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Agenda. Why the interest in electric cars now?Battery progress, fuel costs/efficiency, renewables for fuelMy Conversion ExperienceSelecting a vehicle to convertPlanningComponentsMechanical Batteries, charging, and battery managementOperational, maintenance experienceSummaryQuestions and An
1. Electric Propulsion Experiences with a Honda Insight Gary Graunke
Oregon Electric Vehicle Association
(Oregon chapter of the Electric Auto Association)
June 25, 2010
2. Agenda Why the interest in electric cars now?
Battery progress, fuel costs/efficiency, renewables for fuel
My Conversion Experience
Selecting a vehicle to convert
Batteries, charging, and battery management
Operational, maintenance experience
Questions and Answers
3. Why I Converted a Car Interest in fuel cells
GM visited my high school in 1966: “fuel cell cars are just around the corner”
Energy crisis of the 1970’s
Oil induced inflation: I wrote a program to report status of investigations into violations Nixon’s wage-price freeze
Oil price went from $2/bbl to $20
US oil production peaked in 1970—we lost control of price of oil
Fuel rationing: we stood in line for 4 hours to get 10 gals on odd/even days
The citicar was the only afforable EV—the rest cost more than my house
Failed CARB EV mandate of the 1990’s
But I rented a Honda EV Plus 3 times, EV1 once
Automakers could not see profitable business plan—crushed cars
Late wife’s cancer diagnosis reminded me that I’m getting old
4. Progress in Li Batteries In the last 20 years, batteries are 18X more KWH/kg, KWH/$
Doubles about every 5 years
We expect 2 more generations before slowing improvement
US ABC goal is $200/KWH
Current cost is $500/KWH
Nissan cost will be $375 in 2012 production
$32700 car goes 100 mi on charge
Lifetime cost more important than initial cost
My LiFePO A123 cells were $1500/KWH, but expect 3500 cycles
Must factor in number of charge cycles
Li affected by stored temperature of batteries
5. Global Energy Potential Source: Steve Heckeroth, American Solar Energy Society
Area needed to power U.S. electrical needs: 104 Square miles in SW Nevada
Slides: Impacts of Plug-in-Hybrid Vehicles on Regional U.S. Power, Michael Kintner-Meyer,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, www.plugincenter.com/files/documents/Michael_Kintner_Meyer.pdf
Current generation capacity and distribution can provide 75% of current transportation.
Steven Saylor, Chief Electrical Engineer, Vestas America, speaking to IEEE IAS meeting in Portland, OR: “Any two great plains states can meet the current U.S. electrical needs with wind power. Any time the prices of natural gas doubles, the number of wind sites that become competitive increases by a factor of 10.”
Utility Wind Integration Group: http://www.uwig.org/Source: Steve Heckeroth, American Solar Energy Society
Area needed to power U.S. electrical needs: 104 Square miles in SW Nevada
Slides: Impacts of Plug-in-Hybrid Vehicles on Regional U.S. Power, Michael Kintner-Meyer,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, www.plugincenter.com/files/documents/Michael_Kintner_Meyer.pdf
Current generation capacity and distribution can provide 75% of current transportation.
Steven Saylor, Chief Electrical Engineer, Vestas America, speaking to IEEE IAS meeting in Portland, OR: “Any two great plains states can meet the current U.S. electrical needs with wind power. Any time the prices of natural gas doubles, the number of wind sites that become competitive increases by a factor of 10.”
