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The Tragic Legacy of Cadmus and Oedipus

Explore the dark and cursed history of Thebes' royal family through the tales of Cadmus, Oedipus, and their descendants. From founding cities to fulfilling prophecies, follow the dramatic twists of Greek tragedy.

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The Tragic Legacy of Cadmus and Oedipus

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  1. oedipus

  2. The First Family of Greek Tragedy was the House of Cadmus, the royal family of Thebes. • Thebes was a real city in central Greece with real history, but there was a dark side. • Thebes had a bizarre mythological history which was much more disturbing than most other cities’ mythologies.

  3. Agenor (son of Poseidon) was King of Phonecia. He had a beautiful daughter named Europa. Europa’s brother Cadmus was sent to look for her after she was kidnapped by _________. Cadmus never found his sister, but he did follow another cow and started a city where it stopped to rest.

  4. The Oracle speaks… • Cadmus is told he should follow a cow that bore a half moon on her side, and build a city on the spot where the animal would rest. That was how Thebes was founded, the first building being a shrine to Selene, goddess of the moon.

  5. Cadmus decided to sacrifice the cow to Athena, and asked his companions to bring water from a nearby spring. There, a water-dragon killed all of them, but Cadmus eventually managed to kill the beast.

  6. Following Athena's advice, he took the teeth of the dragon and placed them in the soil, out of which a legion of fierce men, the Spartoi, sprang out.Cadmus killed all but five of them, with whom he built the city. Can you guess how he was able to stop them?

  7. The dragon, however, was protected by the god of war, Ares, who demanded that Cadmus serve him for eight years. 

  8. On the plus side, Cadmus had a population for his city. • On the minus side, he had to serve Ares for eight years. • After his time was up Athena arranged for him to be King of Thebes (the new city) and Zeus found a wife for him. Harmonia-daughter of Ares and Aphrodite.

  9. Harmonia’s gift • Aphrodite asked Hephaestus to create a wedding gift for her daughter. Hephaestus cursed the necklace to bring misfortune to anyone who wore or possessed it; at the same time, though, the necklace was able to bring eternal youth and beauty to its bearer. According to the myths, the necklace was made of gold and jewels, and had the shape of two serpents forming a clasp with their open mouths.

  10. According to the myths, the necklace was made of gold and jewels, and had the shape of two serpents forming a clasp with their open mouths.

  11. What happened to Cadmus? In the end, Cadmus and Harmonia left Thebes and went to the region of Illyria. Cadmus, worn out by the ill fate that the gods had brought upon him for killing the dragon, wished that he transform into a serpent himself.

  12. What happened to Cadmus? • His wish was granted and he started growing scales immediately. Harmonia then asked for the same fate as her husband, and it was also granted.

  13. Small sample of what happened to the family: • The children of Cadmus and Harmonia were named Semele, Agave, Polydorus, Ino, and Illyrius. • Semele-Dionysus’ mother who saw Zeus in his godly form and died • Ino-jumped into the sea with her dead son’s body in her arms; became a sea goddess; eventually saved Odysseus. Her husband was struck with madness and killed her son.

  14. Autonoe received a double dose. First, she belonged to the worshippers of Dionysus-which resulted in a tragedy involving King Pentheus. • Then, her son Actaeon was turned into a deer and hunted down by his own hunting dogs after he accidentally saw Artemis naked.

  15. The curse begins… • Laius visited Pelops, King of Pisa. Pelops and a nymph had an illegitimate child named Chrysippus. Laius was tasked with teaching the child to drive a chariot. Unfortunately, Laius developed “feelings” for the beautiful Chrysippus. A kidnapping and rape followed. Chrysippus killed himself. Pelops laid a curse on the Theban king which would eventually come to fruition.

  16. Polydorus’ s son became king of Thebes, and after him his son Laius. Laius marries his third cousin, Jocasta. Jocasta has a brother named Creon. • Laius and Jocasta received an oracle: You will have a son, and he will kill you.

  17. To stop the prophesy from coming true, they hobbled the baby and had him left on a mountainside. • A shepherd found the baby, picked him up, passed him to another shepherd, who eventually took him to the King and Queen of Corinth who had recently lost their baby.

  18. They named him Oedipus because of his swollen feet. (Oedipus means swollen feet) They did not tell him he was adopted.

  19. When he came of age, Oedipus journeyed to the Oracle at Delphi where he learned he was fated to kill his father and marry his own mother, and be a father to children the world would shudder to look upon. • He decided to leave Corinth so none of this would ever happen!

  20. Three roads converged near Delphi. As he reached the intersection he met a wagon carrying some important person. One of the attendants hit Oedipus with a club to make him stand off the road as the wagon passed. • In a rage, Oedipus killed all the men but one. These things happened back then.

