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6th Concall Anna Clark, Ivo Cré and Karen Vancluysen, Polis 15 th July 2010. Review report WP3 (I). Task 3.3: Programme Level Coordination Events Coordination
6th Concall Anna Clark, Ivo Cré and Karen Vancluysen, Polis 15th July 2010
Review report WP3 (I) • Task 3.3: Programme Level Coordination • Events Coordination • Action Item 3.1: The CIVITAS website’s events page should reference forthcoming events up to nine months in advance. This info can be sourced from Annex 3.13 (the Events Proposals) and can of course begin with indicative info (location, appx. Date etc.). • Ok, draft e-mail to invite event organisers will be prepared, possibility to automatise this will be checked • Action Item 3.2: Event entries should be systematically updated once an event has been completed/concluded. For example, text in future tense should revert to past tense while PPTs, participants lists, outcomes (documents) and a short news report should also be posted. Currently even VANGUARD’s own training events (Leuven, Ghent) miss such information. • Ok, (but not with great appetite!), Leuven and Ghent information is available in downloads section. • Action Item 3.3: VANGUARD should update and re-submit its Events Proposals document with the results of the last consultation with the DLG reps/CPs as well as CIVINET events (CIVINET’s indicative schedule will be forwarded separately by the VANGUARD coordinator). • Ok, CIVINET list is awaited for (ML and JMD are contacted directly by Polis as well – no news).
Review report WP3 (II) • Task 3.4: Technical Working Groups and Training • VANGUARD Training Workshops • Action Item 3.4: Re: Milestone 3.2 shorter evaluation reports for each VANGUARD workshop will suffice, there is no need to prepare event “minutes.” Additionally, the PPTs, participants lists, and a short news report reflecting on the event’s outcomes should be posted to the respective events page, and if appropriate, the CIVITAS news page. • Ok, information is already available in downloads section • Action Item 3.5: Speakers may be sub-contracted. VANGUARD should determine from which budget pool to take this (either the WP1 sub-contractor’s budget (i.e. broaden its scope), or to re-allocate the funds from the workshop’s respective budget lines with REC, POLIS and M21). VANGUARD to respond with a proposal within the framework of the contract amendment. • Ok, good news, preferably from WP1 budget under subcontracting category to avoid delays. In this regard, the call for trainers will be updated and promoted again. • Technical Working Groups • Action Item 3.6: VANGUARD’s four technical working groups should gradually evolve into respective fora for CIVITAS eight thematic categories. VANGUARD should propos a solution that includes the current thematic web pages offering publicly accessible email groups for each of the eight categories, as well as forthcoming event information in the respective category. • Ok, Polis will take action. Final version of thematic groups document available? Status? • Study Tours • Action Item 3.7: The “city-to-city marketplace” needs to be reflected in a logical place on the CIVITAS website (starting with the Mobility Solutions section) which should also refer to the CATALIST offer/study tour exchange programme (the concept and forthcoming plans should also be reflected in the amended Description of Work). The offer and demand market place could be launched at a special session at the Forum 2010 conference. VANGUARD to follow up. • Ok
Review report WP3 (III) • Action Item 3.8: Ensure the contents of the D3.6 toolkit serve as *the* guide to LDMs on media relations i.e. “how to write a press release” etc., as opposed to hosting further tailored training workshops (unless a very specific “CIVITAS slant” can be offered). • Yes, But. DLG4 showed an almost general lack of skills of LDMs in writing news. Is referring to a document enough? Planned writting skills session (see DLG roadmap) at next DLG cancelled? • Action Item 3.9: D3.7 Press Corner: Coverage of CIVITAS Plus is strong, however, there is nothing really describing CIVITAS overall. Update the CIVITAS Facts and Figures sub-section by linking up the CIVITAS leaflet. • Ok, cooperation with MOSTRA welcomed.
News from RENAISSANCE • Because of the political situation, Sofia cancelled their event for this year, could be rescheduled, but this is not clear. This poses problems for dissemination workshop calendar. (see next steps) • Skopje workshop plans unclear (October? Next year?) Lucia is checking this. • Mid term conference in Perugia: 8-10 September. • Polis to attend • Information to be circulated soon (we have emphasised that if they want participants, this needs to go online soon).
Ongoing • DLG final minutes / summary presentation • Status CIVITAS Forum CP stands? • CP liaison tracker • Clarification mailing lists • Lay-out D3.6 parts at M21 • Publications ready for CIVITAS Forum • Events preparation support pack will be finalised by the end of August (including speakers register) • Szentendre training: • Senternovem leads • First speakers/trainers are contacted and confirmed • Promotion tools ready to go online • Session outlines ready or on their way • REC to handle subcontracts for trainers?
Next steps • Pointer-VANGUARD coordination: ok to call a meeting at the Forum? • Coordination final conference: ok to prepare letters to CP coordinators (in cooperation with REC)? • Date next DLG? • Social marketing training: cooperation with ELAN to be clarified • (WP4) Dissemination workshop: ok to check potential for Bucharest dissemination workshop (cooperation URTP, RATP-CATALIST)?
CP liaison tracker • Process to structure liaison and to increase accountability • Liaison tracker to be updated for each conference call / project meeting • Results will be summarised by Polis for each conference call in separate presentation • Location to be confirmed. • Test run for next conference call.
Thank You Anna Clark Karen Vancluysen Ivo Cré Polis aclark@polis-online.org kvancluysen@polis-online.org icre@polis-online.org