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Asia Pacific Region. The Coming Christ for the Coming Generation. Psalm 78:1-8. 11 million children are expected to be AIDS orphans by 2010. The Asia pacific is home to nearly half of the world’s children – 3.1 billion of which 900 million are poor.
The Coming Christforthe Coming Generation Psalm 78:1-8
11 million children are expected to be AIDS orphans by 2010 • The Asia pacific is home to nearly half of the world’s children – 3.1 billion of which • 900 million are poor. • Almost 70% of the world’s poor are in Asia. • Our children are at risk: • 129 million babies are born • 170 million are malnourished • over 100 million children never see the iside of a school and • one out of every 10 children have disabilities.
Remember the Truth (Ps.78:1-3) • Verses 1-3 introduce us to the authority of the messianic Teacher • there is a call to attend, • to listen carefully. • Verse 1, there is a command to listen and a second command to incline their ears • Both of these verbs are built on the noun “ears.” • It really means to stretch out your ears, to pull them wide open so you don't miss anything. • We are called not to hide “the truths of God” from the children.
“The Unwanted Generation” by Paul Meier and Linda Burnett: Remember the Truth (Ps.78:1-3) • “What will you do with your preschooler?” • Placed them in a day-care center close to home?The result of this, is that these parents have just “placed their son/daughter in the unwanted generation.”We are producing a whole generation of unwanted children. • Who is going to tell them about Jesus?
Reveal the Truth (Ps.78:4-6a) • Verses 4-5 present the content of teaching. • Three phrases that basically summarize God's activity: • “the praises of the Lord,” or his glorious, praiseworthy deeds. • His “strength,” his might or power. • His “wondrous works,” or his wonderful, marvelous activity.
Reveal the Truth (Ps.78:4-6a) • As a church it is our task to support families in carrying out their mission and help equip mothers and fathers with the tools necessary to faithfully raise their children in a manner worthy of the Lord.
Revel in the Truth (Ps.78:6b-8) • Verses 6-8 give the purpose of the Teacher. • The Teacher knows why he is doing what he is doing. • He wants to present God's character and his activity so clearly that each coming generation will come to know him beyond a shadow of a doubt and will live in grateful submission to him.
Revel in the Truth (Ps.78:6b-8) • Verse 7 weaves together how we should learn: • Learning to put our confidence in God, setting our hope on God and putting our trust in him. And he is talking about personal, practical confidence in and complete reliance on the God who is with us and for us and involved with us.
Revel in the Truth (Ps.78:6b-8) • Verse 7 weaves together how we should learn: • Learn to “not forget the works of God,” or his deeds. • Two things are addressed here: • cultivating humility before him and • a grateful heart,
Revel in the Truth (Ps.78:6b-8) • Verse 7 weaves together how we should learn: • Learn to keep God's commandments. • It is a matter of cultivating an obedience to the revealed will of God. • We say we love him --- do we do what he asks us to? • Do we follow the revelation of the word of God even though it's tough?
An unwise investment • Are we aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days? But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. • And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than into our own family, an unwise investment indeed, don’t you think?
Negative Purpose of the Teacher (Ps.78:8) • Warns us not to be stubborn and rebellious. It is possible for God's people to develop patterns of rebellion, disobedience or bullheadedness. Remember, the Bible says the wages of that sort of attitude is death, ultimately, in all kinds of dangerous ways.
Negative Purpose of the Teacher (Ps.78:8) • Warning against faithlessness, or fickleness. That is really what is meant by the phrase “... a generation that did not prepare its heart.” Their hearts weren't steadfast. It describes a generation with no firm purpose.
Negative Purpose of the Teacher (Ps.78:8) • Last warning: “...[a generation] whose spirit was not faithful to God.” Their hearts weren't fixed steadfastly. They never stayed true to God. It describes people who can't be trusted to do the right thing, who say one thing but do another.
Negative Purpose of the Teacher (Ps.78:8) • Last warning: “...[a generation] whose spirit was not faithful to God.” Their hearts weren't fixed steadfastly. They never stayed true to God. It describes people who can't be trusted to do the right thing, who say one thing but do another.
Psalm 31:15My times are in your hands … • Exodus 4:2What is that in your hand? What is that in your home? What is that in your heart?
Save a CHILD and you save a GENERATION! • The future of any nation is directly linked to the future of its children and by investing in children and in families, a nation invests in its own development.