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Welcome to Modeling time in computing. A PhD ( not only ) DEIB course Teachers: Carlo Furia Dino Mandrioli Angelo Morzenti Matteo Rossi. Outline :. Introduction A few formal preliminaries The various “ dimensions ” of time modeling
Welcome toModeling time in computing A PhD (notonly) DEIB course Teachers: Carlo Furia Dino Mandrioli Angelo Morzenti Matteo Rossi
Outline: Introduction A fewformalpreliminaries The various “dimensions”of time modeling Traditionalapproaches to time modeling (in engineering) revised Operational (abstract machine-based) time dependentmodels Synchronous Asynchronous Algebraicapproaches Logic-basedapproaches Model-checking and other “dual-language” approaches to model and analyze time dependent systems Epilogue and conclusions
(Flexible) Schedule and organization (1) Monday, 8th : 9.00 --- 11.30 (Mandrioli) Wednesday, 10th: 9.00 --- 12.30 (Mandrioli) Thursday, 11th: 9.00 --- 13.00 (Rossi) Friday, 12th: 9.00 --- 13.00 (Furia) Monday, 15th : 9.00 --- 12.30 (Morzenti) Tuesday, 16th: 14.00 – 16.30 (Morzenti) Thursday, 18th: 9.00 --- 12.30 (Rossi-Mandrioli) Thursday, 18th: 14.00 --- 15.30 (Mandrioli)
(Flexible) Schedule and organization (2) Time slotsredundant (on purpose) To allow for plenty of (informal and free) discussion (For “official”PhD students): Eachteacherwill propose a fewexercises (ratherheterogeneous in style!) duringhispresentation Students are invited to select a few of them (their choice) and to develop and supply them to the corresponding proponent(s), within 15 days (flexible) Their work will be evaluated Furtherdeepening of specificissues, possiblytowardsrealresearch welcome References: Furia C., Mandrioli D., Morzenti A., Rossi M., “Modeling Time in Computing: A Taxonomy and a Comparative Survey”, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) Volume 42 , Issue 2 , February 2010, 59 pages. Furia C., Mandrioli D., Morzenti A., Rossi M., Modeling Time in Computing. Springer, EATCS monographseries, 2012 (go to http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-32332-4/page/1 and download it ASAP!)
(Flexible) Schedule and organization (3) Necessary background: A little bit of: Automatatheory Mathematical logic Propositional and predicate calculus (ifnot … let me know!)
Introduction Whatis time? If an alarmisraisedat time t0, the system must be shut down within time t1, with t1 ≤ t0 + k Action B can occuronlyafteraction A Switching a transistor’s state takes a fewnanoseconds Sorting an array of sizen by means of a merge-sortalgorithmtakes a time poportional to n times the logarithm of n The age of the universeisapproximately 13.7 billionyears (whathappened/existedbefore the birth of the universe?) …
… butalso “You are always late” Time flies In pleasantevents time isfaster, unpleasantonesnever end 1/10 sec is the time that elapses between … To achievegoodcoordinationwe must synchronizeour clocks (thereis no time without clock) Time can onlyadvance, never go back Zeno’sparadox: Achille, thoughmuchfasterthan the turtlewillneverreachit
For a long “time”, time in engineering: A mathematicalvariable t But: Always an independentvariable? (state(t)) Continuous or discrete? Time unit: nanoscond or century? … Nowadays “traditional” ways of modeling time are not always adequate: a more general framework is needed: this is our goal here
Nextsteps: Some basic mathematic terminology “Dimensions”to evaluate and compare time-related models
Some basicterminology(apologies to thosewhoalreadyknowit) Language, in the most general meaning of the term: An expression/communicationmeans A collection of sentences (strings –notnecessarily linear) of characters in an alphabet Natural Programming Musical Graphic A (communication) protocol …
Syntax and semantics(1)(apologies to thosewhoalreadyknowit) Syntax: how to buildlanguagesentences: A sentence consists of a noun phrase followed by a verb phrase. The noun phrase is a noun (possibly preceded by a determiner such as an article) or a pronoun. … <Conditional-statement> ----> If (<Cond> ) <Statement> [else <Statement>] Butalso: …
Syntax and semantics (2)(apologies to thosewhoalreadyknowit) Semantics: assigningmeaning to languagesentences: if (x > 3) { x = x + 1; } else { x = x – 1; }: f(1) = 0; f(2) = 1; f(5) = 6; …. Ambiguoussemantics (different meanings for the same sentence): if(C1) if (C2) S2 elseS3 10: ten, two or what? … Conversely: Multiple expressions for the samemeaning: for (i = 0, i < n, i++) do … i = 0; while (i < n) ….
