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Why is Air Pollution a Global Public Health Problem?

McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment. Why is Air Pollution a Global Public Health Problem?. Daniel Krewski, PhD, MHA McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment NERAM Colloquium V October 16, 2006. McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment.

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Why is Air Pollution a Global Public Health Problem?

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  1. McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment Why is Air Pollution a Global Public Health Problem? Daniel Krewski, PhD, MHA McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment NERAM Colloquium V October 16, 2006

  2. McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment Air Quality Risk ManagementColloquium Schedule 2001 University of Ottawa 2002 Johns Hopkins University 2003 Santo Spiroto Hospital, Rome 2005 Mexico Department of Public Health 2006 Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Vancouver

  3. McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment Science and Policy for Global Air Quality ManagementMichal Krzyanowski • WHO air quality guidelines • Health effects at near ambient levels, which often exceed established guidelines • Integration of air quality policy with that in other sectors (energy, climate, transport, agriculture, social) • Global approach needed

  4. McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment Canada Wide Standards (by 2010) • Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) • 30 µg/m3 • 24 hour average • Ground Level Ozone (O3) • 65 ppb • 8-hour average

  5. McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment The Global Burden of Disease due to Air PollutionAaron Cohen • CRA: Air pollution in context of other population health risk issues • GBD: Cardiopulmonary disease and lung cancer due to PM (Pope et al., 2002) • Magnitude: AF of 4 - 5%, 1.6 M deaths annually • Uncertainties considered • Avoidable burden in 2010 and 2020

  6. GBD Methodology: Cherobyl

  7. Air Pollution Health Effects Pyramid mortality hospital admissions severity of effect emergency room visits physician office visits reduced physical activity medication use respiratory symptoms impaired lung function subclinical (subtle) effects proportion of population affected

  8. American Cancer Society CPS-II Cohort

  9. McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment Ongoing Analyses of ACS Cohort • Continued follow-up through to 2002 • Identification of critical exposure time windows • Intra-urban analyses in Los Angeles and New York City • Improved exposure estimates in California: local exposures, land use regression models, population mobility • Modeling spatial patterns in air pollution and mortality data

  10. 26 European cities or regions 13 Canadian cities Shenyang 90 U.S. cities, counties or regions + Beijing + 7 Korean cities + Mexico City Bangkok + Brisbane Sao Paulo + + Sydney Santiago + + Melbourne + Christchurch + Location of studies of air pollution and mortality

  11. ScientificData Interpretation McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment NERAM Colloquia on Health and Air Quality:Interpreting Science for Decision Makers Social Issues Economic Issues Science Policy Technological Issues Poltical Issues

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