Utility Wind Integration Group: http://www.uwig.org/
6. DOE Well-to-Wheels Comparison* Compares gasoline to electricity efficiency
Tg: US average fossil-fuel generation efficiency = 0.328
Tt: US average transmission efficiency = 0.924
Tp: Petroluem refining and distribution efficiency = 0.83
C: KWH energy/gallon = 33.705
Eg = (Tg * Tt * C) / Tp = 12.307 KWH/gal
Fuel Content Factor 1/0.15 = 6.67
This approach explains strange “MPG” ratings
230 “mpg” for Chevy Volt
373 “mpg” for Nissan Leaf
I get about 6 mi/KWH (measure at wall) at 45 mph
Insight was 70/50 mpg highway/urban
About 200 mpg energy equivalent (72 mpg from fossil fuels)
7. PV + EV is Sun-to-Wheels Champ PV/EV sun-to-wheels efficiency ~16%
PV cells 20% efficient sun-to-electricity
EV >80% efficient electricity-to-wheels
Bio-fuels sun-to-wheels efficiency <1%
Alcohol sun-to-fuel is 1-2% in practice
Heat engine <20% fuel-to-wheels
May require other resources (H2O, land)
Bio-fuels still useful for PHEV long trips
Fossil fuel sun-to-wheels efficiency 0%
Sun to fuel 10-10%, fuel to wheels <20%
But utility generation + EV is more efficient than mobile heat engine with any fuel
Example: >2X better for natural gas PV: Sunpower (SPWR) cells >20%
EV efficiency: www.evalbum.com
Alcohol efficiency from question at Portland Peak Oil talk by David Blume. Book: “Alcohol Can Be A Gas”, www.permaculture.com
“The maximum theoretical sun-to-fuel efficiency is 14%, but in practice it is 1-2%”.
Plug-in bio-diesel hybrids and wind generation is solution from book “Plan B v2.0”, Lester Brown, www.worldwatch.org
PV: Sunpower (SPWR) cells >20%
EV efficiency: www.evalbum.com
Alcohol efficiency from question at Portland Peak Oil talk by David Blume. Book: “Alcohol Can Be A Gas”, www.permaculture.com
“The maximum theoretical sun-to-fuel efficiency is 14%, but in practice it is 1-2%”.
Plug-in bio-diesel hybrids and wind generation is solution from book “Plan B v2.0”, Lester Brown, www.worldwatch.org
8. My Conversion Experience
9. Selecting an Electric Vehicle Lightweight
Can hold weight of batteries (GVWR)
Rule of thumb for lead-acid batteries: 30% of total vehicle weight is batteries
Room for batteries
10. Where Does the Energy Go? Acceleration (hills) force = mass*acceleration
Heating up tires (rolling resistance) force = mass*velocity
Pushing air out of the way (esp. v > 40 mi/hr) force = frontal area * coefficient of drag * velocity2
12. Aerodynamic Efficiency
14. Theoretical Energy Calculations Rolling resistance (Fr) is proportional to weight and velocity
Wind resistance (Ftd) is proportional to frontal area, coefficient of drag, and velocity squared
Fh is acceleration (also hill climbing: 1 mph/sec is about 5% incline)
Insight with LiIon batteries: 2200 lbs, 28 KWH, area 20.5 sq ft, Cd 0.25
15. Electric Motor Torque and Power
16. AC Motor Efficiency
17. Transmission EV’s have adequate torque at low RPM
AC motors can go as high as 10,000 RPM
Result: some EV’s don’t need gears, clutch
Direct drive is common--saves weight
Slower motor RPM is slightly more efficient
18. IMA and Batteries Removed
19. Front After Removing Engine and Transmission
20. Gas Tank Compartment
21. Engine View of Transmission
22. Adaptor Plate Design
23. Shaft Coupler Design
24. Adaptor Plate and Coupler
25. Shaft Coupler
26. Measuring for Motor Mount
27. Aligning Plastic Motor Mount Template
28. Template Marked for Engine Rotation
29. It Actually Fits!
30. Adjusting Motor Hanger Thickness
31. Mount, Hanger, Motor, Adaptor Plate
32. Mounted!
33. Mounting Motor Controller
34. Accelerator Pot Box
35. Power Brake Vacuum Pump
36. Cooling Motor and Inverter
37. Top Battery Box
38. Riveted Box Joints
39. Unmodified Main Contactor Box
40. High Voltage Wiring
41. Battery Box Installation
42. Heater Usually replace heat exchanger with electric heater
Use DC-rated relay with magnetic blowout
Liquid EV heater
Pump included
Thermostat included
HV power control
2 or 4 KW models
43. Air Conditioning
44. “Temporary” Charger Installation
45. Charger Isolation Contactors
46. Use Appropriate Batteries
47. A123 Cells—Lots of Power
48. Past Time for a New Pack
49. Design In Safety Use DC-rated components
Fuses: Buss FWH or Littlefuse KLKD
Best placed connecting batteries in pack
Contactors (relays) will open circuit if motor controller fails—once
Best in both wires
50. Battery Balancing Relative cell state of charge varies over time
Manufacturing variance
Different operating temperature
Series charging increases differences in state of charge
Individual chargers is one solution
Stop driving when lowest cell is empty
Stop charging when highest cell is full (5% overcharge ok)
But charger and instruments measure total pack voltage
Ideally measure individual cell voltages
Measuring highest, lowest batteries is good approximation
51. Capacity Variance with Aging As batteries age capacity variances increase
More imbalance!