b Language formality (1) a Formallanguages: A ---> a A | b ===> L = { a+b} Informal (natural) languages: To be or not to be Io credo ch’ei credette ch’io credessi ….
Language formality (2) Partiallyformal (semiformal) languages: Often: Formalsyntax an informalsemantics (a) (b) “three-way handshake”: (a) the communication is successfully established (b) a timeout occurs after the syn message. what if the syn-ack message is received after the timeout is triggered?
Operational vs. descriptivelanguages Operational formulation: “When the last digit of the correct security code is entered, the safe opens; then, if the safe remains open for three minutes, it automatically closes.” Descriptive formulation: “The safe is open if and only if the correct security code has been entered no more than three minutes ago.”
Operational vs. descriptivelanguages Operational formulation:
Operational vs. descriptivelanguages Descriptive formulation: ( Open Closed ) ( Open Correct_code_entered_within_three_minutes ) (*) Open Correct_code_entered_within_three_minutes (**) (Safe_opened_in_the_pastStay_open_issued_since_last_opening) Mathematical logic(s): the principaldescriptiveformallanguage(s)
Operational vs. descriptivelanguages Descriptive formulation (in predicate calculus): t ( (Open (t) Closed (t)) (*+) (Open (t) u ( (t − 3 u < t) Correct_code_entered (u) ) ) (preliminary, self-testing) exercise: Provide a predicate logic extension of the propositional formula (**)
Operational vs. descriptivelanguages:notthatsharp: Operational (style) formulation (in predicate calculus): (*++) t ( (Open (t) Closed (t)) (Correct_code_entered (t) u ( (t + 1 ut + 3) Open (u))) (u ( (tut + 2) (Open (u) Correct_code_entered (u))) Closed (t + 3)) (Closed (t) Correct_code_entered (t) Closed (t + 1)) ) The flexibility and generality of mathematical logic(s) allows for adopting an operational as well as a descriptive style.
The dimensions of time Time is a physicalquantity Once we set the appropriate unit to measurewehavefullycharacterizedit: Seconds? Too long or too short? The realaxis? The discrete axis? Semi-infinite or two-sided? … Noteverything so obvious Modeling time must be evaluated from different perspectives: “dimensions”. Theywill be ourreference to evaluate and compare (time-dependentsystemmodels)
1. Discrete vs. Dense Time Domains A wellknowndistinction: N (naturalnumbers), Z (integers), vs. Q (rationalnumbers), R (reals), Q+, R+, … Butalso: Continuous vs. Non-Continuous Time Models Many “clocks” are uncomparable: What’s the ratio between one year and one day, and one second? More technically: We will see that some algorithms to decide system properties work well with time domain Q but do not apply when time domain is R
2. Bounded, Finite, and Periodic Time Models In principle time is infinite … but: Isitalwaysnecessary to “inspect”systembehavior in [- … + ]? Ifsystembehaviorisperiodic … Perhaps to understandwhether the ABS of a car behavesproperlyitissuffcient to observeitsbehaviorwithin a time window of a fewseconds -minutes atmost- If the (time) domain isbounded and discrete itis finite … and originallyundecidableproblemsbecomedecidable ===> we can “approximate”problemsthat are undecidable in general casesintodecidableones by suitablyrestricting the domain of interpretation E.g., throughdiscretization and sampling
3. Hybrid systems and (time) models Traditionally discrete and continuous (system) modelsweretwowell-separatedworlds: (differential) equations, Laplace and Fourier transforms, … vs. Differenceequations, Z transforms, automata, … Nowadays, typically: Computer-based controller Continuous process
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a a a a b b b 4. Ordering vs. metric Everyaisfollowed by a bwithin 4 time units and everybisfollowed by an aafterexactly2 time units. Everyaisfollowed by a band everybisfollowed by an a. If (after) an alarmisraised the system must be shut down, thenrepaired and finally can be restarted Ifan alarmisraised the system must be shutdown within 10 seconds; it must be repairedwithin 3 minutes and must be restartedwithin 10 minutes.
