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iOS & Android Development for the C# Developer with Xamarin

iOS & Android Development for the C# Developer with Xamarin. James Montemagno @ JamesMontemagno. Who’s this guy?. james@xamarin.com. motzcod.es. @ JamesMontemagno. James Montemagno Developer Evangelist, Xamarin. Xamarin – Your Complete Mobile Solution. What is Native?. What is native?.

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iOS & Android Development for the C# Developer with Xamarin

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Presentation Transcript

  1. iOS & Android Development for the C# Developer with Xamarin James Montemagno @JamesMontemagno

  2. Who’s this guy? james@xamarin.com motzcod.es @JamesMontemagno James Montemagno Developer Evangelist, Xamarin

  3. Xamarin – Your Complete Mobile Solution

  4. What is Native? What is native?

  5. Architecting Mobile Apps Architecting Mobile Apps

  6. Silo Approach iOS Android Windows Objective-C Xcode C# Visual Studio Java Android Studio No shared code • Many languages & development environments • Multiple teams

  7. Write Once, Run Anywhere App Generator Lua Javascript Actionscript HTML+CSS Limited native API access • Slow performance • Poor user experience

  8. Xamarin’s Unique Approach iOS C# UI Android C# UI Windows C# UI Shared C# Logic Shared C# codebase • 100% native API access • High performance

  9. Windows APIs Microsoft.Phone Windows.Storage Windows.Foundation Microsoft.Devices Microsoft.Networking System.Data System.Windows System.Numerics System.Core System.ServiceModel System.Net System System.IO System.Linq System.Xml

  10. iOS – 100% API Coverage MapKit UIKit iBeacon CoreGraphics CoreMotion System.Net System System.IO System.Linq System.Xml System.Data System.Windows System.Numerics System.Core System.ServiceModel

  11. Android – 100% API Coverage Text-to-speech ActionBar Printing Framework Renderscript NFC System.Net System System.IO System.Linq System.Xml System.Data System.Windows System.Numerics System.Core System.ServiceModel

  12. Xamarin.iOS does full Ahead Of Time (AOT) compilation to produce an ARM binary for Apple’s App Store. Xamarin.Android takes advantage of Just In Time (JIT) compilation on the Android device. Native Performance

  13. ✓Always Up-to-Date Same-day support: • iOS 5 • iOS 6 • iOS 7 • iOS 8 • iOS 9 Full support for: • Apple Watch • Apple TV • Android Wear • Amazon Fire TV • and much more

  14. Visual Studio Xamarin Studio

  15. Anything you can do in Objective-C, Swift, or Javacan be done in C# and Visual Studio with Xamarin.

  16. Xamarin is included in Visual Studio Xamarin is included in Visual Studio Including Community Edition!

  17. Open Source – open.xamarin.com

  18. Visual Studio Integration Xamarin.com/Download

  19. Visual Studio iOS Simulator Remoting • Multi-Touch Enabled • Pressure Sensitive • Super Fast • Rotate, screenshots, location changes • Never leave VS *available as a preview

  20. Sharing Code Sharing Code

  21. Portable Class Libraries 1 Assembly Multiple Platforms Including: Xamarin.iOSandXamarin.Android

  22. Shared Projects

  23. NuGet

  24. Touch Draw iCircuit Code SharingStats Android iOS Mac Windows

  25. App Building Time Let’s build an app

  26. What about this stuff? Shared C# Logic

  27. Platform Specific Code UI + APIs UI+APIs UI + APIs Battery GPS Lights Notifications Settings Text To Speech Battery GPS Lights Notifications Settings Text To Speech Battery GPS Lights Notifications Settings Text To Speech What if we didn’t have to write this code? What if we could access it from shared code?

  28. A Better API Speak(“Hello World”); TextToSpeech SpeechSynthesizer AVSpeechSynthesizer

  29. Plugins for Xamarin Xamarin.com/plugins Common API

  30. Plugin Time! Plugin time!

  31. Get Started Today Xamarin.com

  32. Thank You! james@xamarin.com motzcod.es @JamesMontemagno James Montemagno Developer Evangelist, Xamarin

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