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Similes. Similes. A comparison of two unlike things. “like” or “as”. I’m as hungry as a horse. You are as busy as a beaver. You’re as blind as a bat. You’re as slow as molasses. You eat like a pig. Sleep like a baby. You have eyes like a hawk.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Similes

  2. Similes • A comparison of two unlike things. • “like” or “as”

  3. I’m as hungry as a horse. You are as busy as a beaver. You’re as blind as a bat. You’re as slow as molasses.

  4. You eat like a pig. Sleep like a baby. You have eyes like a hawk

  5. It is as hard as a stone. But it is not a stone. It is as smooth, like glass, but it is not glass. It is hollow inside, like a cup. But it is not a cup. It is a shell. An animal made it. The shell was the animal’s home.

  6. As agile as a monkeyAs alike as two peas in a podAs annoying as nails scratching against a chalkboard. As bald as a baby's backsideAs bald as a badgerAs bald as a cootAs beautiful as natureAs big as a boatAs big as a busAs big as an elephantAs black as a sweepAs black as coalAs black as one is paintedAs black as pitchAs blind as a batAs blind as a moleAs bold as brassAs brave as a lionAs bright as a buttonAs bright as a new pinAs bright as dayAs bright as the sunAs busy as a beaverAs busy as a beeAs busy as a cat on a hot tin roofAs calm as a millpondAs clear as a bellAs clean as a hound's toothAs clean as a whistleAs clear as crystalAs clear as mudAs cold as iceAs common as dirtAs cool as a cucumberAs crazy as a loonAs cunning as a foxAs cute as a babyAs cute as a buttonAs cute as a cup cakeAs damp as the salty blue oceanAs dead as a doornailAs dead as the dodoAs deaf as a postAs delicate as a flowerAs dense as a brickAs different as chalk from cheeseAs drunk as a lordAs dry as a boneAs dry as dustAs dull as dishwaterAs easy as A.B.C.As easy as pieAs fast as a racecarAs fat as a hippoAs fat as a pigAs fit as a fiddleAs flat as a pancakeAs free as a birdAs fresh as a daisyAs funny as a balloonAs gentle as a lamb As good as goldAs hairy as an apeAs happy as a clownAs happy as a larkAs happy as LarryAs happy as a rat with a gold toothAs hard as nailsAs hard as rockAs high as a kiteAs hoarse as a crowAs hot as a fire crackerAs hot as hellAs hungry as a bearAs hungry as a wolfAs innocent as a lambAs keen as mustardAs large as lifeAs light as a feather As light as airAs likely as notAs loud as a lionAs lowly as a wormAs mad as a hatterAs mad as a hornetAs mad as the march hareAs merry as a cricketAs modest as a maidenAs much use as a yard of pump waterAs naked as a babyAs neat as a pinAs nutty as a fruitcakeAs obstinate as a muleAs old as dirtAs old as the hillsAs pale as deathAs pale as a ghostAs patient as JobAs plain as dayAs pleased as PunchAs poor as a church mouseAs poor as dirtAs pretty as a pictureAs proud as a peacockAs pure as snowAs pure as the driven snowAs quick as a winkAs quick as lightningAs quick as silverAs quiet as a mouseAs rich as goldAs right as rainAs round as a barrelAs round as a circleAs round as a sphereAs safe as housesAs scarce as hen's teethAs sensitive as a flowerAs sharp as a needleAs sharp as a razorAs sick as a dogAs sick as a parrtAs silent as the deadAs silent as the graveAs silly as a gooseAs sleepy as a koalaAs slippery as an eelAs slow as molassesAs slow as a snailAs slow as a tortoiseAs slow as a turtleAs slow as a wet weekendAs sly as a foxAs smart as an owlAs smooth as silkAs snug as a bug in a rugAs sober as a judgeAs soft as a baby's bottomAs solid as a rockAs solid as the ground we stand onAs sound as a bellAs sour as vinegarAs steady as a rockAs sticky as jamAs stiff as a boardAs still as deathAs straight as an arrowAs strong as an oxAs stubborn as a muleAs sturdy as an oakAs sure as death and taxesAs sweet as honeyAs tall as a giraffeAs tight as a drumAs thick as a brickAs thin as a rakeAs thin as a toothpickAs timid as a rabbitAs tiny as a grain of sandAs tough as leatherAs tough as nailsAs tough as old bootsAs tricky as a box of monkeysAs welcome as a skunk at a lawn partyAs white as a ghostAs white as a sheetAs white as snowAs wise as SolomonAs wise as an owl

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