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Gene-Tracer : Algorithm Tracing Genes Modification From Ancestors through Offsprings

Gene-Tracer : Algorithm Tracing Genes Modification From Ancestors through Offsprings. Ahmed Mansour Alzohairy Genetic Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Egypt Egyptian Center of Bioinformatics and Genomics (ECBAG), Zagazig University, Egypt. ABSTRACT:

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Gene-Tracer : Algorithm Tracing Genes Modification From Ancestors through Offsprings

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  1. Gene-Tracer : Algorithm Tracing Genes Modification From Ancestors through Offsprings Ahmed Mansour Alzohairy Genetic Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Egypt Egyptian Center of Bioinformatics and Genomics (ECBAG), Zagazig University, Egypt ABSTRACT: Genes acquire many changes and modifications during evolution producing many Orthologousand Paralogous. One of the main challenges for biologist is tracing back the origin of modified genes in the genomes of various organisms. Tracing genes modifications and developments from the ancestors to offspring's is however a massive task for biologists. Thus, computer programs can help biologists tracking down those changes through sequence alignment. We present an algorithm, called Gene Tracerand based on sequence alignment, that is as shown in figure 1 given two ancestor sequences and their offspring one, tracks down genes modification in the ancestor sequences and finds related parts of each ancestor in the offspring one in distinguishable colors. Also, Computes ancestor’s contributions percentage in offspring sequence as (L/Z1) for ancestor 1. Gene Tracer algorithm is of complexity O(max(M,N)*P) in computing time and memory space, where M, N and P are respectively the lengths of the first ancestor sequence, the second ancestor one and the offspring one. The program coding Gene Tracer has a web interface and is accessible via internet. Link:” sat/index.php”. Results are as shown in figure (2,3) . Locations of similar regions are as shown graphically in lines where blue part is the similar region location in each sequence also ancestor’s contributions are shown in red color. Figure 2 :Output of Gene Tracer for DNA sequences. Published Paper : “Gene Tracer :Algorithm Tracing Genes Modification from Ancestors through Offsprings ” [M.Issa,H.Abo bakr,A.Alzohairy, I.Ziedan , IJCA Vol 52 , No 19 ,2012]. Figure 1 : Gene Tracer Output.

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