Easier to overdrive
Weakest cell voltage plunges and may even reverse polarity!
Best case: shorter range
Low temperatures also reduce effective capacity
Eventually it’s time for a new pack!
Lowest capacity cell is also overcharged
Active automatic battery balancers mitigate extremes
52. Battery Management Add-ons Hart Batt-Bridge is an “idiot light” costing <$10
LED lights when two halves of pack differ by > 2v
One cell empties/reverses first
Charge now or go “turtle mode”!
PowerCheq modules
Keep each two adjacent batteries voltage difference < .1V
Works 24X7 while driving, charging, parked
Limited current—keeps balanced pack balanced
Requires N-1 modules for N batteries
53. More Battery Management Aids Manzanita Micro MK3 regulator prevents overcharge
Backs off charger when individual battery full
Limits battery voltage
Data logging
Hart balancer relay module (30A capacity)
Scans batteries to measure voltage
Connects any battery to isolated “flying” battery or DC-DC
Can take charge from higher state-of-charge batteries
Gives charge to lower state-of-charge batteries
54. Operation and Maintenance The Insight is now 10 years old, 37300 mi
Converted at 12000 mi
4 years on lead (2000 mi/yr with 25 mi range)
3 years on LiFePO (6000 mi/yr with 60 mi range)
Spent $240 checking brakes
2 new LRR tires
Currently equalizing batteries manually every 10 months (BMS will do this continuously)
Major expense: new custom seat covers
Fuel costs 1.6 cents/mi (3% of electric bill)
Battery depreciation estimate 6 cents/mi
55. Summary Respect high voltage and current
Install service and emergency disconnects
Keep connections tight--check temperature
Use quality components within ratings
Pick a strong, lightweight, efficient vehicle
Adequate GVWR for batteries
Upgrade clutch, brakes, suspension if needed
Plan for adequate HP and proper drive ratio
Too much torque may require drivetrain upgrade
56. Summary cont’d Use batteries with sufficient power
“Golf cart” (flooded) or UPS (sealed AGM) are simple
Advanced batteries may require cooling, BMS
Don’t skimp on charging equipment
Overcharging kills batteries, creates hydrogen
Overheating during charging can cause fire
Battery management is essential to long life
For NiCd, NiMH, LiIon BMS is essential to safety
Enjoy your quiet but powerful, economical EV!
57. References and Resources Electrification Coalition www.electricationcoalition.org
DOE rules and regulations 36987, Federal Register, Vol 65, No. 113, June 2000
K. Deffeyes, “Beyond Oil”, ISBN 0-8090-2956-1
M. Simmons, “Twilight in the Desert”, ISBN 0-471-73876-X
EV Album http://evalbum.com
Electric Auto Association http://www.eaaev.org
See “Convert to Electric Vehicles” in download section
Oregon EV Associaton http://www.oeva.org
Bob Brandt, “Build Your Own Electric Vehicle”, 1994, McGraw Hill
Michael Brown, “Convert It”, 1993, Future Books.
58. Backup
59. World Peak Oil Source: Steve Heckeroth, American Solar Energy Society
Book: “Beyond Oil”, Defeyes, Professor Emeritus at Princeton University, geologist
Book: “Twilight in the Desert”, Matthew Simmons, energy investment banker
Source: Steve Heckeroth, American Solar Energy Society
Book: “Beyond Oil”, Defeyes, Professor Emeritus at Princeton University, geologist
Book: “Twilight in the Desert”, Matthew Simmons, energy investment banker
60. Sun-to-Wheels Measure of Efficiency Source: Steve Heckeroth, American Solar Energy SocietySource: Steve Heckeroth, American Solar Energy Society