  21. In addition to rude travelers, the road also had a monster. A sphinx,( woman’s head, lion’s body, snake for tail, wings) had taken up residence on the road. • This sphinx was asking riddles and killing anyone who answered incorrectly. • The Theban king had been to the Oracle to find out the answer and banish the sphinx. Too bad he never made it home.

  22. The riddle… What creature walks on four legs in the morning, two at midday, and three legs in the evening? • Oedipus answered correctly and the sphinx threw herself off a cliff and died. • The people of Thebes were so happy about the deceased sphinx they made Oedipus their king.

  23. The new king was expected to marry the widow of the old king, so he did. They had four children. • Eteocles • Polynices • Antigone • Ismene

  24. Everyone was happy, until the plague struck. • Oedipus sent Creon to Delphi to find out how to end the Gods’ punishment. • Creon reports to Oedipus that Apollo says the plague wouldn’t end until the people of Thebes found the murderer of King Laius and bring him to justice.

  25. Oedipus felt relieved that all he had to do to end the drought was find Laius’s killer. • His relief came too soon!

  26. Oedipus sent for Tiresias the prophet to help solve the mystery of the murder. • When Oedipus asks the question, “Who did it?” Tiresias refuses to answer.

  27. Oedipus accuses Tiresias of being complicit in the murder and cover-up. • Tiresias finally told him, “You are the murderer you seek.”

  28. Jocasta said she did not believe in prophets because of the inaccurate prophesy she had received concerning the death of Laius at the hands of his own son. • What message did Delphi give to Jocasta and her family?

  29. Jocasta continues the story she believes exonerates Oedipus. • My husband and I left the child to die. • Laius was killed by robbers at the intersection of three roads to Delphi.

  30. While this denial of fact is occurring, Apollo comes to announce the death of Polybus to the court of Thebes. • Who was Polybus???? • Why would Jocasta say this death proved her point?

  31. Foreshadowing… • Apollo asks Oedipus whether fear of killing his father, Polybus, had driven him from Corinth. • What revelation is this leading us to?

  32. Both Jocasta and Oedipus suffer once they learn the truth. • In what way does each of the characters punish herself or himself?

  33. It’s time to read the play!!!

  34. The saga continues… • Antigone and Ismene, the daughters of Oedipus, discuss the disaster which has befallen them. Their father is banished, and their brothers have killed each other over control of Thebes. • Creon is finally in charge.

  35. Antigone left with her father. She didn’t think it was wise to allow her blind father to wander around the countryside. • Ismene remained in Thebes to protect her father’s interests.

  36. Now that the king is gone… • Creon is now Regent. • Each son wanted to become the new king of Thebes. Technically the older son should get the job, but both wanted power. • Eteocles became king and exiled Polyneices.

  37. Polyneices went to Argos to try to raise an army. • Oedipus and Antigone found refuge in Colonus which was near Athens. Colonus was the home of the Furies (aka the benignant goddesses).

  38. What a mess. • Oedipus dies with Antigone and Ismene by his side. • Apollo promised that Oedipus would bring a mysterious blessing from the gods to the place where his grave lay. • Theseus welcomed Oedipus to Athens. He died a happy man, and with his death Athens was blessed.

  39. The sisters return to Thebes and find Eteocles fighting to save Thebes from attack, and Polyneices fighting to regain power of Thebes. • The sisters refused to choose sides with either brother.

  40. Polyneices has recruited an army of six champions to lead his attack against Thebes. • (SEVEN gates-SEVEN champions) • Adrastus, King of Argos and his brother- in –law, Amphiaraus) • One of the seven was Amphiaraus, a prophet, who knew that of the seven only Adrastus would survive.

  41. Amphiaraus joined unwillingly. His wife Eriphyle was trusted to be the “tie breaker” when he and her brother had disputes. Polyneices bribed her with a beautiful necklace. The necklace was gift Harmonia received on her wedding day. (the cursed necklace)

  42. Creon was told the only way Thebes could be saved was if Menoeceus-his son-was killed. • Creon tried to save his son by sending him away, but Menoeceus want to be a coward so he sneaked into the battle. • He died almost instantly.

  43. Neither side was able to gain an advantage over the other. • They chose a new way to settle the war.

  44. The brothers vying for the throne fought a hand-to-hand battle. • Both died.

  45. As they died, Polyneices requested of his brother , “My brother, my enemy, but always loved. Bury me in my homeland-to have so much at least of my city.”

  46. Creon is now king. He proclaims that Eteocles should receive full burial rites since he fought FOR Thebes. • Polyneices should be left for the birds and beasts to devour. Furthermore, no one who fought against Thebes should be buried.

  47. This meant the souls of the dead could not cross the River Styx and were left to wander the Earth for eternity. • Antigone could not accept this fate for her brother.

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