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English Language Arts Course of Study Overview. January 10, 2012. Outcomes for the Day. Participants will gain an awareness of : Timeline for Professional Development and Implementation
English Language ArtsCourse of Study Overview January 10, 2012
Outcomes for the Day Participants will gain an awareness of: • Timeline for Professional Development and Implementation • Relationship Between the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the 2010 Alabama Course of Study: English Language Arts (ELA COS) • Introductory Components of the New ELA COS
Professional Development Plan Phase 1 (PD Topics) • Components of the Course of Study • Strands (Comparison, New Emphases) • Vertical Alignment • Content Movement • Literacy Standards, Grades 6-12 • Implications for Special Education Phase 2 • Analyzing the Standards • Sample Units of Study • Sample Lessons/Curriculum Development • Differentiated Instruction for RtI • Assessment • Resources Phase 3 • Continuous Support, based on LEA needs and requests
LEA Leadership for Implementationfrom State Superintendent of Education’s Message (page ii) Student success depends on local system leadership, school leadership, and effective classroom instruction. Important local decisions include how students will accomplish these standards, in what sequence teachers will address them, and how much time will be allotted for instruction of the standards. These decisions are as significant as the identification of what students need to know and be able to do.
What do we need to know/do RIGHT NOW? • Understand that implementation decisions lie with my LEA. • Begin developing a plan for instructional changes based on the 2010 COS (with emphasis on text complexity, informational text, and writing across the curriculum). • Begin developing a plan for professional development and on-going support.
Let’s Clarify www.Alex.state.al.us/ccrs www.Corestandards.org
Common Core State Standards Developed by state leaders from the • National Governors Association (NGA) • Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) These groups were charged by their states to create the next generation of K-12 standards to ensure that all students are college- and career-ready no later than the end of high school.
College- and Career-Ready Anchor Standards • Reading • Writing • Speaking and Listening • Language
2010 Alabama Course of Study:English Language Arts The ELA content standards are based on and include all standards in the 2010 CCSS as well as supplemental content designed to strengthen the standards for Alabama’s students. The goal of the 2010 ELA COS is for all students to achieve English language literacy in order to be college and career ready.
How do the 2010 standards compare to the 2007 standards? The new standards raise expectations of student learning in several respects including more attention to: • Reading and comprehending informational text. • Requiring an increased complexity in literary and informational texts.
CCR Anchor Standards for Reading (page 9) There are 10 CCR Standards for Reading arranged into the following subcategories. • Key Ideas and Details • Craft and Structure • Integration of Knowledge and Ideas • Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
CCR Anchor Standards for Writing (page 10) There are 10 CCR Standards for Writing arranged into the following subcategories. • Text Types and Purposes • Production and Distribution of Writing • Research to Build and Present Knowledge • Range of Writing
CCR Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening (page 11) There are 6 CCR Standards for Speaking and Listening arranged into the following Subcategories: • Comprehension and Collaboration • Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
CCR Anchor Standards for Language (page12) There are 6 CCR Standards for Language arranged into the following subcategories: • Conventions of Standard English • Knowledge of Language • Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Reading Literature Strand Reading Literature standards address a wide range of abilities across grades. • In the early grades, standards require retelling stories with key details and describing characters and settings. • In the senior high grades, standards require the ability to analyze the development of a theme over the course of a text.
Reading Informational Text Strand Reading Informational Text standards: • Are of equal importance to those in the Reading Literature strand. • Are essential to developing skills students use throughout their years in school and careers. • Are often identical to literature standards but must be applied to informational text.
Reading Foundations Strand Reading Foundations standards are included in Grades K-5 only. These standards: • Include the wide range of processes from early letter/sound recognition to the more complex knowledge of roots and affixes. • Include the use of context clues. • Include fluent reading with accuracy and expression.
Writing Strand Writing standards: • Are demanding even in the early grades. • Present clear and specific expectations for opinion pieces, informative or explanatory text, and narrative text. • Emphasize shared research projects and use of digital tools as important elements in this strand throughout the grades.
Language Strand Language standards: • Require early understanding and application of the conventions of Standard English. • Require knowledge of language and its conventions be applied to writing, speaking, reading, and listening. • Emphasize vocabulary development.
Speaking and Listening Strand Speaking and Listening standards: • Require students to collaborate for both comprehension and presentation. • Emphasize preparation for discussion. • Require students to adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks which they apply in all subject areas and life endeavors.
Extension of this Webinar Before your grade-span Webinar later this month: • Read pages 1-13 of the 2010 ELA COS. • Examine your grade-level standards. • Preview Appendices A-D. *Note: A, B, and C can be accessed using the links provided on pages 99, 100, and 101 of the 2010 ELA COS.
Questions and Concerns Please send any questions or needs for clarifications to: Steve McAliley (stevemc@alsde.edu) Pam Higgins (phiggins@alsde.edu) For more information visit alex.state.al.us/ccrs