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Varies--- 1140-1400 or as late as 1550 Era of Peace and prosperity in region around Paris. Capetian kings Of France become a centralized monarchy. Increasing wealth in the cities encourage sale of city charters to Kings,Not Lords….decreasing the feudal system Money Economy emerges
Varies--- 1140-1400 or as late as 1550 Era of Peace and prosperity in region around Paris. Capetian kings Of France become a centralized monarchy. Increasing wealth in the cities encourage sale of city charters to Kings,Not Lords….decreasing the feudal system Money Economy emerges Emergence of schools associated with cathedrals esp Paris as the Intellectual center using Logic developed through Thomas Aquinas and Others Three Historical Events 100 Year’s War Between France and England 1337-1453- devastates both Countries, esp areas in France– Joan of Arc Babylonian Captivity- Pope moved to Avignon and leaving Papacy open to many– Rome is devastated and left to ruin-Papacy is left with less power Black Death of 1348- ¼-1/3 of the population of Western World. Leaves architecture at a standstill and the arts going back for old styles to Please God. On-Going Crusades
Patronage Master Builders coordinate 100s of laborers in every sense of the word. They spend generations building the cathedrals- And were the engines to keep the city economies running. Manuscripts- organized by d’atelier Who planned with scribe, the artist, the person who did the borders, the Narrative images and the binder
Innovations in Architecture Rib vault- invented and first shown at Durham- became the standard for Gothic Bays- Repeated vertical elements that go to the ceiling repeated from the Romanesque and become standard The Rose Window- started off as an oculus in St. Sernin clearstory- opens up the wall space to more light The pointed arch- First seen in Islamic architecture in Spain- points direct the gravitational pull more easily than the round arches-come in to use with the rib vault. Flying Buttress- for stablization Stained glass for glory and God and light East End is now the chevet with the larger apse now called the choir Pinnacles decorate the roofs of churches and spires for wind resistance
Early Gothic Rounded columns ( piers) Rib vaults to the column capitals Notre Dam in Paris St. Denis in France High Gothic- articulated columns in interior Rib vault floor to ceiling larger window spaces Choirs and Chevets Compound piers Sculpture on the façade Amiens and Chartes Rayonnant ( radiating) – Much less wall, much more light, thin columns, tracery Sainte Chapelle Flamboyant ( flaming) – highly decorative- mass of pinnacles and tracery- decoration is a screen beneath which all is seen Ogee arches- Saint Maclou and Milan Cathedral English Gothic- with a garden called a close- like a monastery two transepts, boxy shape, central spires, smaller buttresses, towers, wide facades with sculpture everywhere ( Salisbury) Perpendicular Gothic- Vertical window tracery opening into a fan vault
Gothic Sculpture Sculpture begins to emerge on the portals of the Gothic Churches. St. Denis had statue columns on the jambs. The Royal Portals at Chartres are very vertical and attached (engaged) To the jambs themselves. Last Judgment gives way to more hopeful themes. By 13th century there is more humanism with images having eye contact.
Gothic Painting Stained glass was painted. It had been around for centuries but became an Industry in the Gothic Period. Glass was cut and wrapped with lead into the patterns, glass was painted And set into the window frame Larger images in the Clerestory so they could be seen. Narratives appeared closer to the ground so they could be read. Illuminated Manuscript started to look like Stained Glass.
Jews did not ban imagery in the 12th - 13 th century Sometimes you see episodes from the Old Testament. Wealth Jewish Patrons liked their manuscripts illuminated as well As Christian ones They used popular Christian Painters for private worship use.