Time istotallyordered … isn’tit? Yes but … In a car there is: The anti-lock braking system Another subsystem electronically controlled is responsible for moving the car windows. the braking system must release the brakes within, say, 1/10 second whenever the wheels are blocked and the vehicle is moving, the electric windows must shut completely within, say, 7 seconds whenever a passenger clicks the button. In an overall model of the car, the events “wheels become blocked” and “brakes released” are strictly ordered, and so are the two other events “button clicked” and “windows become closed”. However, there is no reason to define an order between events of the braking subsystem and of the window control: the events in the overall system are only partially ordered, and so are the instants of time when they may occur. 4.1 Total vs. partial ordering
We are designing a car engine: We“reason” in terms of (k)r.p.m. We are designing an electronic circuit: We“reason” in terms of nanoseconds We are designing a university curriculum: We“reason” in terms of (credits per) year … but, what if We are designing a hydroelectric, computer controlled, power system: Water dynamics evolves in the “scale” of minutes Electricity generation and distribution too (approximately ….) Control subsystem is responsible to take “decisions” (e.g. load shedding) in real-time i.e., within seconds or less (and its internals have a dynamic paced by micro or nanoseconds) Water accumulation in the reservoirs takes weeks or months … How should we model the global system? 5. Time granularity
How should we model the global system? From a mathematical point of view the answer could seem obvious: Refer everything to the smallest time unit OK, but it is at least “uncomfortable” to say that a reservoir of xxx m3 takes yyyynanoseconds to fill up. But in other cases it is not just a matter of “changing time unit”: 5. Time granularity
“every month, if an employee works, then she gets her salary” “whenever an employee is assigned a job, this job should be completed within three days” We decide that the month is not the appropriate time unit to describe the firm’s life and we move to the finer time unit “day”: “every day, if an employee works, then she gets her salary” ?? “this job has to be finished within 3 days from now” at 4 PM on 16 June 2011. “This job has to be finished within seconds counting from now” ? “this job has to be finished by 6 PM on 19 June 2011”? “this job has to be finished by midnight on 19 June 2011”? 5. Time granularity
There is lot of implicit knowledge in the interpretation of sentences that refer to a coarse time scale at the level of a finer one. Exercise: Consider the following sentences: Tomorrow, I will eat Tomorrow, I will work Tomorrow, I will go to the bank to pay my monthly bills Tomorrow, I will stay in the city. Based on your intuitive understanding thereof: Build sample interpretations of the above sentences in a time axis with a finer time unit than the day (say hours or -better-minutes) By choosing the appropriate time unit (again, hours or minutes) build suitable first-order formulas that formalize the semantics of the above sentences in agreement with their common sense interpretation. 5. Time granularity
(a) (b) Time model (b) can be useful e.g., to interpret the behavior of parallel systems Notice that in this figure time is still “metric”, but if we “erase” the metrics therefrom we obtain a partial order. 6. Linear vs. Branching Time Models
Deterministic evolution: x(t+1) = f(x(t), u(t)) Nondeterministic evolution: x(t+1) = f(x(t), u(t)) OR g(x(t), u(t)) OR … Nondetermism useful in various contexts: (Advanced) programming languages Search algorithms Concurrent systems 7. Deterministic, Nondeterministic, and Probabilistic Models a a
Probabilistic (stochastic) evolution: A) B) a /30% 7. Deterministic, Nondeterministic, and Probabilistic Models Probabilitydistribution a /70% 1 0 t
Nondeterministic behavior could be naturally “paired with” branching time, but the two concepts are different Nondeterministic modeling not to be confused with probabilistic modeling: Nondeterminism ---> lack of knowledge: anyone of the possible behaviors may occur, but no indication on preference: e.g., an implementer to which a nondeterministic specification is given is totally free to choose any implementation compatible with it. Probability distribution is knowledge about possible behaviors: for large numbers of “experiments” 30% go according to (a) and 70% according to (b). Conversely, in a nondetermistic specification all of them could be of the same type. Mathematical models for specifying nondeterministic systems are of the same type as deterministic ones (in general, roughly speaking, we need quantification w.r.t. possible behaviors); stochastic modeling follows a sharply different mathematical approach, rooted in probability calculus. 7. Deterministic, Nondeterministic, and Probabilistic Models
