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AP Psychology Review. Wads. Chapter 2: 5-3-1 Protocol. 5-List and describe briefly the stages of the scientific method 3-List/describe 3 variables 1-List 1 positive/1 negative of case studies. Chapter 3A: 3-2-2 Protocol. 3-List 3 parts of a neuron
AP Psychology Review Wads
Chapter 2: 5-3-1 Protocol • 5-List and describe briefly the stages of the scientific method • 3-List/describe 3 variables • 1-List 1 positive/1 negative of case studies
Chapter 3A: 3-2-2 Protocol • 3-List 3 parts of a neuron • 2-List 2 types of neurotransmitters and their functions • 2-List two divisions in the autonomic nervous system and their functions
Chapter 3B: 4-3-2 Protocol • 4-List (with their major functions) the 4 major regions of the cerebral cortex • 3-List the three main “layers of the brain” • 2-List the 2 biggest things the hippocampus is involved in (hint: think, remember…ah, I cannot, I am so mad)
Chapter 4: 8-4-2 Protocol • 8-List and describe the 8 human senses • 4-List and describe 4 of the 6 Gestalt laws of perception • 2-List and describe the 2 thresholds we have in sensation
Chapter 5: 3-2-1 Protocol • 3-List and briefly describe the 3 levels of consciousness • 2-Tell me two truths about REM sleep • 1-Tell me 1 truth/1 myth about dreams and dreaming
Chapter 6: 3-5-4-2 Protocol • 3-List/describe 3 types of learning • 5-list/describe briefly the 5 necessary parts for classical conditioning • 4-List the 4 possible contingencies (consequences) in operant conditioning • 2-List 2 (of 4) problems with using punishment as a learning tool
Chapter 7A: 3-3-2-2 Protocol • 3-List/describe the functions of memory • 3-List/describe the 3 stages of memory • 2-List/describe the 2 parts of declarative memory (in long term memory) • 2-List 2 (or more) of Schacters 7 sins of forgetting
Chapter 7B: 3-2-1 Protocol • 3-list/describe 3 types of bias • 2-List/describe the 2 types of concepts (dealing with language and thinking) • 1-Describe 1 way of problem solving
Chapter 8:4-2-2 Protocol • 4-List/describe the 4 components of emotion • 2-list/describe 2 different theories of emotion • 2-List/describe 2 different theories of motivation
Chapter 93-2-1 Protocol • 3-List/describe 3 of Piaget’s stages of development • 2-List/describe 2 of Erikson’s stages of development • 1-List 1 of Kubler-Ross’ 5 stages of dying
Chapter 103-2-1 Protocol • 3-List/describe the 3 parts of the mind, according to Freud • 2-List/describe 2 types of “projective” tests • Describe one difference between Freud and the Neo-Freudian Carl Jung
Chapter 113-2-1 Protocol • 3-List the 3 components (with a description) of Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of intelligence • 2-List 2 qualities all of your tests/studies must have • 1-List/describe 1 of Gardner’s multiple intelligences
Chapter 123-2-3-2 Protocol • 3-List/describe the 3 classic symptoms of psychological pathologies • 2-List/describe 2 different anxiety disorders • 3-List/describe 3 different dissociative disorders • 2-List/describe 2 types of schizophrenia
Chapter 133-3-1 Protocol • 3-List/describe 3 insight therapies • 3-List/describe 3 behavior therapies • 1-list one possible downside of using medication to treat psycho pathologies
Chapter 144-2-1 Protocol • 4-List 4 factors that promote conformity • 3-List 3 (of the 4) sources of reward that support the Reward Theory of Attraction • 2-List/ 2 cognitive attribution errors (one about ourselves, one about others)