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Herbs and herbs raw stuff that contain steroidal saponins. Planner 1. Determination of saponins and their classification. 2. Physico-chemical properties of saponins. 3. Distribution of saponins and their biological functions in plants. 4. MP and MPM that contain saponins.
Planner 1. Determination of saponins and their classification. 2. Physico-chemical properties of saponins. 3. Distribution of saponins and their biological functions in plants. 4. MP and MPM that contain saponins.
Saponins (Latin sapo, soap) are characterized by their property of producing a frothing aqueous solution, possessing a high surface activity. They also have haemolytic properties, and then injected into the blood stream are highly toxic. They can cause the death of cold blooded animals such as frogs, worms and fish even in 1:1000000 dilution. Their molecule consists of the aglycone called sapogenin and carbohydrates (sugars).Mevalonic acid origin.
Saponins are glycosylated at C3 and sometimes, the alkil side chain is changed into a -COOH group, which may be esterified by a sugar portion. Sugar parts of saponins are often containing uronic acid or acyl residues-
According to the structure of aglyconesaponins are classified: SAPONINS • Spirostanol type • Furostanol type Steroidal Triterpenoidal • Pentacyclic • (ursane, oleanane) • Tetracyclic type • (cycloartane, dammarane)
Steroidal saponins 1. Spirostanol type of sapogenin Iso-line mono- desmoside Normal line monodesmoside cyclopentane perhydrophenanthrene
2. Furostanol type Furostanol type (bidesmoside)
Pentacyclic type α-amyrin Ursane β-amyrin Oleanane
Tetracyclic type Dammarane Cycloartane
Saponin Isolation Methods 1. The plant material is extracted either with water or methanol, or aqueous methanol under reflux. 2. The extract is concentrated followed by precipitation with: - ether, or acetone; - lead acetate in case of acidic saponins; - or basic lead acetate in case of neutral saponins followed by decomposition with acid. 3. The individual saponin glycosides are separated by using different chromatographic methods.
Qualitative Tests for Saponin Glycosides 1. Reactions, which are based on physical properties of saponins - Froth test. 2. Reactions, which are based on biological properties- Haemolysis test. 3. Reactions, which are based on chemical properties of saponins: a) a reaction with 10 % of basic and neutral acetate of lead; in the presence of triterpenoidal saponins residue with the neutral acetate of lead is formed and in the presence of steroidal ones- with the basic acetate of lead; b)a reaction with 10 % solution of copper sulphate, a residue of brick-red colour is formed; c) a reaction with hydrate of barium oxide: a residue of white colour is formed; d) a reaction with 1% alcohol cholesterol solution - a residue is formed.
To the colour reactions on saponins belong the following reactions: a) a reaction of Liebermann-Burchard: a dry residue of the extract is dissolved in acetic acid and the mixture of acetic anhydride and concentrated sulphuric acid is added. After that the colouring changes from pink through green to blue; b) a reaction with chloroform and concentrated sulphuric acid; a yellow ring is formed, which becomes purple- red, then purple; c) a reaction of Lafon (with concentrated sulphuric aiid, ethyl alcohol and 10 % solution of sulphuric acidic), bluish green colouring is formed: d) a reaction with 1% of sodium nitrite and concentrated sulphuric acidl blood red colouring is formed. For qualitative identification of saponins paper chromatography is used. TLC is also used
Quantitative Determination of Saponin Glycosides 1. Gravimetric Method: The saponin glycosides are precipitated using saturated Ba(OH)2 solution, the resulted complex is filtered and he precipitate is dried and weighed to the constant weight. The residue is then ignited and weighted after ignition, then the weight after ignition is subtracted from the original weight to give weight of saponin content. 2. Foam Index: the dilution of the drug that gives a layer of foam of 1 cm height at 15 sec shaking, which is evaluated after 15 min standing. 3. Fish Index: It is reciprocal to the dilution that kills 60 % of the fish at one hour. 4. Haemolltic Inder It is the greatest dilution of saponin solution that produces total haemolysis
Steroidal saponins • Steroidal saponins are less widely distributed in nature than the triterpenoidsaponins. Some species of Strophantus and Digitalis contain both steroidal saponins and cardiac glycosides. • Steroidal saponins are found in plants of such families as: Liliaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Schrophulariaceae, Zygophyllaceae etc. • Steroidal saponins are of great pharmaceutical importance because of their relationship to compounds such as the sex hormones, cortisone, diuretic steroids, vitamin D and the cardiac glycosides. Some are used as starting materials for the synthesis of these compounds.
Triterpenoid saponins • In many triterpenoidsaponinsoleanolic acid is sapogenin. They are abundant in many dicotyledonous families, particularly the Caryophyllaceae, Sapindaceae, Polygalaceae and Sapotaceae, Ranunculaceae, Papaveraceae, Araliaceae, Rubiaceae and Compositeae. Altogether some 70 families are involved.
