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Boğaziçi University Technology Transfer & Entrepreneurship Center. Our partners. The Kick - off : “A SW Analysis ” (1/2). B.U. has a strong tradition of liberal democracy and individualism
Boğaziçi University Technology Transfer & EntrepreneurshipCenter
TheKick-off: “A SW Analysis” (1/2) • B.U. has a strong tradition of liberal democracy andindividualism • OurFacultyalwaysbeen a group of renownedacademicianswith outstanding contributions to the development of science in Turkey. • But as a Professor in Faculty of Educationwasstating;eachof themis like a uniquepreciouspearl but making a neckless of these pearls has always beenchallenging.
TheKick-off: “A SW Analysis” (2/2) • These are our very strong attributes: • B.U. has the best 12000 studentsofthe country. • 3000 makinggaduatestudies. • With its 45000 graduates B.U. is very influential in Turkish business life. Our graduates are business leaders... CEOs of 15 out of 100 largest construction companiesofthe world are B.U. Graduates. • Strongsupport of • ViceRector Prof.Gülay Barbarosoğlu • IP Office • Office for Industry Relations • The entrepreneurial spirit of HayalEtTeam.
“Boğaziçi University Technology Transfer & EntrepreneurshipCenter”A CasePresentation
HayalEt’s objective is to promote entrepreneurship in its ecosystem Mission To become a secure, respected and well structured platform where entrepreneurialventuresmeetinvestors 2023 vision • Until 2023: • 12 technology companies with an incomereaching • $ 500 million • $ 4 millionrevenuethroughtechnology transfer • 50 + patent applications Aim HayalEt is taking the responsibility in developing commercialization of intellectual property in Boğaziçi University Partners Graduates, academicians, university students, SME’s Investors, angel investors, investment funds, NGO’s government al offices
Wereachedtoa big audience! • The project has started only 8 months ago. • Thanksto a successful communicaton strategy it has reached 60 000 young people • Wereceived over700 applications in a few months only.
The Roadmap: Completed activities Planned activities June 2012 September 2011 Construction of our office and incubation center Receiving application of to be entrepreneurs Providing entrepreneurship courses to 100 to be entrepreneurs. Providing business development courses to 50 Start-up companies Assessment of the applications Organizing several conferences about entrepreneurship and innovation Working on developing awareness andcooperationnetwork Providing consultancy and mentorship to entrep. Investor meetings Founding angel investor network
Profile of Applicants To Be Entrepreneurs Start Up Company Owners
Entrepreneurship Courses Courses for 100 To Be Entrepreneurs The courses took 60 hours in total and focused mainly on complete business plan writing. 50 Start-up Company Owners The courses took 70 hours in total. Their content was developed by a multidisciplinary team of experienced Boğaziçi University academicians
Conferences about Entrepreneurship and Innovation Our 14 conferences by guest speakers on selected topics accomodate networking environment for entrepreneurs and enable our program to reach wider audiences and thus create awareness. Our attendence was about200at every conference on average. Our broadcasting sponsor TEB’s KOBI TV provides us with professional video recordings and interviews. We reached more than 10 000 people through online broadcasting.
We have developed a strong network Entrepreneurs in our program are supported by a wide network of academicians, consultants and investors 60 experts from various fields. 35% of them are B.U. graduates. 30 top level investors from various fields. 50% of them are B.U. graduates.
PerceptionandEvaluation of the Project The high number of applications, positive comments of our participants show that demand will continue to grow up. The program received high attenttion DifferentiationthroughEducation, Consultancy and Networking • Educationtransformseligibleideastobetterbusinessmodels. • RespectedandsecureenvironmentensuresNetworking • Strongties with business communityisa strategicadvantageforprofessionalconsultancy Mostof theattendeesexpressthatconsultancyandnetworkingare of greatvalueforthem Consultancy and Networking are key elements Capacityfor 8 workingteams/ companies. İncubation
What is next? Public Incentives B.U. Ecosystem Public Incentives Supporting Entrepreneurs Supporting Investors Over 45 000 Graduates Potential entrep. For individuals For companies Potential investors For High Tech TUBITAK Funds Individual Angel Investors’ investments are tax deductable Venture Capital Funds of companies spared for start ups are tax deductable Brilliant ideas, lots of energy Activationthroughpublic incentives For Research and Dev. Ministry of IndustryandTech. A trustableorganization who can get them to capital resourceswhiledefendingtheirrights Establishment of aninvestment companyunderumbrella of BÜ Foundation. managing ipotentialfunds. For SMEs KOSGEB Funds HayalETOffice will play a vital role as a liaison between investors and entrepreneurs. The encouraging political and economic climate will help this environment to flourish further.