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Functional Polymer Surfaces. Kenneth J. Wynne, Virginia Commonwealth University, DMR 0207560. Cold crystallization increases resistance to wetting High purity monomer gives high M n (21 kDa) poly(bis-trifluoroethoxyoxetane), T g , -40 °C ; T m , 85 °C.
Functional Polymer Surfaces Kenneth J. Wynne, Virginia Commonwealth University, DMR 0207560 • Cold crystallization increases resistance to wetting • High purity monomer gives high Mn (21 kDa) poly(bis-trifluoroethoxyoxetane), Tg, -40°C; Tm, 85°C. • Slow-cooling from melt gives translucent coatings with conventional hydrophobic and oleophobic wetting • Cold crystallization (5 weeks, 25°C) results in asperities and increased surface roughness • SEM shows surface roughening is due to densification stress strain with shrinkage • Water contact angle increases by 30-40° • Broader impact: Hydrophobic / oleophobic surfaces while avoiding perfluorooctoate (PFOA) which bioaccumulates θ=104° 25 µm Rq = 30 nm θ=140° Rq = 140 nm Langmuir cover December 18, 2007 • Work of Dr. Ying Zhen (Ph. D. Mich. State)
Shadeed Ozge Souvik Asima Dr. Hou Allison Wei Wayne Debbie Kennard Raymond Functional Polymer Surfaces Kenneth J. Wynne, Virginia Commonwealth University, DMR 0207560 • Outreach: • Chair, ACS Polymer Chemistry Division 2003 • Collaborative international training for graduate students from Kyoto Univ. (Prof. Chujo) • Collaborative international training in surface science for undergrads from Koç Univ, Istanbul. (Prof. Yilgor) • Panel member, Oct 07 NSF Polymers program Career Award • Co-Organizer, K-12 Workshop / Symposium “Polymer Science of Everyday Things”, Boston ACS, August 07. • Member, Board of Visitors, NRL Chemistry Division Triennial Review, Jun 08 • Education: • Three Ph.D.’s: Janelle Uilk (Phillip Morris), Umit Makal (Lubrizol), Pinar Kurt (MIT postdoc) • Two post-doctorals: Prof.Tomoko Fujiwara (U. Memphis), Ying Zheng (Coopervision) • REU 06: Ms. R. Wickham (Grad School U. Md, Fall 07). • Three Ph.D. graduate students are being trained: Allison Mullins (3rd yr), Kennard Brunson (3rd yr), Asima Chakravorty (1st yr). Wynne group July 08