Uses of Saponins 1. Steroidal sapogenins are used in production of cortisone and sex hormones (parlial synthesis). 2. Saponins showed diverse array of medicinal uses such as expectorant, immunostimulant, and antiatherosclerotic. 3. Saponins are used in cleaning industrial equipment and fine fabrics. 4. They are used as a powerful emulsifier
Dioscoreaerhizomata cum radicibusWild Yam rhizome with rootDioscoreanipponica, DioscoreavilosaWild Yam, Makino, China root, Devil’s BonesDioscoreaceae • Constituents. Saponins, including dioscin (aglyconediosgenin); isoquinuclidine alkaloids, including dioscorin. Starch, calcium oxalate, etc. • Uses. Wild Yam has an antispasmodic, and a mild diaphoretic effect. MPM is used as a precursor for manufacturing progesterone and oestrogen.
Dioscin Gracylin Diosgenin Polisponin – dry extract ofDioscoreaerhizomata cum radicibus Decrease the level of cholesterol,increase the phospholipid content in blood. Antisclerous tool which is particularly effective in patients with early disease. Lowers blood pressure.
Agavae folia Agava Americana- Century plantAgavaceae • Constituents. Leaves contain steroidal saponins-hecogenin, manogenin, hitogenin. Hecogenin • Uses. Leaves are used for the production of steroidal hormones.
Yuccae filamentosae folia – Adam’s needle leaf Yucca filamentosa L. – Adam’s needle Agavaceae Constituens. Steroidal saponins: protoyuccoside C, yuccoside B, yuccoside C, yuccoside E, aglycones including sarsasapogenin, tigogenin. sarsasapogenin Uses. The plant is used for liver and gallbladder disorders.
Tribuli terrestris herba Tribulus terrestrisZygophyllaceaeBindii, bullhead, burragokharu, caltrop, cat's head, devil's eyelashes, devil's thorn,devil's weed, goathead,puncturevine, and tackweed. • Constituents. Steroidal glycosides (2%) and dioscine, tihogenin, hecogenin and gracyllin are among them; flavonoid glycosides, tannins, ascorbic acid. • Uses. Liquid extract has diuretic, antisclerotic and hypotensive effects, stimulates secretion of gastric juice. Tribusponin is used for prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. Drugs also have anabolic properties (tribestan).
FoenugraeciseminaFenugreek seedTrigonellafoenum-graecum L.Fenugreek (Greek Hay Seed, Bird’s Foot)Fabaceae • Constituents. Steroidal saponins (1.2-1.5 %), including trigofoenosides A to G, aglycones including diosgenin, yamogenin, gitogenin, smilagenin, tigogenin, yuccagenin; flavonoids (isoorientin, isovitexin, orientin, vitexin; trigonelline (derivative from nicotinic acid); volotile oil (0,01 %); fatty oil contains lecetin and phiten; mucalages (25-45 %) (mannogalactans); proteins (25-30 %).
Uses. Main application is for the production of steroidal hormones. Extract is part of Phytolysin.The ground drug is employed in domestic medicine for the preparation of poultices,enemata, and plasters; in veterinary cattle and condition powders.
Rhapontici carthamoides radix et rhizoma Rhaponticum carthamoides Maral root Asteraceae Constituent main ones are suggested to be ents: the ecdysteroids, which have been reported to exhibit anabolic activities. According to secondary sources, many ecdysteroids are growth hormones in insects. Ecdysone
Also herb contains alkaloids, schugars, essential oils, inulin, tannic substances, gums, organic acids. Uses. Traditionally, Eastern European and Russian field and track athletes have used Leuzea carthamoides root extracts to recover from strenuous training and boost muscle mass more quickly (anabolic activity). Chinese athletes have also been reported to use Leuzea carthamoides root to increase their strength and improve recovery time after intense training. Anecdotally, herbal preparations containing Leuzea carthamoides root were taken by some Olympic athletes as recently as 2002.
Admax™ Energy Formula - 90 capsules SKU: SUPPLEMENTS Ingredients: Leuzea carthamoides root extract, Rhodiola rosea root extract, Eleutherococcus senticosus root extract, Schisandra chinensisberry extract. Leuza carthamoides root extract – This herb replenishs the depleted mental and structural physical body reserves exhausted during hard training and help rebuild damaged tissue.Rhodiola rosea root extract - It encourages a healthy stress response to physical, mental and emotional challenges while improving the immune system and the cardiovascular system.Eleutherococcus senticosus root extract – This herb enhances physical and mental vitality and endurance, helps with lower back or kidney pain, boosts concentration and focus, handles fatigue, enhances immunity, helps prevent adrenal burnout.Schisandra chinensis berry extract – Calms the nerves, increasesvitality,enhances the energy of the kidney and liver,supports memory and sexual endurance. Adaptogens that can increase the body's resistance tostress factors and help it adapt to stressful conditions.
Neurovitan is the tablets of Russian production: 1 tabletes contains: the extracts from Rosae fructus , Hyperici herba, Aroniae melanocarpae fructus , Rhapontici carthamoides radix et rhizoma , propolis, Calendulae officinalis flores . Neurovitan promotes cerebral circulation of blood and oxidation-reduction processes in the body. It’s used at the disease of Central nervous system, associated with both ischemic and with primary organic lesions of the brain tissue.