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Russian in usa. The Russian on USA. The first Russian in USA came on 1747 when fur trades came to Alaska a large group of Russian came to usa because was a wave of pogroms on southern Russian against the Jewish community that follow the assassination of alexander 2 on 1881.
TheRussianonUSA • ThefirstRussian in USAcameon 1747 whenfurtradescametoAlaska a largegroup of Russiancameto usa becausewas a wave of pogromsonsouthernRussianagainsttheJewishcommunitythatfollowtheassassination of alexander 2 on 1881. • 1: Thehalf of theRussianssettleonNew York and Pennsylvania • 2: mustwhereunskilled and whereforcetoacceptlow-paidjobsonfactories and mines • 3: largenumber of Russianssettledonlowereastside of new york • 4: between 1820 and 1920 therewere3,250,000 Russianimmigrantsin USA
Life of theRussiansonUSA • Thelife of theRussianonUSA was horrible becausetheywereunskilledthatswhytheworkonlowpayjobslike mines and factories, Russiansimmigrantsalsocontributed a greatdealtothedevelopment of science and industry, theywhereimportantRussian figures in USA liketheaircraftengineers Igor Sikorsky and Alexander de Seversky, thebiologistSelmanWaksman and thedevelopment of television Vladimir Zworykin.
HowRussianaffectthe USA culture • TheRussianaffectthe culture of USA bymakingthemuseum of Russainpoetry, Russian culture center and Russian cultural center in New York. • Russiancommunity center, Russian-American business and art council, theassosationof veterans of worldwar 2. Somerestuarantsthat are onthe USA are theFirebird, Odessa, Pravda, Anywayand Mari Vanna. • RussianholidaysthattheycelebrateonRussia are theMaydayonmay 2 and Independentsdayon june 13.
http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAErussia.htm • http://ctinventor.wordpress.com/2010/05/25/igor-sikorsky-born-on-this-date-in-1889/ • http://www.chemistryexplained.com/Va-Z/Waksman-Selman-Abraham.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Alexander_P._de_Seversky_(Victory_through_Air_Power).jpg • http://barreraproducciontv.blogspot.com/2011/04/asesoria-2-la-television.html • http://www.aarce.org/culture.asp • http://restoran.us/usa/newyork/newyork.htm • http://www.ustraveldocs.com/ru/ru-gen-holidays.asp • http://fregataero.com/info/holiday/ • http://www.moscow-russia-insiders-guide.com/russian-food.html