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Collecting and Entering Data for Point Sources. Melinda Ronca-Battista and Angelique Luedeker ITEP/TAMS Center. Homework Discussion. Are there any questions on the homework of collecting data for a nonpoint source and entering the source into TEISS?. Point Sources.
Collecting and Entering Data for Point Sources Melinda Ronca-Battista and Angelique Luedeker ITEP/TAMS Center
Homework Discussion Are there any questions on the homework of collecting data for a nonpoint source and entering the source into TEISS?
Point Sources Not every reservation has point sources to include in an EI It is common for a small rural reservation not to inventory any point sources EIs for some small rural reservations include small point sources, such as gas stations, commercial dry cleaning facilities, etc.
Nonpoint Source or Point Source? Large Title V sources should be inventoried as point sources For smaller sources, you decide if you want to inventory as a nonpoint source or point source based on If you are adopting the EPA or state emission thresholds If you want to see the facility on your TEISS map, remember nonpoint sources are grouped together on map If you want to see emissions independently for the facility in TEISS reports Remember that point sources require more data entry
Understanding the Point Data Structure Facility Release Point Emission Unit Unit Control Equipment (if any) Process Release Point Apportionment Process Control Equipment (if any) Reporting Period Emissions
Release Point Where emissions are released into air Could be a stack, vent, etc. There can be multiple release points at a facility Release Point Type (required) If not a defined point of release, classify release point as fugitive Release Point Type of anything other than fugitive requires entry of stack parameters, such as stack height, exit gas temperature, etc.
Emission Unit Usually, the physical source of emissions Examples Storage tank Boiler Storage pile There are usually multiple emission units at a facility
Process The act producing the emissions at the emission unit Examples Tank filling Fuel combustion Material handling Each emission unit must have at least one process There can be multiple processes at an emission unit SCCs are assigned at the process level
Control Equipment Mechanisms in place to control emissions Can be at the emission unit level or process level, but cannot be reported at both levels Reporting is optional, but if there are controls, you should report them Three elements Control Approach Control Measure Control Pollutant
Release Point Apportionment What release point does each process emit to? Every process must have a release point apportionment If a process is connected to multiple release points, report the average percent emissions for each Example, 10% of emissions go out vent, 90% of emissions go out of stack
Reporting Period The time period of the emissions In TEISS, the default is annual, meaning emissions for the entire year are reported Every process must have a reporting period This is where the throughput (optional for point sources) is reported
Emissions How much of each pollutant was emitted by this process? This area is populated by TEISS if you use a TEISS calculator If you already have facility emissions, for example from a fee form, you can enter them instead of using a TEISS calculator
Facility Tree • Simple example showing a single Release Point, Emission Unit, Process, etc. Note that the Release Point Apportionment connects the Release Point with the other data elements Only present if control mechanisms in place
Process Flow Diagram Example This could be an example process flow diagram for a boat building facility SV and FS are the release point prefixes EU is the emission unit prefix CE is the control equipment prefix Processes are not shown Source: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.html?gid=15904)
TEISS Entry Demonstration Demonstration of entering the molder line data in TEISS
Fee Forms If you have Title V sources on your reservation, work with your EPA regional office to obtain fee forms for year of your EI In the course material, there is a sample fee form Please take a few minutes to review the sample fee form, then I am going to demonstrate entering the data into TEISS
Homework due in 10 days: Collect data for a reservation point source If there are not any point sources on the reservation, collect data for another nonpoint source Enter this source into the TEISS project that you started for your reservation during first training Email a TEISS report showing data entered to instructors