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ACRONYM. 中延 A 張家維 91111109 Lucas 社四 B 張心怡 92115245 Louise 日四 A 張瀞文 91122124 Teresa 日四 C 王婷慧 92122335 Angela 心四 江嘉敏 92135075 Carman 工延 A 李姵霖 91116132 Jina. Ou tline. 1. History and Definition - Lucas 2. Acronym Examples - Louise 3. Pseudo-acronym - Teresa

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  1. ACRONYM 中延A張家維 91111109Lucas 社四B張心怡 92115245Louise 日四A張瀞文 91122124Teresa 日四C王婷慧 92122335Angela 心四 江嘉敏 92135075Carman 工延A李姵霖 91116132Jina

  2. Outline 1. History and Definition - Lucas 2. Acronym Examples - Louise 3. Pseudo-acronym - Teresa 4. recursive acronym - Angela 5. Acronym-ChineseVersion - Carman 6. Conclusion - Jina

  3. History In the English language, the widespread use of acronyms, initialisms, and contractions is a relatively new linguistic phenomenon, having become most popular in the 20th and 21st centuries. As literacy rates rose, and as sciences and technologies advanced, bringing with them more complicated terms and concepts, the practice of abbreviating terms became increasingly convenient.

  4. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) records the first printed use of the word initialism as occurring in 1899; acronym, in 1943. The word acronym comes from Greek: ακρος, akros, "topmost, extreme" + ονομα, onoma, "name".

  5. ΙΧΘΥΣ (Ichthys) ΙIesous Jesus ΧCHristos Christ ΘTHeou Son Υ(h)Uios of ΣSoter God

  6. Definition An acronym is a kind of abbreviation. The word comes from Greek, meaning heads of names. Acronyms are usually made from the capitalized initials of the words it represents, for example FBI is an acronym for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

  7. What’s the difference between ABBREVIATION and ACRONYM?

  8. Acronyms - Examples 1. Common Acronyms 2. Business Acronyms 3. Sports Acronyms 5. Car & Automotive Acronyms

  9. Common Acronyms AC - Air Conditioning ASAP - As Soon As Possible ATM - Automated Teller Machine B&B - Bed and Breakfast ISBN - International Standard Book Number A/S/L - Age, Sex, Location

  10. Business Acronyms B2B - Business to Business B2C - Business to Consumer CEO - Chief Executive Officer SOHO - Small Office, Home Office

  11. Sports Acronyms ESPN- Entertainment and Sports Programming Network PGA - Professional Golfers' Association LPGA - Ladies Professional Golf Association MLB - Major League BaseballNBA - National Basketball Association NFL - National Football League

  12. Car & Automotive Acronyms 4WD - Four-Wheel Drive ABS - Anti-Lock Braking System ATV- All Terrain Vehicle RV - Recreational Vehicle MPG - Miles Per Gallon

  13. Pseudo-Acronym Definition: 1.Doesn't stand for anything or Can’t be officially expanded. 2.Usually resemble sounds.

  14. Pseudo-Acronym Features: 1. Beginning alphabets: FYI = for your information BTW = by the way TTYL = talk to you later CYO = see you online GBY = god bless you

  15. Pseudo-Acronym Features: 2. Sound: ICQ = I seek you CQR = Secure OU812 = Oh, you ate one, too W8AM = wait a minute NE1 = anyone

  16. Pseudo-Acronym Quiz 1. M8 = mate

  17. Pseudo-Acronym Quiz 2. HAND = have a nice day

  18. Pseudo-Acronym Quiz 3. CM@TW = catch me at the web

  19. Recursive Acronym Definition : 1. Involving mathematical recursion. 2. An abbreviation which refers to itself in the expression for which it stands. 3. In computing, it soon became a hackish (and especially MIT) tradition to choose acronyms and abbreviations that referred humorously to themselves or to other abbreviations.

  20. Recursive Acronym-Examples GNU— GNU's Not Unix OIL— Oil India Limited VISA— Visa International Service Association BWIA— BWIA West Indies Airways GNE— GNE's Not an Encyclopedia

  21. 火星文之簡介 1. 泛指一種網路上互動的共同「語言」 2. 透過文字或字碼或字母組合,創作出一種 新的語言 3. 為七年級生的一種次文化 4. 這種思考有別於一般既定的邏輯規範,而 是一種有跳躍性的、創造性的思考 5. 不講求精確表達文意,只求快速傳遞資訊

  22. 從語言學角度看火星文 1. 是一種語文的演變,為語言史上寫下新的一頁 2. 網路日進發達,火星文的出現代表語言的發展是與時並進 3. 網路發展漸漸成為語言發展的主力之一

  23. 臉譜版 ⊙o⊙ 目瞪口呆 @_@ 眼花撩亂 ^3^  親一個

  24. 字母版 A    不用花錢就得到 OGS   歐吉桑 GF    女朋友 FDD  肥嘟嘟

  25. 數字版 56  無聊 79  智障 438 死三八

  26. 中文版-取音 表     不要 醬子/醬紫 這樣子 釀     那樣 口愛    可愛 水水    漂亮的女生(台語)

  27. 中文版-取首字 蛋白質  笨蛋+白癡+神經質 機毛   機車+ 龜毛

  28. Conclusion • UPS =>Uninterruptible Power Supply 不間斷電源 • UPS =>United Parcel Service 全國特快傳遞(快遞服務) • ABC =>American-Born Chinese 美國出生的中國人 • ABC => American Broadcasting Company 美國國家廣播公司 • AIDS =>Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome 後天免疫缺乏症候群 • AIDS =>Army Information & Data System 美國陸軍資訊系統

  29. Reference • http://www.acronym-guide.com/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursive_acronym • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudo-acronym • http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%81%AB%E6%98%9F%E6%96%87

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