mancala There were three social classes the upper, the middle, and the lower The Etruscans had many gods, most of them borrowed from the Greeks The Etruscans dug tunnels and built dams to drain their marshy fields. Their most unique weapon was their shoes because they had hobnails on the bottom and gave them better footing on rough, hilly ground They were nicknamed “people of the sea” because of their reputations of traders and pirates They formed a phalanx much like the one the Greeks used

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