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DBHDS Office of Cultural & Linguistic Competency . Cecily Rodriguez Director Office of Cultural & Linguistic Competency. Office of Cultural & Linguistic Vision. The DBHDS vision for culturally competent care is:
DBHDS Office of Cultural & Linguistic Competency Cecily Rodriguez Director Office of Cultural & Linguistic Competency Office of CLC
Office of Cultural & Linguistic Vision The DBHDS vision for culturally competent care is: • Care that is given with understanding of and respect for the consumer’s health-related beliefs and cultural values and influences • Staff that respect health related cultural beliefs, interpersonal styles, and attitudes and behaviors of the consumers, families, and communities they serve • Leadership from administrative, management and clinical operations that include self assessments and the development of processes that result in a leadership and clinical workforce who are culturally and linguistically competent. Office of CLC
Office of Cultural & Linguistic Competence Goals & Objectives GOAL- • Establish a system that delivers services in a culturally and linguistically sensitive manner to consumers that are receiving service in Virginia’s mental health, intellectual disabilities, and substance use disorder system which will aid and enhance the opportunities for recovery and person-centered practices. Office of CLC
Office of Cultural & Linguistic Competence Goals & Objectives OBJECTIVES • Identify critical data elements for measuring the system’s cultural and linguistic competence. • Coordinate the development of an agency cultural competence plan and its integration into agency policies, systems, program requirements and regulations. • Provide resources and support for the implementation of cultural competence requirements of providers. • Establish a steering committee to serve as an advisory body to the Office of Cultural & Linguistic Competency. • Support development of guidelines for linguistic standards and a "needs assessment" for linguistic services. • Identify and promote cultural competence training programs to enhance staff ability in providing culturally appropriate service. Office of CLC
Definitions of Cultural & Linguistic Competency DBHDS defines culture in the broad sense, not limited to race, language, and ethnicity that contribute to a person’s sense of self in relation to others. These may be more specific or more general subgroups based on attributes (such as gender or sexual orientation), or shared life experiences (such as survival of violence and/or trauma, education, occupation, or homelessness). Multiple memberships in these subgroups contribute to an individual’s personal identity and sense of own “culture”. Understanding how these factors affect how a person seeks and uses behavioral health, as well as their culture group’s historical relationship to behavioral health is important to providing culturally competent care. Office of CLC
Definitions of Cultural & Linguistic Competency, Cont. Definitions of linguistic competence vary considerably. Such definitions have evolved from diverse perspectives, interests and needs which are incorporated into state legislation, federal statutes and programs, private sector organizations and academic settings. The following definition, developed by the National Center for Cultural Competence, provides a foundation for determining linguistic competence in health care, mental health and other human service delivery systems. It encompasses a broad spectrum of constituency groups that could require language assistance or other supports from an organization, agency, or provider. FOR MORE INFO... This information is adapted from the National Center for Cultural Competence at http://www11.georgetown.edu/research/gucchd/nccc/index.html Office of CLC
Definitions of Cultural & Linguistic Competency, Cont. Linguistic competence - The capacity of an organization and its personnel to communicate effectively, and convey information in a manner that is easily understood by diverse audiences including persons of limited English proficiency, those who have low literacy skills or are not literate, and individuals with disabilities. Linguistic competency requires organizational and provider capacity to respond effectively to the health literacy needs of populations served. Office of CLC
Definitions of Cultural & Linguistic Competency, Cont. The organization must have language policies, structures, practices, procedures, and dedicated resources to support this capacity. This may include, but is not limited to, the use of: • bilingual/bicultural or multilingual/multicultural staff • cross-cultural communication approaches • foreign language interpretation services including distance technologies • sign language interpretation services • multilingual telecommunication systems; TYY and assistive technology equipment • videoconferencing and telehealth technologies • Print materials in easy to read, low literacy, picture and symbol formats Office of CLC
Definitions of Cultural & Linguistic Competency, Cont. • materials in alternative formats (e.g., audiotape, Braille, enlarged print ); • varied approaches to share information with individuals who experience cognitive disabilities; • materials developed and tested for specific cultural, ethnic and linguistic groups; • translation services including those of: legally binding documents (e.g., consent forms, confidentiality and patient rights statements, release of information, applications and signage) • public awareness materials and campaigns; and • ethnic media in languages other than English (e.g., television, radio, Internet, newspapers, periodicals). Office of CLC
Office of CLCWhat We Do… • Provide statewide training around cultural and linguistic competence planning, defining culture and language, working with interpreters, attracting and retaining a diverse workforce, working with diverse populations, cultural competence in new employee orientation, staff training in Spanish, adaptations to evidence-based practices, and more. Office of CLC
Office of CLCWhat We Do… • Partner with stakeholders to provide regional training and technical assistance on implementation of cultural and linguistic competent activities and services. • Provide educational materials to stakeholders on the CLAS Standards. • Develop mechanisms to collect and analyze data related to CLC. FOR MORE INFO... For toolkits, research, and tips for working with minority communities, visit the Office of CLC website at http://www.dbhds.virginia.gov/OHRDM-CLC.htm Office of CLC
Office of CLCWhat We Do… • Assist central office and facilities with translation needs. • Provide consult and information for individual practitioners. • Provide nominations to expand the diversity of DBHDS boards and advisory committees • Support central office staff when developing new programs and initiatives to ensure best practices around working with communities of color are embedded. • Develop toolkits and train-the-trainer opportunities for capacity building in CLC. Office of CLC
Office of CLCWhat We Do… • Support stakeholders with special projects related to limited English proficient consumers and communities. • Develop targeted recruitment plans for providers, facilities and other stakeholders. • Provide updated and relevant information and research through the Office of CLC webpage, SharePoint, and quarterly newsletters. Office of CLC
Office of CLCWhat We Do… • Provide consultation for signage in multiple languages. • Participate in applicant interview panels. • Develop and market policy statements and briefs related to CLC. • Research best practices and recommend local applications to those practices. • Build coalitions between stakeholders and provide linkages for people working on cultural and linguistic competence and access to care. Office of CLC
Contact Us Office of Cultural & Linguistic Competence Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services 1220 Bank Street Richmond, VA 23219 804.786.5872 cecily.rodriguez@dbhds.virginia.gov http://www.dbhds.virginia.gov/OHRDM-CLC.htm Office of CLC