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Liberty District Master Plan. Standards for Commerce There shall be shops and offices at both the core and the west and south edges of the district. The shops shall be sufficiently varied to supply many daily and weekly household needs.
Liberty District Master Plan Standards for Commerce • There shall be shops and offices at both the core and the west and south edges of the district. The shops shall be sufficiently varied to supply many daily and weekly household needs. • Signs shall be responsive and complementary to the architecture and overall streetscape, rather than be a dominant feature of the district or adjacent commercial streets. • Shops and offices shall be encouraged to create adjacent urban spaces for such pedestrian activities as sidewalk cafes and sitting areas.
Liberty District Master Plan Standards for Landscape and Planting • Large street trees shall be planted in all blocks in support of the character of the district and its civic, commercial and residential areas. • All plantings in civic and commercial areas shall be urban in character, extremely hardy and have very low maintenance requirements. • Plantings compatible with the commercial and civic areas of the district shall be included at the edges of and within all public and private parking lots. • All residential development specifications shall include a minimum planting requirement for front yards, to include at least one street tree per single family unit and one tree per 40 feet of multi-family unit street frontage.
Liberty District Master Plan Standards for Landscape and Planting • Street trees (those between the sidewalk and curb) shall be only as specified for the particular street by the Columbus Consolidated Government. • The following maximum percentages of trees of any one specie within any development project shall be allowed to assure species diversity: 10-19: 50%; 20-39: 33%; 40-59: 25%; 60 or more: 15%. • Trees and shrubs shall be required for all alleys • Low picket fencing shall be allowed in front yards. • Privacy fences shall only be allowed for rear yards and shall be set back from the alley right of way a minimum of four feet.
Liberty District Master Plan Standards for Parking Lots • On-street parallel parking shall be allowed on all residential streets. • All public and private parking lots shall be clearly organized and striped to maximize the accessibility of parking spaces without using adjacent streets for circulation. • Parking shall not be allowed on alley rights-of-way. • Plantings compatible with the commercial and civic areas of the district shall be included at the edges of and within all public and private parking lots in trees islands.
Liberty District Master Plan Standards for Lighting and Utilities • Lighting shall be selected carefully to respond to the unique character of the corridors and set them apart from their surroundings, yet relate also to the adjacent Columbus Historic District. • All structures accessed from alleys shall provide lighting for the principal structure and alley. • All pedestrian trails shall be lit with bollard and/or pedestrian-scale overhead fixtures to provide visibility and safety. • All wiring shall be placed underground or in alleys or other rear service areas insofar as practicable.
Liberty District Master Plan Standards for Street Environments • Streets shall form an interconnected network of accessibility throughout the district to provide a variety of routes and disperse traffic congestion. • Streets shall all have sidewalks and shall be shaded by trees to provide an environment suitable for pedestrians and bicycles as well as motor vehicles. • Street environments shall be human-scaled, attractive to pedestrians and compatible with residential neighborhoods. • Street furnishings shall be selected and installed to reflect unity of character, scale and color.
Liberty District Master Plan Standards for Street Environments • Public trash containers shall be of a traditional type, provided at logical and convenient locations. • Street calming improvements, such as roundabouts, speed tables, sidewalk landings at crosswalks and raised crosswalks, shall be allowed.
Liberty District Master Plan Overall Implementation Strategy • A continuing process: begin immediately • Seek joint public/private agreement on the plan • Adopt the Redevelopment Plan and revise the 1998 Comprehensive Plan • Revise the zoning Ordinance and map • Start redevelopment with high profile projects as catalysts and community support builders • Focus always on Liberty Center and support for commerce with mixed housing redevelopment • Review the plan often against market realities and stakeholder values and support • Stay flexible within the overall strategic concept
Private Sector: Organization Promotion Design Restructuring Investment Public Sector: Persuasion Regulation Infrastructure Incentives Eminent domain Liberty District Master Plan Priorities and Responsibilities
Early Private Sector Actions Consolidate private organizations to support adoption of the Redevelopment Plan Press for supportive zoning ordinance and map revisions with mandatory design standards Press for public infrastructure improvements Support revision of the sign ordinance Seek and support appropriate infill residential and commercial development Liberty District Master Plan
Early Public Sector Actions Adopt the Redevelopment Plan and revise the 1998 Comprehensive Plan for Future Land Use Appoint and empower a champion with timely implementation of the plan Revise the zoning ordinance and zoning map to support the plan Adopt mandatory design standards Invest in streetscape improvements Invest in drainage improvements Revise the sign ordinance Liberty District Master Plan
Redevelopment Actions Make and execute contracts Borrow and accept grants in aid Issue bonds and other obligations Enter into agreements with public bodies Require rehabilitation of blighted properties Acquire property by purchase or eminent domain Dispose of property for private enterprise or public use, in accord with plan, with restrictions to run with the land Liberty District Master Plan
Liberty District Master Plan Incentives for Development • Zone away incompatible use pressures • Expedite development approval • Adopt and enforce standards • Invest in infrastructure • Subsidize land cost • Public investment • Public parking:
Liberty District Master Plan Considering Development Incentives? • Basic economics must be sound • Must provide a net benefit to the public • Quality of life is the most important incentive: • Indicates strong civic leadership • Makes it easier to recruit new business • Critical for attracting new residents
Liberty District Master Plan From Concept to Reality—Starting Now • Organize and commit to redevelopment • Appoint, empower and support a champion • Coordinate public and private sectors • Keep the big picture in mind • Coordinate all regulations • Make sound investments • Do something every day • Monitor the results • Take charge!