Sometimes we refer explicitly to a time value in a given time axis: During the year 1625, a dramatic famine struck Europe; the famine lasted until the beginning of the year 1630. Other times we refer implicitly to the time occurrence of some events: Every lie is eventually uncovered Engineering artifacts are often time-invariant systems, naturally described with an implicit “now”: The speed of a braking car decreases proportionally to the relative time since when braking starts. The discharge time of a capacitor attached to a resistor only depends on the resistor’s resistance, the capacitor’s capacity, and the initial charge accumulated, irrespective of the absolute time when discharging starts. Often there is a blend of implicit and explicit –possibly metric- time reference: If I push the button (implicit now) the window will be open within 3 seconds (explicit time bound) 8. Implicit vs. Explicit Time Reference
Starting from Zeno’s paradox (Achille and the turtle): System’s behavior (model) can exhibit: An infinite sequence of steps that “never passes a time threshold” (just called “Zeno behavior”). A continuous behavior with a frequency that goes to (such as sin (1/x) ) An infinite sequence of steps that “does not converge” as it happens with Zeno’s behaviors but whose relative distance gets smaller and smaller (e.g., as in the series (this behavior is labeled as “Berkeley behavior”). Are such behaviors realistic? Should they be ruled out a priori from the models? Should their (non) existence be verified a posteriori? (We will see that) Some models allow for 0-time transitions, i.e., changes of system state during which time does not progress: is this a reasonable time modeling approach? (remember that we pointed out that time evolution often occurs at very different time granularities). 9. The Time Advancement Problem
Consider a system whose state s evolves according to the function of time s(t) = sin(t2). How would you classify such a behavior? A Zeno behavior? A Berkeley behavior? None of them? An unbounded sequence of events occur each at time t1, t2, …, ti, ti+1, …, where t1 = 0 tk+1 = tk + dk for k ≥ 1 Define, if possible, a sequence of values d1, d2, d3, … such that the resulting sequence of events is: Zeno and all events but the first occur at irrational times Zeno and all events occur at integer times Non-Zeno and Berkeley Zeno and Non-Berkeley Non-Berkeley and all events but the first occur at irrational times Non-Berkeley and all events occur at integer times A couple of (real-time) exercises
Systems are composed of various modules When such modules “run” concurrently various aspects of their composition impact on their time behavior Typical risks: Deadlock: the whole system is blocked Starvation: some system component never progresses (either because it can’t –it is blocked or dead- or because it could run but never gets permission to proceed) Two basic approaches to compose concurrent modules: Synchronous Asynchronous Two basic approaches to let concurrent modules communicate between each other: Accessing shared resources Message passing 10. Concurrency and Composition
In this course our attention is focused on modeling rather than on (algorithms and methods to) analyze and verify model properties. However, analyzability (e.g., decidability) is an important property on whose basis to evaluate and compare the overall quality of a model. A few typical qualities on which to evaluate them: Expressiveness Mathematically defined Subjectively evaluated (better called “naturalness” to avoid misunderstandings) Decidability and complexity (nowadays much attention devoted to this (these) aspect(s)) Analysis and verification techniques Static versus dynamic Exhaustive/brute force (+ heuristic) vs. “clever” 11. The analysis and verification issue
Revisiting traditional time modeling and analysis techniques at the light of the above dimensions (and not only) To introduce more recent and sophisticated ones on the basis of an already solid background At the end: summing up Throughout: discuss, clarify, comment! What next?