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Images from Vietnam. Description: Vietnam War protesters. 1967. Wichita, Kansas, 1967 Source: US Archiv ARCWEB ARC Identifier: 283627 Post-Work: User:W.wolny Lic ence: Public Domain. https://trcs.wikispaces.com.
Description: Vietnam War protesters. 1967. Wichita, Kansas, 1967 Source: US Archiv ARCWEB ARC Identifier: 283627 Post-Work: User:W.wolny Licence: Public Domain
2004-03-23 17:51 Wile E. Heresiarch 235×230× (7404 bytes) Congressman Alexander Pirnie (R-NY) drawing the first capsule for the Selective Service draft, Dec 1, 1969
A girl, holding a small child, stands in the ruins of their home after a Viet Cong attack. Saigon Date 31 January 1968(1968-01-31) Source dodmedia.osd.mil
Description Communistvillagers1966.jpg Vietnamese Peasants suspected of being communists under detention of U.S. army Date ca. 1966 Source Library of Congress 'Country Studies Series' (under 'second Indochina war')
Description DaNangMarch61965.jpg Marines from BLT 3/9 came ashore on 8 March 1965 at RED Beach 2, northwest of Da Nang, The heavy surf delayed the landing for an hour. Date 6 March 1965(1965-03-06) Source U.S Marines in Vietnam - The Landing and the Buildup (U.S Gov Publication)
Description Jungle Combat Vietnam.jpg English: SGT Curtis E. Hester firing his M-16 rifle, SGT Billy H. Faulks calls for air support, Co D, 151st (Ranger) Inf., Vietnam, 1969. Date 1969(1969) Source http://ahecwebdds.carlisle.army.mil/awweb/main.jsp?flag=browse&smd=2&awdid=411
The War in Vietnam came as the U.S. Southern civil rights struggle was reaching a climax, and the two conflicts defined a watershed in race relations in the United States. African-Americans were heavily involved in Vietnam combat operations, generally in the lower ranks. As the war became longer and appeared less likely to produce a victorious outcome, racial and other tensions in American society, and in the Navy, reached an unprecedented level. During the early 1970s, this situation led to major changes in the Navy's approach to its African-American personnel Mineman Second Class Franklin Marshall, a Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team member, conducts a search for mines, especially those attached to ship's hulls, circa April 1966 http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/images/k30000/k31466.jpg
Checking house during patrol.jpg Vietnam. As the second phase of operation "Thayer," the 1st Air Cavalry Division (airmobile) is having operation"Irving" in the area 25 miles north of Qui Nhon which lies 400 miles north-northeast of Saigon. The 1st Air Cavalry was given the mission of clearing a mountain range where an estimated two battalions of North Vietnam regulars were supposed to be massing an attack on Hammond Airstrip. Troops of "A" Company, checking house during patrol., 10/06/1966 This image is available from the Archival Research Catalog of the National Archives and Records Administration under the ARC Identifier 530612.
Charles DeGaulle and Ho Chi Minh are hanged in effigy during the National Shame Day celebration in Saigon, July 1964, observing the tenth anniversary of the July 1954 Geneva Agreements. Courtesy United States Army Photo Courtesy United States Army.Published in: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress ; edited by Ronald J. Cima, Vietnam : a country study - The First Indochina War.
155 howitzers on Operation Hawthorne, 5th Bn., 27th Arty., 1st Bde., 101st Airborne Div., Vietnam. http://ahecwebdds.carlisle.army.mil/awweb/main.jsp?flag=browse&smd=2&awdid=3
Route 9 Offensive-Vietnam US 1st Air Cavalry helicopter airlifting ammo. into Marine outpost during Cavalry-assisted defense against persistant N. Vietnamese attack. Location: Khe Sanh, Vietnam Date taken: April 1968 Photographer: Larry Burrows 15
12-year-old Nguyen Thi Tron relearning how to ride bicycle w. her artifical limb which she lost to American gunfire during the Vietnam War. Location: Andien, Vietnam Date taken: 1968 Photographer: Larry Burrows 16
War In S. Vietnam S.Vietnamese soldier guarding man and boy suspected of being Vietcong, having just flushed them out of paddy where they were hiding during Vietnam War. Location: Mekong Delta, Vietnam Date taken: 1962 Photographer: Larry Burrows 17
War In S. Vietnam S.Vietnamese soldiers wading into canal to put equipment in boats to lure Vietcong guerrillas from nearby flooded paddies during Vietnam War. 18
Vietnam--A People And A War Unident. bodies of the victims of a Vietcong massacre of civilians during the Tet offensive, February 1968, about to be reburied in wooden coffins. Location: Hue, Vietnam Date taken: April 1969 Photographer: Larry Burrows 19
Vietnam--A People And A War Workers removing bodies of the victims of a Vietcong massacre of civilians, killed during the Tet offensive in February 1968. Location: Hue, Vietnam Date taken: April 1969 Photographer: Larry Burrows 20
Description: My Tho, Vietnam. A Burning Viet Cong Base Camp. In the foreground is Private First Class Raymond Rumpa, St Paul, Minnesota, C Company, 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division, with 45 pound 90mm recoiless rifle., 04/05/1968 Source: US Archiv ARCWEB ARC Identifier: 530621
Vietnamese militia personnel operating in the headquarters during the French attack on Vietminh forces. Location: Dienbienphu, Vietnam Date taken: November 1953 Photographer: Howard Sochurek 22
Vietnam Wounded Marine Gunnery Sgt. Jeremiah Purdie (C) being led past stricken comrade after fierce firefight for control of Hill 484 during the Vietnam war Location: Vietnam Date taken: 1966 Photographer: Larry Burrows 23
War In S. Vietnam S. Vietnamese infantrymen warily moving past hut they set ablaze after they found it held communist literature during Vietnam War. Location: Vietnam Date taken: 1962 Photographer: Larry Burrows 24
Two Vietnamese are standing in the field while the tanks and troops are passing by. Location: Dienbienphu, Vietnam Date taken: 1953 Photographer: Howard Sochurek 25
ietnam Marines recovering dead comrade while under fire during N. Vietnamese/US mil. conflict over DMZ, w. photog. Catherine LeRoy w. cameras in rear: S. Vietnam. Location: Vietnam Date taken: 1966 Photographer: Larry Burrows 26
War In S. Vietnam American helicopter H-21 hovering above soldiers in combat zone during Vietnam War. 27
Air War In Vietnam Crew of US AC-47 plane firing 7.62 mm GE miniguns during night mission in Vietnam. Date taken: 1966 Photographer: Larry Burrows 28
Mass Graves In Hue, Vietnam Date taken: 1969 Photographer: Larry Burrows 29